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@haixing_hu/common-decorator is a JavaScript library of common decorators, provides decorators to add common methods to domain classes. The library supports the most recent (currently May 2023) stage 3 proposal of JavaScript decorators.

Table of Contents


@Model Decorator

This decorator is used to decorate a domain model class, which adds the following instance and class methods to the decorated class.

NOTE: If the decorated class already implements any of the following methods, this decorator will not override the methods already implemented by the decorated class.

Instance method: Class.prototype.assign(obj, options = undefined)

  • Parameters:
    • obj: object: the object whose fields will be copied to this object, which may have a different prototype to this object.
    • options: null|undefined|object: the additional options for the assignment. If this argument is undefined or null, the default options will be used. The default options can be retrieved by calling DefaultOptions.get('assign'). Available options are:
      • normalize: boolean, indicates whether to normalize this object after the assignment. The default value is true.
      • convertNaming: boolean, indicates whether to convert the naming style of the target object. The default value is false.
      • sourceNamingStyle: string, the naming style of the source object, i.e., the first argument of the assign() method. The default value of this argument is 'LOWER_UNDERSCORE'.
      • targetNamingStyle: string, the naming style of the target object, i.e., the object calling the assign() method. The default value of this argument is 'LOWER_CAMEL'.
      • types: object, the additional information about types of fields of classes. The keys of this object are the path of the fields or sub-fields of the target object, the values are the type of the fields, represented as the constructor function of the type. The default value is {}.
      • elementTypes: object, the additional information about types of elements of fields of classes. The keys of this object are the path of the fields or sub-fields of the target object, the values are the type of the elements, represented as the constructor function of the type. The default value is {}.
  • Returns:
    • object: the calling object itself.

This function copies the fields of the object obj to this object, only copying fields defined in this object's class. If a field in the obj object is undefined or null, it sets the field's value to the default value. Note that obj can have a different prototype to this object.

Instance method: Class.prototype.clone()

  • Parameters: none.
  • Returns:
    • object: a instance of the specified class deep cloned from the calling object.

This function deep clones the calling object, returning a new instance of the specified class with the same property values as the calling object. Note that the returned object has the same prototype as the calling object.

Instance method: Class.prototype.clear()

  • Parameters: none.
  • Returns:
    • object: the calling object itself.

This function sets all the properties of this object to their default values. The default value of a field is the value of the field of the default constructed instance of the class.

Instance method: Class.prototype.isEmpty()

  • Parameters: none.
  • Returns:
    • boolean: whether this object is empty.

This function checks if this object is empty, meaning that all of its fields have default values. The default value of a field is the value of the field of the default constructed instance of the class.

Instance method: Class.prototype.equals(other)

  • Parameters:
    • other: object: the object to be compared with this object.
  • Returns:
    • boolean: whether this object is deeply equal to other.

This function checks whether this object is deeply equal to other. Two objects are deeply equal if and only if they have the same prototype, and all of their fields are deeply equal. Two fields are deeply equal if and only if they have the same value, or they are both undefined or null. If a field is an array, it is deeply equal to another array if and only if they have the same length, and all of their elements are deeply equal. If a field is an object, it is deeply equal to another object if and only if they have the same prototype, and all of their fields are deeply equal.

Instance method: Class.prototype.generateId()

  • Parameters: none.
  • Returns:
    • string: the string representation of the generated globally unique ID set to the calling object.

If the decorated class defines a property named id, this instance method generateId() is automatically added to the decorated class. Each call to this method generates a globally unique ID for the current calling object (represented as a string of an integer), sets the id field of the calling object to the generated ID, and returns the generated ID. Note that if a parent class A defines the id field, and a subclass B inherits the id field but does not define its own id field, the generateId() method is added only to class A, not to class B.

Instance method: Class.prototype.normalizeField(field)

  • Parameters:
    • field: string: the name of the specified field to be normalized.
  • Returns:
    • boolean: whether the specified field was normalized.

