An AsciiDoc converter for Gridsom
Parses Asciidoc files using the Asciidoctor.js converter.
You can either use npm or yarn. Pick the corresponding command
yarn add @henriette-einstein/gridsome-transformer-asciidoc
npm install @henriette-einstein/gridsome-transformer-asciidoc
The transformer is automatically used if installed in your project. Custom transformer options can either be set for each source plugin or globally.
module.exports = {
plugins: [
use: '@gridsome/source-filesystem',
options: {
path: 'blog/**/*.adoc',
typeName: 'Post',
asciidoc: {
// asciidoc options
transformers: {
asciidoc: {
// global asciidoc options
Defaults to
['data-', 'doc']
. Defines the prefixes for the Asciidoc attributes that should be included in the GraphQL node. Each attribute that starts with one of the given prefixes will be added underattributes
Defaults to
attributes: { idprefix: 'id_' }
. Defines the attributes passed to the underlying asciidoctor converter. A full list of the converters options can be found here: