TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.27.6-rc7 • Public • Published


Provides Hive Protocol features to JavaScript


This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.

Before installing, download and install Node.js. Node.js 18 or higher is required.

Installation is done using the npm install command:

If you want to use development versions of our packages, set @hiveio scope to use our GitLab registry:

echo @hiveio:registry=https://gitlab.syncad.com/api/v4/groups/136/-/packages/npm/ >> .npmrc
npm install @hiveio/wax


Wax foundation

Create a Transaction instance from api data

import { createWaxFoundation } from '@hiveio/wax';

const wax = await createWaxFoundation();

const transaction = wax.createTransactionFromJson(`{
  "ref_block_num": 19260,
  "ref_block_prefix": 2140466769,
  "expiration": "2016-09-15T19:47:33",
  "operations": [ {
    "value": {
      "voter": "taoteh1221",
      "author": "ozchartart",
      "permlink": "usdsteem-btc-daily-poloniex-bittrex-technical-analysis-market-report-update-46-glass-half-full-but-the-bottle-s-left-empty-sept",
      "weight": 10000
    "type": "vote_operation"
  } ],
  "extensions": []
console.info(transaction.id); // "8e78947614be92e77f7db82237e523bdbd7a907b"

Add custom hive apps operations to the Transaction

import { createWaxFoundation, FollowOperation } from '@hiveio/wax';

const wax = await createWaxFoundation();

const tx = wax.createTransactionWithTaPoS('04c507a8c7fe5be96be64ce7c86855e1806cbde3', '2023-11-09T21:51:27');

tx.pushOperation(new FollowOperation().followBlog("initminer", "gtg").authorize("intiminer"));

console.info(tx.toApi()); // Print the transaction in the API form

Wax chain interface

Create a signed transaction

import { createHiveChain } from '@hiveio/wax';
import beekeeperFactory from '@hiveio/beekeeper';
const bk = await beekeeperFactory();
const chain = await createHiveChain();

// Initialize the wallet
const session = bk.createSession("salt");
const { wallet } = await session.createWallet("w0");
const publicKey = await wallet.importKey('5JkFnXrLM2ap9t3AmAxBJvQHF7xSKtnTrCTginQCkhzU5S7ecPT');

// Create transaction
const tx = await chain.createTransaction();

// Add operations and validate
  vote: {
    voter: "otom",
    author: "c0ff33a",
    permlink: "ewxhnjbj",
    weight: 2200

// Build and sign the transaction object
const stx = tx.sign(wallet, publicKey);
// show preformatted signed transaction

Create a transaction and broadcast it using network_broadcast_api

import { createHiveChain } from '@hiveio/wax';
import beekeeperFactory from '@hiveio/beekeeper';
const bk = await beekeeperFactory();
const chain = await createHiveChain();

// Initialize the wallet
const session = bk.createSession("salt");
const { wallet } = await session.createWallet("w0");
const publicKey = await wallet.importKey('5JkFnXrLM2ap9t3AmAxBJvQHF7xSKtnTrCTginQCkhzU5S7ecPT');

// Create transaction
const tx = await chain.createTransaction();

// Add operations
  vote: {
    voter: "otom",
    author: "c0ff33a",
    permlink: "ewxhnjbj",
    weight: 2200
}).sign(wallet, publicKey);

// Broadcast
await chain.broadcast(tx);

Use custom formatters to output data in specified format

import { createHiveChain, IWaxBaseInterface, IFormatFunctionArguments, WaxFormattable } from '@hiveio/wax';
const chain = await createHiveChain();

const data = {
  myCustomProp: 12542

class MyFormatters { // Define custom formatters class
  // This line is optional, you can omit providing the constructor and default contstructor will be used instead
  // It is to show that you can gain access to the wax interface easily inside the formatters
  public constructor( private readonly wax: IWaxBaseInterface ) {}

  @WaxFormattable() // Match this method as `myCustomProp` custom formatter
  public myCustomProp({ source }: IFormatFunctionArguments<typeof data>): string | void {
    if(Math.random() > 0.5) // Happy debugging :)
      return; // No replacement will take place here - that's reason why return type is defined as string and void union

    console.info(`You are using wax version: ${this.wax.getVersion()}`);

    return source.myCustomProp.toString(); // return string

const formatter = chain.formatter.extend(MyFormatters); // Creates and returns new extended formatter object

console.info(formatter.waxify`${data}`); // Print formatted data

Calculate user manabar regeneration time

import { createHiveChain } from '@hiveio/wax';
const chain = await createHiveChain();

const manaTime = await chain.calculateManabarFullRegenerationTimeForAccount("initminer");

console.info(manaTime); // Date

Extend API interface and call custom endpoints

In this example we will extend the base Wax endpoints and create our classes with validators in order to use the transaction_status_api.find_transaction API:

import { IsHexadecimal, IsDateString, IsString } from 'class-validator';
import { createHiveChain, TWaxExtended } from '@hiveio/wax';
const chain = await createHiveChain();

// https://developers.hive.io/apidefinitions/#transaction_status_api.find_transaction-parameter_json
// Create a request class with validators that will require a valid input from the end user
class FindTransactionRequest {
  public transaction_id!: string;

  public expiration!: string;

// https://developers.hive.io/apidefinitions/#transaction_status_api.find_transaction-expected_response_json
// Create a response class with validators that will require a valid output from the remote API
class FindTransactionResponse {
  public status!: 'unknown' | string;

