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1.6.5 • Public • Published

JMS Plugins

A set of plugins for JMS.


A custom element intended for use on overview pages. It's a way for adding notes to any document. You would typically use it in layout.table.actions like this:

  "actions": [{
    "value": "it => '<jms-e-notes data-id=' + it.id + '></jms-e-notes>'"

or you can use the note-view element in a single instance:

  "instance": {
    "segments": [
        "components": [{
          "selector": "note-view"


  1. Install the plugin npm i --save @jaspero/jmsp-notes
  2. Import the JMSPNotesModule in the ModuleInstanceModule in your JMS project.

Quick Edit

Adds the capability for editing documents through a dialog.


  1. Install the plugin npm i --save @jaspero/jmsp-quick-edit
  2. Import the JMSPQuickEditModule in the ModuleInstanceModule in your JMS project.
  3. For translations add the following to your transloco.config.js:
    module.exports = {
       scopedLibs: [
           src: './node_modules/@jaspero/jmsp-qe',
           dist: ['./projects/cms/src/assets/i18n/']
  4. Import translations by running: transloco:extract-scoped-libs.

You can now use <jms-e-quick-edit data-id="some-id"></jms-e-quick-edit>.

It's also possible to override which segments are shown in quick edit by using metadata.quickEditSegments.

Help FlyOut

A popup for help articles. It's module based and changes dynamically based on what module the user is currently on.


  1. Install the plugin npm i --save @jaspero/jmsp-help
  2. Import the JMSPHelpModule in the DashboardModule in your JMS project. You can use JMSPHelpModule.forRoot() to configure height, width as well as top and left position.
  3. Add <jmsp-help-toggle></jmsp-help-toggle> somewhere in your project (it's mainly intended to go in the layout navigation).
  4. In order to be able to add articles through JMS you will need to install the projects module npm i --save @jaspero/jmsp-modules in setup as well and add HELP_PLUGIN_MODULE to modules.ts.
  5. For translations add the following to your transloco.config.js:
    module.exports = {
       scopedLibs: [
           src: './node_modules/@jaspero/jmsp-help',
           dist: ['./projects/cms/src/assets/i18n/']
  6. Import translations by running: transloco:extract-scoped-libs.
  7. You will also need to add the following firestore index:
      "collectionGroup": "help",
      "queryScope": "COLLECTION",
      "fields": [
          "fieldPath": "module",
          "order": "ASCENDING"
          "fieldPath": "order",
          "order": "ASCENDING"

You can find an example implementation here.

GitHub Issues

A set of components for working with github issues.


Creating a plugin

  1. Run ng g library [plugin-name] --prefix=jmsp
  2. Add @jaspero/jmsp- prefix in the projects package.json
  3. Add a release property. Example from notes plugin (remember to replace all references of "notes").
      "release": {
        "pkgRoot": "../../dist/@jaspero/jmsp-notes",
        "branch": "master",
        "verifyConditions": [
        "prepare": [
        "publish": [
              "assets": [
        "plugins": [
  4. Create ng-package.prod.json. Example from notes plugin (remember to replace all references of "notes").
      "$schema": "../../node_modules/ng-packagr/ng-package.schema.json",
      "dest": "../../dist/@jaspero/jmsp-notes",
      "lib": {
        "entryFile": "src/public-api.ts"
  5. In angular.json extend the architect.configurations.production with ng-package.prod.json
     "configurations": {
       "production": {
         "tsConfig": "projects/notes/tsconfig.lib.prod.json",
         "project": "projects/notes/ng-package.prod.json"
  6. Add build scripts for the library in to the root package.json
  7. Build the library and publish an initial version manually. This is required because since it's a scoped package it needs to be explicitly flagged as public. You can do this by running npm publish --access public in dist/@jaspero/[package-name].


MIT © Jaspero Ltd

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