This function normalizes the specified field of this object. If the object has the specified field and the specified field is normalizable, the function normalizes the specified field and returns true; otherwise, the function does nothing and returns false. Note that a field is normalizable if and only if it is decorated by the @Normalizable decorator.

Instance method: Class.prototype.normalize(fields)

  • Parameters:
    • fields: undefined | null | string | string[]: the fields to be normalized. It can be one of the following values:
      • undefined: normalizes all the normalizable fields of this object.
      • null: normalizes all the normalizable fields of this object.
      • "*": normalizes all the normalizable fields of this object.
      • string[]: normalizes all the normalizable fields whose names are specified in this array.
  • Returns:
    • object: the normalized calling object.

This function normalizes the specified fields of this object. The fields parameter specifies the names of fields to be normalized. If fields is undefined, null, or the string "*", it normalizes all the normalizable fields of this object. If fields is an array of strings, it normalizes all the normalizable fields whose names are specified in the array. Note that a field is normalizable if and only if it is decorated by the @Normalizable decorator.

Instance method: Class.prototype.validateField(field)

  • Parameters:
    • field: string: the name of the specified field to be validated.
  • Returns:
    • ValidationResult | null: the validation result.

This function validates the specified field of this object. If the object has the specified field and the specified field is validatable, the function validates the specified field and returns the validation result; otherwise, the function does nothing and returns null. Note that a field is validatable if and only if it is decorated by the @Validatable decorator.

Instance method: Class.prototype.validate(fields)

  • Parameters:
    • fields: undefined | null | string | string[]: the fields to be validated. It can be one of the following values:
      • undefined: validates all the validatable fields of this object.
      • null: validates all the validatable fields of this object.
      • "*": validates all the validatable fields of this object.
      • string[]: validates all the validatable fields whose names are specified in this array.
  • Returns:
    • ValidationResult: the validation result.

This function validates the specified fields of this object. The fields parameter specifies the names of fields to be validated. If fields is undefined, null, or the string "*", it validates all the validatable fields of this object. If fields is an array of strings, it validates all the validatable fields whose names are specified in the array. Note that a field is validatable if and only if it is decorated by the @Validatable decorator.

Instance method: Class.prototype.toJSON(key, options = undefined)

  • Parameters:
    • key: string:JSON.stringify() calls toJSON() with one parameter, the key,which takes the following values:
      • if this object is a property value, this argument is the property name;
      • if this object is in an array, this argument is the index in the array, as a string;
      • if JSON.stringify() was directly called on this object, this argument is an empty string.
    • options: null|undefined|object: the additional options for the serialization. If this argument is undefined or null, the default options will be used. The default options can be retrieved by calling DefaultOptions.get('toJSON'). Available options are:
      • normalize: boolean, indicates whether to normalize this object before serializing. The default value is true.
      • removeEmptyFields: boolean, indicates whether to ignore the empty fields of the object. If it is true, the empty fields of the object will be removed before serialization. The default value is false.
      • convertNaming: boolean, indicates whether to convert the naming of properties of the object represented by the result JSON string. The default value is false.
      • sourceNamingStyle: string, the naming style of the source object, i.e., the object calling the toJSON() method. The default value of this argument is 'LOWER_CAMEL'.
      • targetNamingStyle: string, the naming style of the target object, i.e., the object represented by the result JSON string of the toJSON() method. The default value of this argument is 'LOWER_UNDERSCORE'.
      • space: string | number, a string or number that's used to insert white space (including indentation, line break characters, etc.) into the output JSON string for readability purposes. If this is a number, it indicates the number of space characters to be used as indentation, clamped to 10 (that is, any number greater than 10 is treated as if it were 10). Values less than 1 indicate that no space should be used. If this is a string, the string (or the first 10 characters of the string, if it's longer than that) is inserted before every nested object or array. If this is anything other than a string or number (can be either a primitive or a wrapper object) — for example, is null or not provided — no white space is used. The default value of this option is null.
  • Returns:
    • object: the object to be serialized by JSON.stringify(), which may be a modify copy of this object.

