conststylusTaskFactory=require('@hugsmidjan/gulp-stylus');constoptions={// These are the defaults:name: 'css',// the display name of the generated taskssrc: 'src/',dist: 'pub/',glob: '*.styl',// Glob|Array<Glob> – for entry points. Use '!' prefix to ignorewatchGlob: '*/**/*.styl',// Glob|Array<Glob> – additional files to watch for changes (or '!' ignore).sourcemaps: '.',// boolean or string (relative location)minify: true,};// Create the gulp tasks based on the above options.constcssTasks=stylusTaskFactory(options);// cssTasks is a two item array...const[cssBundle,cssWatch]=cssTasks;// ...but it also exposes the tasks as named properties.const{ bundle, watch }=cssTasks;