
1.1.10 • Public • Published

This is the official Node.js module for sending notifications through Fyno.io.

You can use this module to send notifications to any channel (SMS, Email, WhatsApp, Push, Discord, Teams, Slack, etc).

Fyno: Fire your notifications


npm install @fyno/node
yarn add @fyno/node


You will need to:

  • Own a Fyno.io account
  • Create a Fyno API Key
  • Obtain the Workspace ID for your account
  • Create integrations, templates, routing (optional), events as per your requirement

Environment Variables

We recommend using environment variables for storing your Workspace ID and API Key. To set values for these variables, use the following variable names:

  • FYNO_WSID: To store the Workspace ID.
  • FYNO_API_KEY: To store the API Key.
  • FYNO_VERSION: To specify the version you wish to use for sending notifications. Possible values: test, live. Default: live.

Getting Started

Here's a code snippet that can help you get started:

import { Fyno } from "@fyno/node";

// If you set the environment variables discussed earlier, use the following code:
const fyno = new Fyno();

// If you wish to provide the environment variables manually, uncomment the lines below and comment the line above.
// const fyno = new Fyno(
//     "<FYNO_WSID>",
//     "<FYNO_API_KEY>",
//     "<FYNO_VERSION>"
// );

fyno.fire("<EventName>", {
    to: {
        sms: "", // Enter number with country code
        whatsapp: "", // Enter WhatsApp number with country code
        email: "", // Enter email address
        slack: "", // Enter slack ID or email address
        discord: "", // Enter discord ID
        teams: "", // Enter channel name
        push: "" // Enter push token
    data: {
        // Enter data here        

The snippet above lets you fire notifications to a single user. If you wish to fire notifications to multiple users, see the code snippet below.

Sending Bulk Notifications

To fire an event to multiple users, use the following code snippet:

fyno.fire("<EventName>", [
            to: {
                // User 1 details
                sms: "", // Enter number with country code
                whatsapp: "", // Enter WhatsApp number with country code
                email: "", // Enter email address
                slack: "", // Enter slack ID or email address
                discord: "", // Enter discord ID
                teams: "", // Enter channel name
                push: "", // Enter push token
            data: {
                // Enter data here
            to: {
                // User 2 details
                sms: "", // Enter number with country code
                whatsapp: "", // Enter WhatsApp number with country code
                email: "", // Enter email address
                slack: "", // Enter slack ID or email address
                discord: "", // Enter discord ID
                teams: "", // Enter channel name
                push: "", // Enter push token
            data: {
                // Enter data here

Caution: The maximum accepted payload size (for bulk send) is 10 MB.

For more details, please visit our API Reference guide.

Creating a user profile

You can create a user profile using identify() method and update the existing profile with updateProfile() method, use the below snipped to create user profile in Fyno

const profile = fyno.identify("<DISTINCTID>", {
    name: "<FULL NAME>",
    channel: {
        sms: "", // Enter mobile number for sms channel with country code
        whatsapp: "", // Enter mobile number for whatsapp channel with country code
        email: "", // Enter email address
        slack: "", // Enter Slack Id or Email address
        discord: "", // Enter Discord id
        teams: "", // Enter channel name
        inapp: [{
            token: "", // Enter Inapp token
            integration_id: "", // Enter Inapp integration ID to be used for this token.
            status: "" // Status of token
        push: [{
            token: "", // Enter Push token
            integration_id: "", // Enter Push integration ID to be used for this token.
            status: "" // Status of token

use the below code to update the existing profile

const profile = fyno.update("<DISTINCTID>", {
    name: "<MODIFIED_FULL NAME>",
    channel: {
        sms: "", // Enter mobile number for sms channel with country code
        whatsapp: "", // Enter mobile number for whatsapp channel with country code
        email: "", // Enter email address
        slack: "", // Enter Slack Id or Email address
        discord: "", // Enter Discord id
        teams: "", // Enter channel name
        inapp: [{
            token: "", // Enter Inapp token
            integration_id: "", // Enter Inapp integration ID to be used for this token.
            status: "" // Status of token
        push: [{
            token: "", // Enter Push token
            integration_id: "", // Enter Push integration ID to be used for this token.
            status: "" // Status of token

Adding and Removing Channels against a proflie

Once user is created you can use the returned object to add or remove channle data, use the below snippet to add/remove channle data

const profile = fyno.identify("<DISTINCTID>")
//This will add sms number against the profile
//This will clear sms channel
profile.clearChannel(["sms", "whatsapp"])

NOTE: For clearing channel you can just pass channel name except for inapp and push, for inapp and push you need to pass token like profile.clearChannel("inapp", "<INAPP_TOKEN>")


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