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HyperDX OpenTelemetry Node

OpenTelemetry Node Library for HyperDX

Install HyperDX OpenTelemetry Instrumentation Package

Use the following command to install the OpenTelemetry package.

npm install @hyperdx/node-opentelemetry


yarn add @hyperdx/node-opentelemetry

Add The Logger Transport

To collect logs from your application, you'll need to add a few lines of code to configure your logging module.

Winston Transport

import winston from 'winston';
import * as HyperDX from '@hyperdx/node-opentelemetry';

const MAX_LEVEL = 'info';

const logger = winston.createLogger({
  level: MAX_LEVEL,
  format: winston.format.json(),
  transports: [
    new winston.transports.Console(),
    HyperDX.getWinstonTransport(MAX_LEVEL), // append this to the existing transports

export default logger;

Pino Transport

import pino from 'pino';
import * as HyperDX from '@hyperdx/node-opentelemetry';

const MAX_LEVEL = 'info';

const logger = pino({
  mixin: HyperDX.getPinoMixinFunction,
  transport: {
    targets: [
      // other transports

export default logger;

Configure Environment Variables

Afterwards you'll need to configure the following environment variables in your shell to ship telemetry to HyperDX:


Self-hosted users will need to additionally specify the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT env var to point to their self-hosted endpoint (ex. http://localhost:4318)

Run the Application with HyperDX OpenTelemetry CLI

Option 1 (Recommended)

Now you can run the application with the HyperdxDX opentelemetry-instrument CLI.

npx opentelemetry-instrument index.js

Option 2

In case you want to run the application with a custom entry point (nodemon, ts-node, etc.).

Run your application with the following command (example using ts-node):

npx ts-node -r '@hyperdx/node-opentelemetry/build/src/tracing' index.ts

Option 3

You can also manually instrument the SDK. In the instrument.ts, add the following code:

import { initSDK } from '@hyperdx/node-opentelemetry';

  consoleCapture: true, // optional, default: true
  additionalInstrumentations: [], // optional, default: []

// Other instrumentation code...
// Details link: https://opentelemetry.io/docs/instrumentation/js/manual/#manual-instrumentation-setup

And run your application with the following command (example using ts-node):

npx ts-node -r './instrument.ts' index.ts


If you are having trouble getting events to show up in HyperDX, you can enable verbose logging by setting the environment variable OTEL_LOG_LEVEL=debug. This will print out additional debug logging to isolate any issues.

If you're pointing to a self-hosted collector, ensure the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT environment variable is set to the correct endpoint (ex. http://localhost:4318) and is reachable (ex. curl http://localhost:4318/v1/traces should return a HTTP 405).

(Optional) Attach User Information or Metadata (BETA)


To easily tag all events related to a given attribute or identifier (ex. user id or email), you can call the setTraceAttributes function which will tag every log/span associated with the current trace after the call with the declared attributes. It's recommended to call this function as early as possible within a given request/trace (ex. as early in an Express middleware stack as possible).

This is a convenient way to ensure all logs/spans are automatically tagged with the right identifiers to be searched on later, instead of needing to manually tagging and propagating identifiers yourself.

userId, userEmail, userName, and teamName will populate the sessions UI with the corresponding values, but can be omitted. Any other additional values can be specified and used to search for events.

import { setTraceAttributes } from '@hyperdx/node-opentelemetry';

app.use((req, res, next) => {
  // Get user information from the request...

  // Attach user information to the current trace

(Optional) Advanced Instrumentation Configuration

Adding Additional 3rd-Party Instrumentation Packages

When manually instrumenting the SDK, use the additionalInstrumentations key to create an array of additional 3rd-party instrumentations. Check here to see the current automatically instrumented packages.

// In your instrument.js/ts file...
const { initSDK } = require('@hyperdx/node-opentelemetry');
const { RemixInstrumentation } = require('opentelemetry-instrumentation-remix');

  consoleCapture: true, // optional, default: true
  additionalInstrumentations: [new RemixInstrumentation()], // your custom instrumentations here

You can then use the instrumentation file above by requiring it when starting your application:

node -r './instrument.js' index.js

or see manual instrumentation steps for more options.

Capture Console Logs

By default, the HyperDX SDK will capture console logs. You can disable it by setting HDX_NODE_CONSOLE_CAPTURE environment variable to 0.


To attach trace id to console logs, you can set HDX_NODE_BETA_MODE environment variable to 1.


Advanced Network Capture (BETA)

By enabling advanced network capture, the SDK will additionally capture full HTTP request/response headers and bodies for all inbound/outbound HTTP requests, to help with more in-depth request debugging. This can be accomplished by setting HDX_NODE_ADVANCED_NETWORK_CAPTURE environment variable to 1.


By default, all request/response headers will be captured. You can specify a custom list of headers to capture by setting OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_HTTP_CAPTURE_HEADERS_CLIENT_REQUEST, OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_HTTP_CAPTURE_HEADERS_CLIENT_RESPONSE, OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_HTTP_CAPTURE_HEADERS_SERVER_REQUEST, OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_HTTP_CAPTURE_HEADERS_SERVER_RESPONSE environment variable to a comma-separated list of headers.

For example:


Custom Termination/Shutdown Handler

If your application specifies its own shutdown procedure by capturing SIGTERM or SIGINT events, you'll want to disable the default shutdown handler by specifying stopOnTerminationSignals to false in the initSDK call or by setting HDX_NODE_STOP_ON_TERMINATION_SIGNALS to false.

You can then import and call the shutdown async function to manually stop the SDK.

import { shutdown } from '@hyperdx/node-opentelemetry';

process.on('SIGTERM', async () => {
  // Your shutdown code here...

  await shutdown();

GCP Cloud Function Event Handler

If your application runs on GCP (Google Cloud Platform) Cloud Functions, you can use the registerGCPCloudFunctionEventHandler function to automatically instrument your function. Currently the event handler will ensure traces gets propagated through PubSub as long as the publisher has enableOpenTelemetryTracing: true (see example).

import functions from '@google-cloud/functions-framework';
import { registerGCPCloudFunctionEventHandler } from '@hyperdx/node-opentelemetry';

  registerGCPCloudFunctionEventHandler(async (event) => {
    // Your code here...

Dependencies (31)

Dev Dependencies (18)

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  • ernest_hyperdx
  • mikeshi42
  • wrn14897