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0.0.5 • Public • Published




The Forge4Flow React library provides components, hooks, and helper methods for controlling access to pages and components in React using Forge4Flow. The library interacts directly with the Forge4Flow-Core API using short-lived session tokens that can be created server-side using your API key or using the built in Authentication methods.


Use npm to install @forge4flow/forge4flow-react:

npm install @forge4flow/forge4flow-react



Wrap your application with Forge4FlowProvider, passing it your Client Key and API Endpoint. Forge4FlowProvider uses React Context to allow you to access utility methods for performing access checks anywhere in your app.

// App.jsx
import React from "react";
import { Forge4FlowProvider } from "@forge4flow/forge4flow-react";

const App = () => {
  return (
      {/* Routes, ThemeProviders, etc. */}

export default App;


Once your application has been wrapped with Forge4FlowProvider you can simple call add the useForge4Flow hook then call the authenticate method.

import { useForge4Flow } from "@forge4flow/forge4flow-nextjs";

const auth = useForge4Flow();

const handleLogin = async () => {
  const login = await auth.authenticate();

  if (login) {


check is a utility function that returns a Promise which resolves with true if the user for the current session token has the specified relation on the specified object and returns false otherwise. Use it for fine-grained conditional rendering or for specific logic within components.

Using check through the useForge4Flow hook:

import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { useForge4Flow } from "@forge4flow/forge4flow-react";

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { check } = useForge4Flow();

  useEffect(() => {
    const fetchProtectedInfo = async () => {
      // Only fetch protected info from server if
      // user can "view" the info object "protected_info".
      const userIsAuthorized = await check({
        object: {
          objectType: "info",
          objectId: "protected_info",
        relation: "viewer",
      if (userIsAuthorized) {
        // request protected info from server


  return (
    <div>{protectedInfo && <ProtectedInfo>{protectedInfo}</ProtectedInfo>}</div>

export default MyComponent;

Or using the React Context API:

import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { Forge4FlowContext } from "@forge4flow/forge4flow-react";

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  async componentDidMount() {
    const { check } = this.context;

    // Only fetch protected info from server if
    // user can "view" the info object "protected_info".
    const userIsAuthorized = await check({
      object: {
        objectType: "info",
        objectId: "protected_info",
      relation: "viewer",
    if (userIsAuthorized) {
      await fetchProtectedInfo();

  async fetchProtectedInfo() {
    // request protected info from server

  render() {
    return (
        {protectedInfo && <ProtectedInfo>{protectedInfo}</ProtectedInfo>}

MyComponent.contextType = Forge4FlowContext;

export default MyComponent;


checkMany is a utility function that returns a Promise which resolves with true if the user for the current session token has all of or any of (based on a specified op) a set of specified warrants and returns false otherwise.

import { CheckOp } from "@forge4flow/forge4flow-js";

const { checkMany } = useForge4Flow();

// userIsAuthorized will only be true if the user is
// a member of tenant-A AND has permission view-protected-info
const userIsAuthorized = await checkMany({
  op: CheckOp.AllOf,
  warrants: [
      object: {
        objectType: "tenant",
        objectId: "tenant-A",
      relation: "member",
      object: {
        objectType: "permission",
        objectId: "view-protected-info",
      relation: "member",


hasPermission is a utility function that returns a Promise which resolves with true if the user for the current session token has the specified permissionId and returns false otherwise.

import { CheckOp } from "@forge4flow/forge4flow-js";

const { hasPermission } = useForge4Flow();

// userHasPermission will only be true if the user
// has the permission view-protected-info
const userHasPermission = await hasPermission({
  permissionId: "view-protected-info",


hasFeature is a utility function that returns a Promise which resolves with true if the user for the current session token has the specified featureId and returns false otherwise.

import { CheckOp } from "@forge4flow/forge4flow-js";

const { hasFeature } = useForge4Flow();

// userHasFeature will only be true if the user
// has the feature protected-info
const userHasFeature = await hasFeature({
  featureId: "protected-info",


ProtectedComponent is a utility component you can wrap around markup or components that should only be accessible to users with certain privileges. It only renders the components it wraps if the user has the given warrants.

import React from "react";
import { ProtectedComponent } from "@forge4flow/forge4flow-react";

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
      <MyPublicComponent />
      {/* hides MyProtectedComponent unless the user can "view" myObject with id object.id */}
            object: {
              objectType: "myObject",
              objectId: object.id,
            relation: "view",
        <MyProtectedComponent />

export default MyComponent;


PermissionProtectedComponent is a utility component you can wrap around markup or components that should only be accessible to users with certain privileges. It only renders the components it wraps if the user has the given permission.

import React from "react";
import { PermissionProtectedComponent } from "@forge4flow/forge4flow-react";

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
      <MyPublicComponent />
      {/* hides MyProtectedComponent unless the user has permission "view-protected-info" */}
      <PermissionProtectedComponent permissionId="view-protected-info">
        <MyProtectedComponent />

export default MyComponent;


FeatureProtectedComponent is a utility component you can wrap around markup or components that should only be accessible to users with certain privileges. It only renders the components it wraps if the user has the given feature.

import React from "react";
import { FeatureProtectedComponent } from "@forge4flow/forge4flow-react";

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
      <MyPublicComponent />
      {/* hides MyProtectedComponent unless the user has feature "protected-info" */}
      <FeatureProtectedComponent featureId="protected-info">
        <MyProtectedComponent />

export default MyComponent;


Use the withForge4FlowCheck Higher Order Component (HOC) to protect components that should only be accessible to users with certain privileges.

