@forwardslashns/fws-cli is work in progress and it's meant to work together with other Forwardslash tools.
FWS CLI is an internal tool used for automatization of routine development tasks.
It's usage is limited to and exclusive for Forwardslash projects, specifically project's built with FWS Starters:
- FWS Starter _S
- FWS Starter Nuxt
- FWS Starter Vue
- FWS Starter Twig
As noted above, these commands are limited to FWS projects and with that in mind most of the commands are required to run from FWS project's directory.
Default commands available from any directory.
- Output the version number:
fws --version
or -
fws -V
- Check for latest version:
fws latest-version
or -
fws latest
- Display help for commands:
fws --help
or -
fws -h
General commands, available for all starters.
- Install node modules:
fws npmi
or -
fws i
- Clean install node modules:
fws npmci
or -
fws ci
- Create component files:
fws create-file <name> [options]
or -
fws cf <name> [options]
- Delete _fe files in template-views directory:
fws remove-fe
or -
fws rfe
- Optimizes and generates SVG icons:
fws icons
or -
fws ic
- Runs postinstall script:
fws postinstall
or -
fws pi
- Validate pages via W3 API:
fws w3Validator <url> [options]
or -
fws w3 <url> [options]
Specific commands for each Starter can be found in each Starter's README.md file.