This function gets the object to be serialized by JSON.stringify(). If the value has a toJSON() method, it's responsible to define what data will be serialized. Instead of the object being serialized, the value returned by the toJSON() method when called will be serialized.

NOTE: this function returns an object to be serialized by JSON.stringify(), instead of a JSON string. Use JSON.stringify() or this.toJsonString() methods to serialize this object into a JSON string.

Instance method: Class.prototype.toJsonString(options = undefined)

  • Parameters:
    • options: null|undefined|object: the additional options for the serialization. If this argument is undefined or null, the default options will be used. The default options can be retrieved by calling DefaultOptions.get('toJSON'). Available options are:
      • normalize: boolean, indicates whether to normalize this object before serializing. The default value is true.
      • removeEmptyFields: boolean, indicates whether to ignore the empty fields of the object. If it is true, the empty fields of the object will be removed before serialization. The default value is false.
      • convertNaming: boolean, indicates whether to convert the naming of properties of the object represented by the result JSON string. The default value is false.
      • sourceNamingStyle: string, the naming style of the source object, i.e., the object calling the toJSON() method. The default value of this argument is 'LOWER_CAMEL'.
      • targetNamingStyle: string, the naming style of the target object, i.e., the object represented by the result JSON string of the toJSON() method. The default value of this argument is 'LOWER_UNDERSCORE'.
      • space: string | number, a string or number that's used to insert white space (including indentation, line break characters, etc.) into the output JSON string for readability purposes. If this is a number, it indicates the number of space characters to be used as indentation, clamped to 10 (that is, any number greater than 10 is treated as if it were 10). Values less than 1 indicate that no space should be used. If this is a string, the string (or the first 10 characters of the string, if it's longer than that) is inserted before every nested object or array. If this is anything other than a string or number (can be either a primitive or a wrapper object) — for example, is null or not provided — no white space is used. The default value of this option is null.
  • Returns:
    • string: the JSON string serialized from this object, as JSON.stringify() does, except that this function provides additional stringification options.

This function serializes this object into a JSON string.

NOTE: This method supports native bigint value. For example, the bigint value 9223372036854775807n will be stringify as 9223372036854775807.

Class method: Class.create(obj, options = undefined)

  • Parameters:
    • obj: object: the data object used to create the new instance.
    • options: null|undefined|object: the additional options for the creation. If this argument is undefined or null, the default options will be used. The default options can be retrieved by calling DefaultOptions.get('assign'). Available options are:
      • normalize: boolean, indicates whether to normalize this object after the assignment. The default value is true.
      • convertNaming: boolean, indicates whether to convert the naming style of the target object. The default value is false.
      • sourceNamingStyle: string, the naming style of the source object, i.e., the first argument of the create() method. The default value of this argument is 'LOWER_UNDERSCORE'.
      • targetNamingStyle: string, the naming style of the target object, i.e., the object returned by the create() method. The default value of this argument is 'LOWER_CAMEL'.
      • types: object, the additional information about types of fields of classes. The keys of this object are the path of the fields or sub-fields of the target object, the values are the type of the fields, represented as the constructor function of the type. The default value is {}.
      • elementTypes: object, the additional information about types of elements of fields of classes. The keys of this object are the path of the fields or sub-fields of the target object, the values are the type of the elements, represented as the constructor function of the type. The default value is {}.
  • Returns:
    • object | null: if the obj is undefined or null, returns null; otherwise, returns a new instance of the model class whose fields are initialized with the data in the obj.

This function creates a instance of the specified class from a data object, whose fields are recursively initialized with properties in the obj. Note that obj can have a different prototype to the specified class.

