
2.0.1 • Public • Published

Forked from react-mentions package.

React mentions input, fork from react-mentions with some additional customisation functionality for custom add mention calls, and suggestion keyboard override.

The idea of these changes are to permit customised suggestions menus, drill-in multiple level mentions and ultimately add mentions for items that are not in the flat data structure supported as standard. A PR is intended once the additions are mature.

The MentionsInput supports the following additional props:

Prop name Type Default value Description
onKeyDownOverride function (event, { mutateState, state, addMention, ...* }) undefined Override onKeyDown events within the suggestions menu, passes functions for mutating state and adding mentions
keyDownOverrideTriggerCodes object undefined Object containing name/keyCode's to trigger onKeyDownOverride when pressed within suggestions
onClearSuggestions function () undefined Called when the suggestions menu is closed without any selection from the user

onKeyDownOverride is passed the following additional functions provided by react-mentions for custom key handling to provide standard support.

  • clearSuggestions() closes the suggestions list without any selection
  • shiftFocus(delta) where delta increments/decrements the currently focused root suggestion item e.g. shiftFocus(-1)
  • selectFocused() selects the currently focused root suggestion

For any custom operation or sub-menu suggestions you should manually handle using the following.

  • mutateState((updater, callback) => ...) effectively a pass through to the MentionInput setState function
  • state is the current MentionInput state object
  • addMention({ id, display }, queryInfo) pass through of MentionInput addMention function

Source package here https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-mentions, all credit and thanks to the authors.

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  • impelsys