Haventec User Management Node.js SDK
Your backend service can use this SDK to manage users and devices in the Haventec Identity Platform.
This project contains a demo app explained in the section "Demo application" on this README file.
- Run the native-ux-adapter-sdk to activate or login the user.
- Refer to the README.md file in native-ux-adapter-nodejs-sdk to understand how to activate a user by calling the 'activateUserOrDevice' method or how to log in a user by calling the 'loginPinDevice' method.
- Fetch 'iamUserJwt' and 'deviceUuid' from the response of the above method and mention those against iam.user.jwt and haventec.device.uuid respectively in the 'config.properties' file.
Typescript (tsc) : version 4.1.5
Type the following command to install tsc as a dev dependency.
npm install --save-dev typescript@4.1.5
Install user-management-sdk dependency by following below command.
npm install @haventec/user-management-sdk@1.0.0
Instantiate the class "HaventecManagement" with your environment variables at your platform by adding it in config.properties:
Note: Please refer to the keycloak documentation: https://docs.haventec.com/docs/authenticate/v1.2/integrations/keycloak-iam to understand how to create the realm, idp and idp alias.
- iam.realm: The name of your company Realm at the Haventec IAM e.g.: xyzCorp
- iam.admin.client: The Haventec IAM client in the iam.realm with 'Access Type' : confidential
- iam.admin.client.secret: The Haventec IAM client secret is the value beside the 'Secret' label on the 'Credentials' tab of the iam.admin.client
- iam.idp.alias: The identity provider alias at the Haventec IAM e.g.: oidc
iam.base.url: The URL of the Identity Access Management (IAM).
Demo Haventec IAM is found at:
- https://iam.demo.haventec.com/auth and production is at:
- https://iam.haventec.com/auth
- iam.user.jwt The IAM JWT of the user once the user is successfully activated or logged-in, as explained in the 'Prerequisites' section on this README file.
- haventec.app.client.id: The client ID of the application in Haventec Console. e.g.: 13f9d956-9bcc-447f-b7c1-7719cb53901d
- haventec.app.apikey: The API Key of the application in Haventec Console. e.g.: 9dc54gg8-abc5-4abc-a1bc-d6d7abc42cb
haventec.authenticate.url: The URL of the Haventec Authenticate
Demo is found at:
- https://api-demo.haventec.com/ and production is at:
- https://api.haventec.com/
- haventec.device.uuid The device uuid of the activated or logged-in user, as explained in the 'Prerequisites' section on this README file. e.g.: 250f7812-4258-4c11-98dc-96258a215368
and then you can start using any of the methods within the SDK:
lockDevice: Lock a device
accessToken : string; deviceUuid : string;
unlockDevice: UnLock a device
accessToken : string; deviceUuid : string;
updateDevice: Update a device
accessToken : string; deviceUuid : string; deviceName : string;
deleteDevice: Delete a device
accessToken : string; deviceUuid : string;
getUserDetails: Get user details
accessToken : string; deviceUuid : string;
userUuid: string; username: string; email: string; active: boolean; locked: boolean; dateCreated: number; lastLogin: number; mobileNumber: string; forbidAddingDevices: boolean;
getDevices: Get all devices for a user
accessToken : string;
devices: Array<DeviceResponse>;
Demo application
The demo application guides you manage user and device to demonstrate the different user flows.
- Access the demo folder and create a personal config.properties file based on the template:
cd demo
cp config.properties.template config.properties
Fill in the environment variables described on the previous section.
Run the demo
npm run demo1
This code is available under the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with the distribution.