Protecting Routes

NOTE: This example uses react-router but you can use any routing library.

// App.jsx
import React from "react";
import { Router, Route, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
import { createBrowserHistory } from "history";
import { Forge4FlowProvider, withForge4FlowCheck } from "@forge4flow/forge4flow-react";
import PublicPage from "./PublicPage";
import ProtectedPage from "./ProtectedPage";

const history = createBrowserHistory();

const App = () => {
    return <Forge4FlowProvider clientKey="client_test_f5dsKVeYnVSLHGje44zAygqgqXiLJBICbFzCiAg1E=">
        <Router history={history}>
                <Route path="/public_route" exact component={PublicPage}/>
                    Only render ProtectedPage if the user
                    can "view" the route "protected_route".
                <Route path="/protected_route" exact component={withForge4FlowCheck(ProtectedPage, {
                    warrants: [{
                        object: {
                            objectType: "route",
                            objectId: "protected_route",
                        relation: "view",
                    redirectTo: "/public_route",

export default App;

Protecting Components

import React from "react";
import { withForge4FlowCheck } from "@forge4flow/forge4flow-react";

const MySecretComponent = () => {
  return <div>Super secret text</div>;

// Only render MySecretComponent if the user
// can "view" the component "MySecretComponent".
export default withForge4FlowCheck(MySecretComponent, {
  warrants: [
      object: {
        objectType: "component",
        objectId: "MySecretComponent",
      relation: "view",
  redirectTo: "/",


Use the withPermissionCheck Higher Order Component (HOC) to protect components that should only be accessible to users with a certain permission.

Protecting Routes

NOTE: This example uses react-router but you can use any routing library.

// App.jsx
import React from "react";
import { Router, Route, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
import { createBrowserHistory } from "history";
import { Forge4FlowProvider, withPermissionCheck } from "@forge4flow/forge4flow-react";
import PublicPage from "./PublicPage";
import ProtectedPage from "./ProtectedPage";

const history = createBrowserHistory();

const App = () => {
    return <Forge4FlowProvider clientKey="client_test_f5dsKVeYnVSLHGje44zAygqgqXiLJBICbFzCiAg1E=">
        <Router history={history}>
                <Route path="/public_route" exact component={PublicPage}/>
                    Only render ProtectedPage if the user
                    has the "view-protected-route" permission.
                <Route path="/protected_route" exact component={withPermissionCheck(ProtectedPage, {
                    permissionId: "view-protected-route",
                    redirectTo: "/public_route",

export default App;

Protecting Components

import React from "react";
import { withPermissionCheck } from "@forge4flow/forge4flow-react";

const MySecretComponent = () => {
  return <div>Super secret text</div>;

// Only render MySecretComponent if the user
// has the "view-protected-route" permission.
export default withPermissionCheck(MySecretComponent, {
  permissionId: "view-protected-route",
  redirectTo: "/",


Use the withFeatureCheck Higher Order Component (HOC) to protect components that should only be accessible to users with a certain feature.

Protecting Routes

NOTE: This example uses react-router but you can use any routing library.

// App.jsx
import React from "react";
import { Router, Route, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
import { createBrowserHistory } from "history";
import { Forge4FlowProvider, withFeatureCheck } from "@forge4flow/forge4flow-react";
import PublicPage from "./PublicPage";
import ProtectedPage from "./ProtectedPage";

const history = createBrowserHistory();

const App = () => {
    return <Forge4FlowProvider clientKey="client_test_f5dsKVeYnVSLHGje44zAygqgqXiLJBICbFzCiAg1E=">
        <Router history={history}>
                <Route path="/public_route" exact component={PublicPage}/>
                    Only render ProtectedPage if the user
                    has the "protected-route" feature.
                <Route path="/protected_route" exact component={withFeatureCheck(ProtectedPage, {
                    featureId: "protected-route",
                    redirectTo: "/public_route",

export default App;

Protecting Components

import React from "react";
import { withFeatureCheck } from "@forge4flow/forge4flow-react";

const MySecretComponent = () => {
  return <div>Super secret text</div>;

// Only render MySecretComponent if the user
// has the "protected-route" feature.
export default withFeatureCheck(MySecretComponent, {
  featureId: "protected-route",
  redirectTo: "/",

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  • boiseitguru