Class method: Class.createArray(array, options = undefined)

  • Parameters:
    • array: object[]: the data object array used to create the new array.
    • options: null|undefined|object: the additional options for the creation. If this argument is undefined or null, the default options will be used. The default options can be retrieved by calling DefaultOptions.get('assign'). Available options are:
      • normalize: boolean, indicates whether to normalize this object after the assignment. The default value is true.
      • convertNaming: boolean, indicates whether to convert the naming style of the target object. The default value is false.
      • sourceNamingStyle: string, the naming style of the source object, i.e., the elements in the first argument of the createArray() method. The default value of this argument is 'LOWER_UNDERSCORE'.
      • targetNamingStyle: string, the naming style of the target object, i.e., the elements in the array returned by the createArray() method. The default value of this argument is 'LOWER_CAMEL'.
      • types: object, the additional information about types of fields of classes. The keys of this object are the path of the fields or sub-fields of the target object, the values are the type of the fields, represented as the constructor function of the type. The default value is {}.
      • elementTypes: object, the additional information about types of elements of fields of classes. The keys of this object are the path of the fields or sub-fields of the target object, the values are the type of the elements, represented as the constructor function of the type. The default value is {}.
  • Returns:
    • object[] | null: if the array is undefined or null, returns null; otherwise, returns a new array of instances of the model class whose fields are initialized with corresponding data object in the array.

This function creates an array of instances of the specified class from a data object array. The fields of instances in the returned array are recursively initialized with corresponding properties of the corresponding data object in the array. Note that data objects in array can have different prototypes to the specified class.

Class method: Class.createPage(page, options = undefined)

  • Parameters:
    • page: object: the pagination data object used to create the new Page instance.
    • options: null|undefined|object: the additional options for the creation. If this argument is undefined or null, the default options will be used. The default options can be retrieved by calling DefaultOptions.get('assign'). Available options are:
      • normalize: boolean, indicates whether to normalize this object after the assignment. The default value is true.
      • convertNaming: boolean, indicates whether to convert the naming style of the target object. The default value is false.
      • sourceNamingStyle: string, the naming style of the source object, i.e., the elements in the content array of the first argument of the createPage() method. The default value of this argument is 'LOWER_UNDERSCORE'.
      • targetNamingStyle: string, the naming style of the target object, i.e., the elements in the content array of the Page object returned by the createPage() method. The default value of this argument is 'LOWER_CAMEL'.
      • types: object, the additional information about types of fields of classes. The keys of this object are the path of the fields or sub-fields of the target object, the values are the type of the fields, represented as the constructor function of the type. The default value is {}.
      • elementTypes: object, the additional information about types of elements of fields of classes. The keys of this object are the path of the fields or sub-fields of the target object, the values are the type of the elements, represented as the constructor function of the type. The default value is {}.
  • Returns:
    • Page | null: if the page is undefined or null, returns null; otherwise, returns a new instance of the Page class whose content are initialized with the content of the pagination data object page.

This function creates a Page object, whose content are initialized with the content of the specified pagination data object. Typically, page is a list of domain objects obtained from a server using the GET method, and the object should conform to the Page class definition. This class method returns a new Page object, with the content property being the result of createArray(page.content, options), and the other properties matching those of the page object. If page is not a valid Page object, it returns null.

Class method: Class.isNullishOrEmpty(obj)

  • Parameters:
    • obj: object: the object to be checked.
  • Returns:
    • boolean: whether the specified object is undefined, null, or an empty object constructed with default values.

This function checks whether the specified object is undefined, null, or an empty object constructed with default values. An object is empty if and only if all of its fields have default values. The default value of a field is the value of the field of the default constructed instance of the class. This function is a convenient method to call Class.prototype.isEmpty(), with the handling of nullish values.

Class method: Class.parseJsonString(json, options = undefined)

  • Parameters:
    • json: string: the JSON string to be parsed.
    • options: null|undefined|object: the additional options for the parsing. If this argument is undefined or null, the default options will be used. The default options can be retrieved by calling DefaultOptions.get('assign'). Available options are:
      • normalize: boolean, indicates whether to normalize this object after the assignment. The default value is true.
      • convertNaming: boolean, indicates whether to convert the naming style of properties of the object represented by the JSON string. The default value is false.
      • sourceNamingStyle: string, the naming style of the source object, i.e., the object represented by the JSON string. The default value of this argument is 'LOWER_UNDERSCORE'.
      • targetNamingStyle: string, the naming style of the target object, i.e., the object returned by the parseJsonString() method. The default value of this argument is 'LOWER_CAMEL'.
  • Returns:
    • boolean: whether the specified object is undefined, null, or an empty object constructed with default values.