// Create the proper API structure
const ExtendedApi = {
  transaction_status_api: { // API
    find_transaction: { // Method
      params: FindTransactionRequest, // params is our request
      result: FindTransactionResponse // result is out response

const extended: TWaxExtended<typeof ExtendedApi> = chain.extend(ExtendedApi);

// Call the transaction_status_api API using our extended interface
const result = await extended.api.transaction_status_api.find_transaction({
  transaction_id: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  expiration: "2016-03-24T18:00:21"

console.info(result); // { status: 'unknown' }

Extend API interface using interfaces only and call custom endpoints

In this example we will extend the base Wax endpoints without creating any validators. The goal is to extend the API interface using TypeScript interfaces-only in order to also use the transaction_status_api.find_transaction API:

import { createHiveChain, TWaxApiRequest, TWaxExtended } from '@hiveio/wax';
const chain = await createHiveChain();

// https://developers.hive.io/apidefinitions/#transaction_status_api.find_transaction-parameter_json
// Create a request interface without validators - this will be the input from the end user
interface IFindTransactionRequest {
  transaction_id: string;
  expiration: string;

// https://developers.hive.io/apidefinitions/#transaction_status_api.find_transaction-expected_response_json
// Create a response interface without validators - this will be the output from the remote API
interface IFindTransactionResponse {
  status: 'unknown' | string;

// Create the proper API structure
type TExtendedApi = {
  transaction_status_api: { // API
    find_transaction: TWaxApiRequest<IFindTransactionRequest, IFindTransactionResponse> // Method

const extended = chain.extend<TExtendedApi>();

// Call the transaction_status_api API using our extended interface
const result = await extended.api.transaction_status_api.find_transaction({
  transaction_id: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  expiration: "2016-03-24T18:00:21"

console.info(result); // { status: 'unknown' }

Extend REST API interface and call custom endpoints

In this example we will extend REST API Wax endpoints and create our classes with validators in order to use the hafah_endpoints.get_transaction API:

import { IsHexadecimal } from 'class-validator';
import { createHiveChain, TWaxRestExtended } from '@hiveio/wax';
const chain = await createHiveChain();

class TransactionByIdRequest {
  public transactionId!: string;

// Create the proper API structure
const ExtendedRestApi = {
  'hafah-api': { // API type - structure-like - pushed to the query path during call
    transactions: { // method name - also pushed to the query path during call
      byId: { // next query path to be added. It will be replaced though due to the urlPath property defined
        params: TransactionByIdRequest, // params is our request
        result: Number, // result is our response (Number is a NumberConstructor - we cannot use number as a type in this context, so we pass NumberConstructor as a value)
        urlPath: "{transactionId}" // url that will replace `byId`. We have `{}` format syntax here, so it means data from `params` matching given property names will be replaced in braces

const extended: TWaxRestExtended<typeof ExtendedRestApi> = chain.extendRest(ExtendedRestApi);

// Call the REST API using our extended interface
const result = await await extended.restApi['hafah-api'].transactions.byId({ transactionId: "954f6de36e6715d128fa8eb5a053fc254b05ded0" });

console.info(result); // URL response from "https://api.syncad.com/hafah-api/transactions/954f6de36e6715d128fa8eb5a053fc254b05ded0"

Extend REST API interface using interfaces only and call custom endpoints

In this example we will extend the REST API Wax endpoints without creating any validators. The goal is to extend the REST API interface using TypeScript interfaces-only in order to also use the hafah_endpoints.get_transaction API:

import { createHiveChain, TWaxRestExtended } from '@hiveio/wax';
const chain = await createHiveChain();

interface ITransactionByIdRequest {
  transactionId: string;

// Create the proper API structure
type TExtendedRestApi = {
  'hafah-api': {
    transactions: {
      byId: {
        params: TransactionByIdRequest;
        result: number; // we can use standard `number` type now, as it can be passed as value in this context

const extended: TWaxRestExtended<TExtendedRestApi> = chain.extendRest({
  'hafah-api': {
    transactions: {
      byId: {
        urlPath: "{transactionId}" // We have to pass urlPath as value here

// Call the REST API using our extended interface
const result = await await extended.restApi['hafah-api'].transactions.byId({ transactionId: "954f6de36e6715d128fa8eb5a053fc254b05ded0" });

console.info(result); // URL response from "https://api.syncad.com/hafah-api/transactions/954f6de36e6715d128fa8eb5a053fc254b05ded0"


See API documentation at project WIKI

Publishing an NPM package

Predefined package.json file has specified some dedicated placeholders to be replaced with actual informations before building a final form of a package and publishing it. Best to use CI build procedure to build package, which replace such placeholders with actual values see npm_generate_version.sh.

You will also need this file to specify the scope for bumping the @hiveio developer versions of our packages

Warning: Commiting a package.json file without such placeholder definitions is disallowed. See scripts/precommit_hook.sh for placeholder verification details.

Support and tests

Tested on the latest Chromium

Automated CI test runs are available.

To run the tests on your own, clone the wax repo and install the dependencies and then compile the project:

You should perform any development-related work in our devcontainers available in the .devcontainer directory. If you do not wish to use docker, then you will have to install project dependencies on your own: protobuf-compiler, docker.io, npm, pnpm, nodejs, jq

After successfully setting up your environment, remember to clone the submodule and install library dependencies:

git submodule update --init --progress --depth=1 # Clone HIVE repository containing proto definitions
pnpm install

Then compile the source:

npm run build

Build and run tests:

npm run build:test
npm run test

And examples:

npm run examples


See license in the LICENSE.md file



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