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A FreeSewing plugin to draft a ring sector (think part of a donut)

What am I looking at? 🤔

This repository is the FreeSewing monorepo holding all FreeSewing's websites, documentation, designs, plugins, and other NPM packages.

This folder holds: @freesewing/plugin-ringsector

If you're not entirely sure what to do or how to start, type this command:

npm run tips

If you don't want to set up a dev environment, you can run it in your browser:

Open in Gitpod

We recommend that you fork our repository and then put gitpod.io/#<entire-url-of-your-fork into a browser to start up a browser-based dev environment of your own.

About FreeSewing 💀

Where the world of makers and developers collide, that's where you'll find FreeSewing.

If you're a maker, checkout freesewing.org where you can generate sewing patterns adapted to your measurements.

If you're a developer, the FreeSewing documentation lives at freesewing.dev. The FreeSewing core library is a batteries-included toolbox for parametric design of sewing patterns. But FreeSewing also provides a range of plugins that further extend the functionality of the platform.

If you have NodeJS installed, you can try it right now by running:

npx create-freesewing-pattern

Getting started guides are available for:

The pattern design tutorial will show you how to create your first parametric design.

Support FreeSewing: Become a patron 🥰

FreeSewing is an open source project maintained by Joost De Cock and financially supported by the FreeSewing patrons.

If you feel FreeSewing is worthwhile, and you can spend a few coins without hardship, then you should join us and become a patron.

Links 👩‍💻

Official channels

Social media

Places the FreeSewing community hangs out

License: MIT 🤓

© Joost De Cock.
See the license file for details.

Where to get help 🤯

For Support, please use the Issues & Discussions on GitHub.

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    • joostdecock
    • eriese