
0.1.10 • Public • Published


@flownet/lib-bpmn-from-flow is a source code that provides a comprehensive approach to convert workflows into Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) diagrams. Primarily, it serves as a BPMN generation tool for coding workflows in the 'flownet' environment, where workflows are described as 'flows'.

Main functionalities

The primary purpose of this code is to automatically generate graphical visualization of workflow diagrams based on defined data structures. It embodies specific algorithms to convert workflows into BPMN diagrams, a standard for defining business processes in the form of a graphical flowchart. The BPMN diagrams help in visualizing an entire sequence of processes, from the start event to the end event.

To establish this, the code fie uses the DAGRE algorithm (directed acyclic graph rendering algorithm) to establish BPMN layouts. It also uses the bpmn-moddle library to create and manipulate BPMN 2.0 xml diagrams.

Every 'node' in the workflow is converted into an element of a BPMN diagram using a set of conventions, attributes, and properties. The code can handle different workflow structures, including simple workflows to complex workflows with switches, sub-workflows, and modules.

Notably, it also creates 'virtual nodes' to facilitate the conversion into BPMN diagrams. For instance, if a workflow node has multiple sequence flows going from it, a virtual 'switch' node is created to represent decision-making.

The code also allows for creating 'subprocess nodes' to represent contained processes within a larger workflow. These subprocess nodes can themselves be broken down further into their internal nodes and flows, enabling a detailed analysis of the workflow at multiple levels.

The generation of the BPMN diagram is not a one-step operation. Instead, the code uses a series of functions that handle different aspects of the BPMN diagram, including flow nodes, sequence flows, subprocess nodes, and overall layout and diagram arrangement.

End-User Perspective

From an end-user's perspective, this code enables users to generate BPMN diagrams for existing workflows without any manual drawing. This can help end-users visualize, understand, and optimally manage workflow-based business processes. It can also facilitate documentation, review and improvement of the workflows.

Dependencies (3)

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