Firebase Extra
This is a CLI tool with useful commands for interacting with firebase. It contains things like managing users and managing firestore data.
To install the library run:
npm i -g @jaspero/fb-extra
Initially you'll need to define a project, do that by running:
fbs use [your-project-id]
Command | Description |
Auth | |
fbs auth (create-user|cu) {email} {password} [custom claims] | Adds a new email/password user |
fbs auth (update-claims|uc) {id|email} [custom claims] | Update users custom claims |
fbs auth (change-password|cp) {id|email} | Changes the users password |
fbs auth (remove-user|ru) {id|email} | Removes a user by email or id |
fbs auth (remove-users|rus) [excluded] | Removes all users except for users on the exclusion list |
fbs auth (list-users|lu) [regex search] [page-size] | Lists users in descending order. Page size defaults to 20 |
Firestore | |
fbs firestore (add-document|ad) {collection} {json|path} | Creates a document in the desired collection |