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0.9.0 • Public • Published

JSON Validation

JSON Validation is a media type for describing and validating the structure of JSON data. Over the years, I've written a lot of JSON Schemas and helped others in all kinds of domains write their JSON Schemas. JSON Validation is a re-imagining of JSON Schema based on my experiences and knowledge. In part, it's an implementation of how I would define JSON Schema if given a blank slate, but mostly I'm using this implementation as a sandbox to try out new ideas and approaches to the JSON Schema style.

A JSON Validation document is a JSON Reference document and has the content type application/validation+json. To understand JSON Validation, you should first understand JSON Reference. Beware that this is not quite the same JSON Reference that is used in JSON Schema.

A JSON Validation document is a declarative set of constraints that a JSON document must conform to in order to be considered valid. The JSON Validation document is parsable into a pure function that can be used to validate a JSON document in any language.



Accept: application/reference+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/validation+json

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "foo": { "type": "string" }
  "required": ["foo"]
(async () => {
  // Get a validation document
  const doc = await JsonValidation.get("", JsonValidation.nil);

  // Get a validator function from a validation document
  const validate = await JsonValidation.validate(doc);

  const result1 = validate({ "foo": "bar" });
  ValidationResult.isValid(result1); // => true

  const result2 = validate({ "abc": 123 });
  ValidationResult.isValid(result2); // => false



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Philosophy and Architectural Constraints


JSON Validation does just what it says it does; It validates JSON. Is not intended for validating programming language specific types or data structures.


JSON Validation is designed to be used as part of a client-server architecture. Therefore JSON Validation documents, must be identified by a URL and must be retrievable.

Layered System

JSON Validation should be composable at as many levels as possible. There are a set of predefined keywords. New keywords can be defined as a composition of other keywords. (coming soon)

A JSON Validation document is a collection of keywords. Each keyword adds a constraint. An empty JSON Validation document ({}) has no constraints. All JSON documents are valid. Each keyword adds a constraint further narrowing what constitutes a valid document.


All keywords are stateless. The result of validating a keyword is dependent only on the value being validated and the keyword value. A keyword can not be dependent on another keyword or any external data.


JSON Validation documents are immutable and should be cacheable forever. Once published, they should never change. If they need to change, a new document should be created that is identified by a unique URL.

Uniform Interface

JSON Validation documents should validate the same way no matter what language the validator is implemented in. Each document identifies what keywords the implementation must support. Generating a validation function should result in an error if the implementation doesn't support one or more of the keywords in the JSON Validation document.

The result of validating a JSON document should follow a standardized structure. (coming soon)

Code on Demand

For the things that can't be described as keywords, it should be possible to describe a keyword implementation using JavaScript (coming soon).


  • Value as JSON Reference document
  • $data keyword
  • More detailed validation results
  • Error message keyword
  • Keyword composition


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    • jason.desrosiers