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0.0.3 • Public • Published

@changesets/cli Github action.

Standard public package template.

@see Publish

  • Make sure that the NPM_TOKEN is not expired.
  • Make sure that "Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests" is checked.
  • Make sure that package.json file has "publishConfig": { "access": "public" }, and remove "private": "false" if present.
  • Make sure that .changeset/config.json file has "access": "public"
  • Make sure that the installed version of your package manager is the same in .github/workflows YML files with the used version in your local.
  • Run pnpm changeset every time you need to update your package version, before commiting and pushing to Github repository and changesets/action will handle version.
  • Every PR is opened by Chengesets release Github action will create a head branch changeset-release/main, which can be deleted automatically after merge by activate "Automatically delete head branches" in the repo general settings.
  • Every mergrd PR has been opened by Changesets release Github action will create a tag/release/publish to NPM registry

@see changeset-tests NPM package

That's a standard configuration. For more information, visit Changesets


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    • 9abriel