compose multiple small apps into one.
const yo = require('yo-yo')
const { start } = require('@ishiduca/snoopy')
const compose = require('@ishiduca/snoopy-compose')
const appError = require('./apps/error')
const appResult = require('./apps/result')
const appForm = require('./apps/form')
const app = compose({
appForm, appResult, appError
}, function template (views) {
return yo`
<div class="modal">${views.appError}</div>
const { views } = start(app)
const root = document.createElement('div')
views().on('data', rt => yo.update(root, rt))
module.exports = {
init () { return { model: '' } },
update (model, action) {
if (action && acion.oninput != null) {
return {
model: action.oninput,
effect: action
return { model}
view (model, actionsUp) {
return yo`
oninput=${e => actionsUp({ oninput: e.target.value })
run (effect, sources) {
if (effect && effect.oninput != null) {
return api.toUpperCase(effect.oninput)
const { through } = require('mississippi')
const BEYOND = require('@ishiduca/snoopy-compose/beyond')
const bey = (action) => ({ [BEYOND]: action })
module.exports = {
toUpperCase (value) {
const toUpperCaseResult = value.split(' ').filter(Boolean)
.map(str => (str.slice(0, 1) + str.slice(1)))
.join(' ')
const src = through.obj()
if (str.length) {
src.end(bey({ toUpperCaseResult }))
} else {
src.end(bey({ error: new Error('no valid value found.') }))
return src
removeError () {
const src = through.obj()
process.nextTick(() => src.end(bey({ removeError: true })))
return src
module.exports = {
init () { return { model: '' } },
update (model, action) {
if (action && action.toUpperCaseResult != null) {
return {
model: action.toUpperCaseResult,
effect: { removeError: true }
return { model }
view (model, actionsUp) {
return yo`
run (effect) {
if (effect && effect.removeError) {
return api.removeError()
module.exports = {
init () { return { model: null } },
update (model, action) {
if (action && action.error) {
return {
model: {
name: action.error.name,
message: action.error.message
if (action && action.removeError) {
return { model: null }
return { model }
view (model, actionsUp) {
if (model == null) return ''
return yo`
onclick=${e => actionsUp({ removeError: true })}
Each "small" app knows only about itself. Therefore, the "state" handled by each app is small and simple. On the other hand, dealing with apps other than yourself requires a rather complicated procedure.
Pass on actions beyond the app
Use the BEYOND
keyword to convey actios beyond your own app.
In the run
function, you issue an action wrapped in an object with the BEYOND property. that action will be transmitted to apps other than yourself.
const BEYOND = require('@ishiduca/snoopy-compose/beyond')
const actBeyond = (action) => ({ [BEYOND]: action })
app.run = (effect, sources) => {
const src = through.obj()
src.end(actBeyond({ error: new Error('hoge' }))
return src