
0.1.27 • Public • Published


A web component for trenord client used to display a map using different geOps apis.

The map displays realtime vehicles, and allow to click on them to display their schedule plan. You can also display MOCO notifications.

Usage Example

    <script type="module" src="https://www.unpkg.com/@geops/trenord-mobility-web-component)"></script>
    <geops-mobility style="display: block;width: 400px;height: 800px;"></geops-mobility>


yarn install
yarn start

URL parameters

You can specify all the web component attributes as url parameters to customize easily the map.

  • apikey: string;
  • baselayer?: string;
  • center: string;
  • geolocation?: string;
  • maxzoom?: string;
  • minzoom?: string;
  • mots?: string;
  • notification?: string;
  • notificationat?: string;
  • notificationurl?: string;
  • notificationbeforelayerid?: string;
  • realtime?: string;
  • realtimeurl?: string;
  • tenant?: string;
  • zoom: string;

Another url parameter is used to get a full screen map instead of the documentation:

  • fullscreen=true


  • every new components must have a new folder MyComponent with an index.tsx that contains only an export and a MyNewComponent.tsx file. The reason is too simplify the override in forked project.

Client specific code

If a client, for example trenord, needs a mobility-web-component with custom functionnalities. Never add custom client specific stuff in this repository, instead:

  • create a fork from this repository, and call it trenord-mobility-web-component.
  • change the package name in package.json to @geops/trenord-mobility-web-component.
  • change the README and index.html titles.
  • create a new MobilityMap component in src/ called TrenordMobilityMap. In this component you can copy the content of MobilityMap or just use the MobilityMap component with default values. It depends of your use case.
  • change the MobilityMap import to TrenordMobilityMap in src/index.tsx.
  • create a new npm package on npmjs.com from this repository, and call it @geops/trenord-mobility-web-component.
  • publish a beta version to test the publishing with ỳarn publish:beta

At this point you're ready to create custom code, some rules must be followed to facilitate the merge of upstream mobility-web-component repository:

  • always create new components using the client name as prefix, like TrenordRouteSchedule, or put them in a client specific folder src/trenord/RoutSchedule.
  • to use the overrided components just change the export in the index.tsx of the component to overrided.
  • never modify the original components in the forked repository, do it in the upstream repository then merge it in the forked repository.
  • never update dependencies in the forked repository, do it in the upstream repository then merge it in the forked repository.
  • if you have a doubt, ask.

Merge upstream repository

When you use a fork you can merge the upstream repository using:

// Set up the upstream remote, to do only once
git remote add upstream git@github.com:geops/mobility-web-component.git

git fetch upstream && git merge upstream/main

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npm i @geops/trenord-mobility-web-component

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  • lb1c
  • friedjoff
  • oterral
  • geops-admin
  • lucien.edel
  • mario.haertwig
  • gevos
  • danji90