
0.1.4 • Public • Published



The @fnet/miniconda-installer is a utility tool designed to manage the installation, uninstallation, and upgrading of Conda (Miniconda) on your system. It simplifies the process by automatically detecting existing installations and offering suitable options to upgrade or modify your current setup. This cross-platform tool ensures that users can manage Conda installations easily and interactively, making it a helpful tool for users who rely on Conda as part of their development environment.

How It Works

The @fnet/miniconda-installer operates by checking your system for any existing Conda installations and then providing options based on its findings. If Conda is not installed, it guides the installation process, ensuring the correct version and configuration for your platform and architecture. It can also uninstall existing installations or upgrade them to specific versions of Miniconda. The tool interacts with the user for confirmations when needed and can modify system PATH settings to include Conda, if necessary.

Key Features

  • Flexible Management: Install, uninstall, or upgrade Conda as required.
  • Cross-Platform Support: Works seamlessly on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Interactive User Prompts: Provides options and confirmations during operations.
  • Automatic PATH Configuration: Offers to add Conda to your PATH if it's not already present.
  • Version Control: Specify the version of Miniconda to install or upgrade to.


The @fnet/miniconda-installer is a straightforward and practical tool for managing Conda installations. Whether you're setting up Miniconda for the first time or maintaining an existing setup, this utility helps streamline the process, making it hassle-free and efficient.

@fnet/miniconda-installer Developer Guide


The @fnet/miniconda-installer library provides an easy-to-use interface for managing Miniconda installations. Designed to streamline the process of installing, upgrading, and uninstalling Miniconda, it is cross-platform compatible, supporting Windows, macOS, and Linux environments. With this library, developers can automate the setup of Miniconda in their projects and ensure consistent environments across systems.


To incorporate the @fnet/miniconda-installer into your Node.js project, you can install it using either npm or yarn. Here are the commands:

With npm:

npm install @fnet/miniconda-installer

With yarn:

yarn add @fnet/miniconda-installer


The library's main functionality is accessed via a single function, which manages the installation, uninstallation, and upgrading of Miniconda.

Basic Example

Here's a basic usage example for installing Miniconda:

import minicondaInstaller from '@fnet/miniconda-installer';

(async () => {
    try {
        const condaPath = await minicondaInstaller({
            minicondaVersion: 'latest',
            action: 'install'
        console.log(`Conda installed at: ${condaPath}`);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error(`Error during installation: ${error.message}`);


  • minicondaVersion: Specifies the version of Miniconda to install. Defaults to 'latest'.
  • installDir: Directory where Miniconda will be installed. Defaults to ~/miniconda3.
  • interactive: Whether to prompt the user for confirmations. Defaults to true.
  • action: Specifies the operation to perform: 'install', 'uninstall', or 'upgrade'. Defaults to 'install'.


Installing Miniconda

To install Miniconda to a custom directory:

await minicondaInstaller({
    minicondaVersion: '23.3.1',
    installDir: '/custom/path/to/miniconda',
    action: 'install'

Uninstalling Miniconda

To uninstall Miniconda from the specified directory:

await minicondaInstaller({
    installDir: '/custom/path/to/miniconda',
    action: 'uninstall'

Upgrading Miniconda

To upgrade an existing Miniconda installation:

await minicondaInstaller({
    minicondaVersion: '23.4.0',
    action: 'upgrade'


This library simplifies Miniconda management by leveraging Node.js's built-in modules for cross-platform compatibility.

Input Schema

$schema: https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema
type: object
    type: string
    description: Version of Miniconda to install or upgrade to. Defaults to 'latest'.
    default: latest
    type: string
    description: Directory where Miniconda should be installed. Defaults to the
      user's home directory.
    type: boolean
    description: Whether to prompt the user for confirmations. Defaults to true.
    default: true
    type: string
    description: "Action to perform: 'install', 'uninstall', or 'upgrade'."
    default: install
required: []

Dependencies (2)

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