This function parses an object of this class from a JSON string.

NOTE: This method supports integer values fall out of IEEE 754 integer precision. For example, the integer value 9223372036854775807 will be parsed as the native bigint value 9223372036854775807n.

Usage Examples

The following is the usage example of the @Model decorator.

class Credential {

  type = 'IDENTITY_CARD';

  number = '';

  constructor(type = CredentialType.DEFAULT.value, number = '') {
    this.type = type;
    this.number = number;

  isIdentityCard() {
    return (this.type === 'IDENTITY_CARD');

class Person {

  id = null;

  name = '';

  credential = null;

  gender = '';

  birthday = '';

  mobile = '';

  email = '';

  equals(other) {
    if (!(other instanceof PersonWithEquals)) {
      return false;
    if ((this.credential === null) || (other.credential === null)) {
      // If one of the two people does not have ID inofmation, it is impossible
      // to compare whether they are the same person thus they will be considered 
      // different.
      return false;
    // Two persons are logically equals if and only if they have the same 
    // credential.
    return (this.credential.type === other.credential.type)
        && (this.credential.number === other.credential.number);

After applying the @Model decorator, the following methods will be automatically added:

  • Credential.prototype.assign(obj, options = undefined)
  • Credential.prototype.clear()
  • Credential.prototype.clone()
  • Credential.prototype.isEmpty()
  • Credential.prototype.equals(obj)
  • Credential.prototype.normalize(fields)
  • Credential.prototype.validate(fields, options)
  • Credential.prototype.toJSON(key, options = undefined)
  • Credential.prototype.toJsonString(options = undefined)
  • Credential.create(obj, options = undefined)
  • Credential.createArray(array, options = undefined)
  • Credential.createPage(page, options = undefined)
  • Credential.isNullishOrEmpty(obj)
  • Credential.parseJsonString(json, options = undefined)
  • Person.prototype.assign(obj, normalized)
  • Person.prototype.clear()
  • Person.prototype.clone()
  • Person.prototype.isEmpty()
  • Person.prototype.normalize(fields)
  • Person.prototype.validate(fields, options)
  • Person.prototype.generateId()
  • Person.prototype.toJSON(key, options = undefined)
  • Person.prototype.toJsonString(options = undefined)
  • Person.create(obj, options = undefined)
  • Person.createArray(array, options = undefined)
  • Person.createPage(page, options = undefined)
  • Person.isNullishOrEmpty(obj)
  • Person.parseJsonString(json, options = undefined)


  • Because the Credential class does not have an id attribute, the @Model decorator does not add a generateId() instance method to it.
  • Because Person already implements the Person.prototype.equals() method, the @Model decorator will not override its own implementation of the Person.prototype.equals() method.

@Enum Decorator

This decorator is used to decorate an enumeration class.

Enumerator Fields

An enumeration class is a class whose instances are enumerators. An enumerator is an object with the following properties:

  • value:the value of the enumerator, which is exactly the name of the static field of the enumeration class that corresponds to the enumerator.
  • name: the display name of the enumerator, which could be specified by the default string or object value of the static field of the enumeration class that corresponds to the enumerator. It the default value is not specified, the name of the enumerator is the same as its value.
  • i18n: the i18n key of the enumerator, which is an optional property. It could be specified by the default object value of the static field of the enumeration class that corresponds to the enumerator. If this property is specified, the name property will be transformed to a getter, which will get the i18n value of the enumerator from the i18n resource bundle.
  • code: the code of the enumerator, which is an optional property. It could be specified by the default object value of the static field of the enumeration class that corresponds to the enumerator.
  • other properties: other properties of the enumerator could be specified by the default object value of the static field of the enumeration class that corresponds to the enumerator.

