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1.54.21 • Public • Published


This package is a bridge to use the Fula protocols in the react-native. It uses WNFS to create the Merkle dag from files and folders and transfer the DAG using Graphsync to the nodes.


npm install react-native-fula


import { fula } from 'react-native-fula'; // Until the library becomes stable, we suggest importing from github directly
// Creates a new client without creating a filesystem. It is better to call this instead of directly calling init
const peerId //returns peerId as string
=  newClient(
  identity: string, //privateKey of did identity
  storePath: string, // leave empty to use the default temp one
  bloxAddr: string, //leave empty for testing without a backend node
  exchange: 'noop'|'', //add noop for testing without a backend
  autoFlush: boolean, //Default to false. Always set to false unless you know what you are doing. explicitly write data to disk after each operation if set to true
  useRelay: boolean, //default to true. If true it forces the connection through relay
  refresh: boolean? //forces the fula object to be recreated. default is false
//Initialize the fula client, which creates the libp2p connection if newClient is not called before, and creates filesystem. Note that input is not an object e.g. init('','','','noop', false)
    peerId, //returns peerId of the created libp2p instance in form of a string of bytes
    cid, //return the root cid of the WNFS merkle DAG in form of a string
    private_ref //return the keys needed to decode hte encrypted WNFS tree in form of a string of object
await fula.init(
    identity: string, //bytes of the privateKey of did identity in string format
    storePath: string, // leave empty to use the default temp one
    bloxAddr: string, //leave empty for testing without a backend node
    exchange: 'noop'|'', //add noop for testing without a backend
    autoFlush: boolean, //Default to false. Always set to false unless you know what you are doing. explicitly write data to disk after each operation if set to true
    useRelay: boolean, //default to true. If true it forces the connection through relay
    refresh: boolean? //forces the fula object to be recreated. default is false
//Creates a Folder
const cid //returns the cid of the new root. Note that on every write action the root cid changes.
await fula.mkdir(
    path: string // This is the Fula path to create a folder and always starts with "root/" and should not start or end with a slash e.g "root/pictures"
//Write a local file on the device to the Fula tree (upload). It keeps the original file modification date.
const cid //returns the cid of the new root. Note that on every write action the root cid changes.
await fula.writeFile(
    fulaTargetFilename: string, //path to the file on the tree. It should include the filename and extension and start from the "root/". e.g. "root/pictures/cat.jpg"
    localFilename: string //path to the local file. e.g the file that needs to be uploaded
//// TODO: This needs to be improved by using stream to not overload the memory for large files
//reads a file on fula tree to a local file on the device (download). It is stream so does not affect memory for large files.
const localFilePath //returns the path to the local file and includes the filename
await fula.readFile(
    fulaTargetFilename: string, //path to the file on the tree. It should include the filename and extension and start from the "root/". e.g. "root/pictures/cat.jpg"
    localFilename: string //path to the local file. It should include the filename and extension. e.g. "/temp/cat.jpg"
//shows all files and folders under the specified path on Fula
const fileList //returns all the files and folders in a string separated by \n
await fula.ls(
    path: string, //path to the folder on the tree. It always starts from the "root". e.g. "root" or "root/pictures"
//// TODO: This needs to be improved by returning an array of files and folders and in chunks to not overload hte memory for large folders
//removes all files and folders at the specified path on Fula
const cid //returns the cid of the new root. Note that on every write action the root cid changes.
await fula.rm(
    path: string, //path to the file or folder on the tree. It always starts from the "root". e.g. "root/pictures" or "root/pictures/cat.jpg"
//copies the specified file or folder at sourcePath to the filename at targetPath. the path itself(apart from filename) must exist
const cid //returns the cid of the new root. Note that on every write action the root cid changes.
await fula.cp(
    sourcePath: string, //path to the file or folder on the tree. It always starts from the "root". e.g. "root/pictures" or "root/pictures/cat.jpg"
    targetPath: string, //path to the file or folder on the tree. It always starts from the "root". e.g. "root/pictures2" or "root/pictures2/cat.jpg"
//moves the specified file or folder at sourcePath to the filename at targetPath. the path itself(apart from filename) must exist
const cid //returns the cid of the new root. Note that on every write action the root cid changes.
await fula.mv(
    sourcePath: string, //path to the file or folder on the tree. It always starts from the "root". e.g. "root/pictures" or "root/pictures/cat.jpg"
    targetPath: string, //path to the file or folder on the tree. It always starts from the "root". e.g. "root/pictures2" or "root/pictures2/cat.jpg"
//checks if fula is ready (initialized through newClient or init)
const result //returns true if succesful and false if fails
await fula.isReady(
    filesystemCheck: boolean //Default is true. If true it checks if both WNFS and Fula are ready. If false it only checks fula
//checks if client can reach server
const result //returns true if it can, and false if it cannot
await fula.checkConnection(
    timeout: number? //default to 20. Maximum time in seconds that checkConnection waits before throwing an error
//checks if there are any un-synced actions on the client
const result //returns true if there are, and false if everything is synced with server
await fula.checkFailedActions(
    retry: boolean //if true, it tries to sync device with server, if not, it only checks
    timeout: number? //default to 20. Maximum time in seconds that checkConnection waits before throwing an error
//lists any cids that are failed to be pushed to backend and only exist on client device
const result //returns an array of cids or false if no cid is found
await fula.listFailedActions(
    cids: string[] //if [], it returns all failed cids, and if provided, it only return the failed cids that are in the array of cids provided as input
//Gives access to the blox for a specific peerId. This call must be made from the authorizer only.
const result //returns true if succesful and false if fails
await fula.setAuth(
    peerId: string, //peer ID of the app that needs access to the blox
    allow: boolean, // true to allow and false to remove access
//shuts down the fula libp2p and datastore
await fula.shutdown();
//removes all Fula related data and information (Except the encrypted filesystem) at the specified storage local path
const result //returns true if succesful and false if fails
await fula.logout(
    identity: string, //bytes of the privateKey of did identity in string format
    storePath: string, // leave empty to use the default temp one

Polkadot type creation

You can follow the documentation here: https://polkadot.js.org/docs/api/examples/promise/typegen

Alternatively you do the below on a Linux or WSL inside the react-native-fula folder:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"id\":\"1\", \"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\", \"method\": \"state_getMetadata\", \"params\":[]}" https://node3.functionyard.fula.network > edgeware.json

yarn build:polkadot


Open a cmd or terminal as admin (sudo)

corepack enable

Then cd to the react-native-fula folder (no need for admin, sudo) and run:

yarn install

to run the example app, run:

yarn example android


Please note the following might not be done in order:

  • [x] Initial version with all functions included
  • [x] Add WNFS tree encryption key generation from an input (deterministically)
  • [x] Improve ead function to use a stream. ( 💯 v1 Release here )
  • [x] Connect to backend
  • [x] Connect to Blockchain codes using APIs

Other related libraries

Name Description
WNFS for Android Android build for WNFS rust version
WNFS for iOS iOS build for WNFS rust version
WNFS Build Android .aar for WNFS
Fula Build android .aar file for Fula
Fx Fotos Fx Fotos dApp using react-native-fula


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.



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npm i @functionland/react-native-fula

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  • ehsan6sha
  • ghorbani
  • keyvan-m-sadeghi