Library that understands your javascript code and can generate formatted structure of your code, that can be used for documentation, code generators or different validations of code.
const codeStory = require('@galethil/code-story');
// options
const functionStoryTemplate = {
type: 'functionStory',
name: 'getAllUsers',
file: './src/modules/users/users.handler.js',
followImports: true,
followFunctions: true,
followImportsDeptLevel: 2
const func = async () => {
const story = await codeStory(functionStoryTemplate);
There are 3 types of outputs:
- will output array with all the details you can use in your application -
- will output array with all the details but only filtered elements (you have to use filtering before) -
- will output simple text output -
.output(storyLine =>
- custom output that will format lines using defined function
As a standard way of output structured list is produced. If you need a simple list, you can flatten the output using .flat()
const story = await codeStory(functionStoryTemplate);
const filteredOutput = story.flat().text();
In the output you can user custom filtering with .filter()
. E.g. if I want to display only Throw statements of only specific called functions.
const story = await codeStory(functionStoryTemplate);
// Filtering only throw statements
const filteredOutput = story.filter(storyLine => storyLine.type === 'ThrowStatement').text();
const story = await codeStory(functionStoryTemplate);
// Showing only first arguments of all `res.status` functions called
const listOfStatuses = story
storyLine =>
storyLine.type === 'CallExpression'
).output(storyLine => (storyLine.arguments[0].value))
Define what you are searching for in your code
const customStoryTemplate = {
type: "customStory",
path: "./ui/src/**/*.js",
babelPlugins: ["jsx", "classProperties"],
const story = await codeStory(customStoryTemplate);
const dataTestIds = story
// filter only JSX elements that contain "data-test-id"
(storyLine) =>
storyLine.type === "JSXElement" &&
(attr) => === "data-test-id"
// make output flat into one flat array / custom modifier function to add also parent file name
(storyLine, parentElements) =>
(storyLine.file = parentElements[parentElements.length - 1])
// throw away all that was filtered out
.filter((storyLine) => storyLine?.filteredOut === false)
// format nice output for our needs
.map((storyLine) => {
return {
dataTestId: storyLine.openingElement.attributes.find(
(attr) => === "data-test-id"
file: storyLine.file.fileLoc,
// {
// name: 'div',
// dataTestId: 'activityAdd-rightSection-addNewActivity',
// file: './ui/src/containers/admin/AddNewActivity.js'
// },
// {
// name: 'Tabs',
// dataTestId: 'reports-menu',
// file: './ui/src/containers/admin/AdminReports.js'
// },
// {
// name: 'Button',
// dataTestId: 'submitButton',
// file: './ui/src/components/SubmitButton.js'
// },
// ...