Instance method: Class.prototype.toString()

  • Parameters: none.
  • Returns:
    • string: the string representation of this enumerator, which is the value of this enumerator.

This function returns the string representation of this enumerator, which is the value of this enumerator.

Instance method: Class.prototype.toJSON()

  • Parameters: none.
  • Returns:
    • string: the JSON representation of this enumerator, which is the JSON string representation of the value of this enumerator, i.e., the double quoted string of the value.

This function returns the JSON representation of this enumerator.

Class method: Class.values()

  • Parameters: none.
  • Returns:
    • Class[]: the array of all enumerators of this enumeration class.

This function returns the array of all enumerators of this enumeration class.

Class method: Class.ofValue(value)

  • Parameters:
    • value: string: the value of the enumerator to be returned. Note that this argument will be trimmed and uppercased to get the actual value of the enumerator.
  • Returns:
    • Class: the enumerator in this enumeration class with the specified value, or undefined if no such enumerator exists.

This function returns the enumerator with the specified value.

Class method: Class.hasValue(value)

  • Parameters:
    • value: string: the value of the enumerator to be tested. Note that this argument will be trimmed and uppercased to get the actual value of the enumerator.
  • Returns:
    • boolean: returns true if there is an enumerator in this enumeration class with the specified value, or false otherwise.

This function tests whether there is an enumerator with the specified value.

Class method: Class.ofName(name)

  • Parameters:
    • name: string: the name of the enumerator to be returned.
  • Returns:
    • Class: the enumerator in this enumeration class with the specified name, or undefined if no such enumerator exists.

This function returns the enumerator with the specified name.

Class method: Class.hasName(name)

  • Parameters:
    • name: string: the name of the enumerator to be tested.
  • Returns:
    • boolean: returns true if there is an enumerator in this enumeration class with the specified name, or false otherwise.

This function tests whether there is an enumerator with the specified name.

Class method: Class.ofCode(code)

  • Parameters:
    • code: string: the code of the enumerator to be returned.
  • Returns:
    • Class: the enumerator in this enumeration class with the specified code, or undefined if no such enumerator exists.

This function returns the enumerator with the specified value.

Class method: Class.hasCode(code)

  • Parameters:
    • code: string: the code of the enumerator to be tested.
  • Returns:
    • boolean: returns true if there is an enumerator in this enumeration class with the specified code, or false otherwise.

This function tests whether there is an enumerator with the specified code.

Class method: Class.of(expr)

  • Parameters:
    • expr: object | string: the expression corresponds to the enumerator to be returned. The expression could be one of the following:
      • an enumerator of this enumeration class;
      • or the value of an enumerator of this enumeration class;
      • or the name of an enumerator of this enumeration class;
      • or the code of an enumerator of this enumeration class.
  • Returns:
    • Class: the enumerator in this enumeration class corresponds to the specified expression, or undefined if no such enumerator exists.

This function returns the enumerator with the specified value.

Class method: Class.has(expr)

  • Parameters:
    • expr: object | string: the expression corresponds to the enumerator to be returned. The expression could be one of the following:
      • an enumerator of this enumeration class;
      • or the value of an enumerator of this enumeration class;
      • or the name of an enumerator of this enumeration class;
      • or the code of an enumerator of this enumeration class.
  • Returns:
    • boolean: returns true if there is an enumerator in this enumeration class corresponds to the specified expression, or false otherwise.

This function tests whether there is an enumerator with the specified code.

