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1.0.0-beta.30 • Public • Published


Add, remove and validate checksums.


Install using npm:

npm install @iota/checksum

or using yarn:

yarn add @iota/checksum

API Reference

checksum.addChecksum(input, [checksumLength], [isAddress])

Summary: Generates a checksum and appends it to the given trytes.

  • errors.INVALID_ADDRESS : Make sure that the given address is 90 trytes long.
  • errors.INVALID_TRYTES : Make sure that the input argument contains only trytes
  • errors.INVALID_CHECKSUM_LENGTH : Make sure that the checksumLength argument is a number greater than or equal to 3. If the isAddress argument is set to true, make sure that the checksumLength argument is 9.
Param Type Default Description
input string 81 trytes to which to append the checksum
[checksumLength] number 9 Length of the checksum to generate
[isAddress] boolean true Whether the input is an address

This method takes 81 trytes, which could be an address or a seed, generates the checksum and appends it to the trytes.

To generate a checksum that is less than 9 trytes long, make sure to set the isAddress argument to false.

Related methods

To generate an address, use the getNewAddress() method.

Returns: string - The original trytes with an appended checksum.

let addressWithChecksum = Checksum.addChecksum('ADDRESS...');


Summary: Removes the checksum from the given address.

  • errors.INVALID_ADDRESS : Make sure that the given address is 90 trytes long.
Param Type Description
input string Address from which to remove the checksum

This method takes an address of 90 trytes, and removes the last 9 trytes to return the address without a checksum.

Related methods

To generate an address, use the getNewAddress() method. To add a checksum to an address, use the addChecksum() method.

Returns: string - The original address without the appended checksum.

let addressWithoutChecksum = Checksum.removeChecksum('ADDRESS...');


Summary: Validates the checksum of an address.

  • errors.INVALID_ADDRESS : Make sure that the given address is 90 trytes long.
Param Type Description
addressWithChecksum string Address with a checksum

This method takes an address of 90 trytes, and checks if the checksum is valid.

Related methods

To generate an address, use the getNewAddress() method. To add a checksum to an address, use the addChecksum() method.

Returns: boolean - Whether the checksum is valid.

let valid = Checksum.isValidChecksum('ADDRESS...');


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