Usage Example

class Gender {
  static MALE = 'Male';
  static FEMALE = 'Female';

The above code is equivalent to the following code:

class Gender {
  static MALE = Object.freeze(new Gender('MALE', 'Male'));

  static FEMALE = Object.freeze(new Gender('FEMALE', 'Female'));

  static values() {
    return [ Gender.MALE, Gender.FEMALE ];

  static ofValue(value) {
    switch (value) {
    case 'MALE':
      return Gender.MALE;
    case 'FEMALE':
      return Gender.FEMALE;
      return undefined;

  static hasValue(value) {
    return Gender.ofValue(value) !== undefined;

  static ofName(name) {
    return Gender.values().find((e) => e.name === name);

  static hasName(name) {
    return Gender.ofName(name) !== undefined;

  static ofCode(code) {
    return Gender.values().find((e) => e.code === code);

  static hasCode(code) {
    return Gender.ofCode(code) !== undefined;
  static of(expr) {
    if (expr instanceof Gender) {
      return expr;
    } else {
      return Gender.ofValue(expr) ?? Gender.ofName(expr) ?? Gender.ofCode(expr);

  static has(expr) {
    return Gender.of(expr) !== undefined;
  constructor(value, name) {
    this.value = value;
    this.name = name;

  toString() {
    return this.value;

  toJSON() {
    return this.value;

The static fields of the enumeration class could also be specified as objects, which will be used to initialize the enumerators. For example:

class Gender {
  static MALE = { name: 'Male', i18n: 'i18n.gender.male', code: '001', data: { value: 0 } };

  static FEMALE = { name: 'Female', i18n: 'i18n.gender.female', code: '002', data: { value: 1 } };

The above code is equivalent to the following code:

class Gender {
  static MALE = Object.freeze(new Gender('MALE', 'Male',
     { i18n: 'i18n.gender.male', code: '001', data: {value: 0 } }));

  static FEMALE = Object.freeze(new Gender('FEMALE', 'Female',
     { i18n: 'i18n.gender.female', code: '002', data: {value: 1 } }));


  constructor(value, name, payload) {
    this.value = value;
    this.name = name;
    Object.assign(this, payload);


Note that the enumerator in the above Gender class has a code, i18n and data properties. Since it has i18n property which specifies the i18n key of the enumerator in the resource bundle, the name property of the enumerator will be transformed to a getter which will get the i18n value corresponding to the i18n key from the i18n resource bundle.

The enumerators can also be defined without default values, for example:

class Gender {
  static MALE;
  static FEMALE;

The above code is equivalent to the following code:

class Gender {
  static MALE = Object.freeze(new Gender('MALE'));

  static FEMALE = Object.freeze(new Gender('FEMALE'));


  constructor(value) {
    this.value = value;
    this.name = value;


That is, the name of the enumerator is exactly its value.

DefaultOptions class

The DefaultOptions class is used to get or set the default options of different aspects of this library.

The class accesses an internal Map object. The key of the map is the name of aspects, and the value of the map is an object representing the default options of the aspect.

For example, the default options of the assign() method of the class decorated by @Model is stored in the key assign. That is, DefaultOption.get('assign') returns the object representing the default options of the assign() method.

The program can change the default options with DefaultOptions.set('key', options) method.

Currently, the following aspects are supported:

  • assign: the default options of the Class.prototype.assign(), Class.create(), Class.createArray(), Class.createPage(), Class.parseJsonString() methods of the class decorated by @Model.
  • toJSON: the default options of the Class.prototype.toJSON(), Class.prototype.toJsonString() methods of the class decorated by @Model.

Class method: DefaultOptions.get(aspect)

Gets the default options of the specified aspect.

The function returns the object representing the default options of the aspect, or undefinedif the aspect does not exist. Note that the returned object is a deep cloned copy of the object stored in the internal map, so that the modification of the returned object will not affect the default options stored in the internal map.

import { DefaultOptions } from '@haixing_hu/common-decorator';

const opt1 = DefaultOptions.get('assign');
opt1.convertNaming = true;
const opt2 = DefaultOptions.get('assign');

Class method: DefaultOptions.set(aspect, options)

Sets the default options of the specified aspect.

This function will merge the new options into the old default options of the aspect. If the new options have the same property as the old default options stored in the internal map, the value of the new options will override the value of the old default options; otherwise, the new property will be added to the old default options.

import { DefaultOptions } from '@haixing_hu/common-decorator';

const opt1 = DefaultOptions.get('assign');
DefaultOptions.set('assign', { convertNaming: true });
const opt2 = DefaultOptions.get('assign');

Class method: DefaultOptions.merge(aspect, options)

Gets the default options of the specified aspect, merging the provided default options into the returned object.

NOTE: This function does NOT change the default options stored in the internal map, instead, it returns a new object representing the merged options.

import { DefaultOptions } from '@haixing_hu/common-decorator';

const opt1 = DefaultOptions.get('assign');
const opt2 = DefaultOptions.merge('assign', { convertNaming: true });
const opt3 = DefaultOptions.merge('assign', null);


This library uses the most recent (currently May 2023) stage 3 proposal of JavaScript decorators. Therefore, you must configure Babel with @babel/plugin-transform-class-properties and the @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators plugins.

NOTE: To support the stage 3 proposal of JavaScript decorator metadata, the version of the Babel plugin @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators must be at least 7.23.0.

Bundling with webpack

  1. Install the required dependencies:
    yarn add @haixing_hu/common-decorator
    yarn add --dev @babel/core @babel/runtime @babel/preset-env
    yarn add --dev @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators @babel/plugin-transform-class-properties @babel/plugin-transform-runtime
  2. Configure Babel by using the @babel/plugin-transform-class-properties and @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators plugins. A possible Babel configuration file babelrc.json is as follows:
      "presets": [
      "plugins": [
        ["@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { "version": "2023-05" }],

Bundling with vite

  1. Install the required dependencies:
    yarn add @haixing_hu/common-decorator
    yarn add --dev @babel/core @babel/runtime @babel/preset-env
    yarn add --dev @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators @babel/plugin-transform-class-properties @babel/plugin-transform-runtime
  2. Configure Babel by using @babel/plugin-transform-class-properties and @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators plugins. A possible Babel configuration file babelrc.json is as follows:
      "presets": [
        ["@babel/preset-env", { "modules": false }]
      "plugins": [
        ["@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { "version": "2023-05" }],
    Note: When bundling with vite, make sure to set the modules parameter of @babel/preset-env to false.
  3. Configure vite by modifying the vite.config.js file to add support for Babel. A possible vite.config.js file is as follows:
    import { fileURLToPath, URL } from 'node:url';
    import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
    import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue';
    import * as babel from '@babel/core';
    // A very simple Vite plugin support babel transpilation
    const babelPlugin = {
      name: 'plugin-babel',
      transform: (src, id) => {
        if (/\.(jsx?|vue)$/.test(id)) {              // the pattern of the file to handle
          return babel.transform(src, {
            filename: id,
            babelrc: true,
    // https://vitejs.dev/config/
    export default defineConfig({
      plugins: [
          script: {
            babelParserPlugins: ['decorators'],     // must enable decorators support
        babelPlugin,                                // must be after the vue plugin
      resolve: {
        alias: {
          '@': fileURLToPath(new URL('./src', import.meta.url)),
    Note: In the above configuration file, we've implemented a simple vite plugin to transpile the code processed by the vite-plugin-vue plugin using Babel. Although there's a vite-plugin-babel plugin that claims to add Babel support to vite, we found it doesn't correctly handle [vue] Single File Components (SFCs). After closely examining its source code, we determined that to achieve correct transpilation, we need to apply Babel after vite-plugin-vue processes the source code. Therefore, the very simple plugin function above suffices for our needs. As an alternative, you can use our version of vite-plugin-babel, and the following is an example configuration:
    import { fileURLToPath, URL } from 'node:url';
    import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
    import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue';
    import babel from '@haixing_hu/vite-plugin-babel';
    export default defineConfig({
      plugins: [
          script: {
            babelParserPlugins: ['decorators'],     // must enable decorators support
      resolve: {
        alias: {
          '@': fileURLToPath(new URL('./src', import.meta.url)),


If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request to the GitHub repository.


@haixing_hu/common-decorator is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more details.


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