Table of contents
General info
JejeQL is a tool that can translate a query into a predicate and filter data.
import { tryGetArrayFilteredByQuery } from '@jeje-devs/jeje-ql';
const countries = [
{ name: 'Colombia', capital: 'Bogota', language: 'ES' },
{ name: 'Venezuela', capital: 'Caracas', language: 'ES' },
{ name: 'Ecuador', capital: 'Quito', language: 'ES' },
{ name: 'Guyana', capital: 'Georgetown', language: 'EN' },
{ name: 'Brazil', capital: 'Brasilia', language: 'PT' },
{ name: 'Uruguay', capital: 'Montevideo', language: 'ES' },
{ name: 'Argentina', capital: 'Buenos Aires', language: 'ES' },
{ name: 'Chile', capital: 'Santiago', language: 'ES' }
const query = `name = 'Argentina' | language = 'ES' & capital =* 'm' ¦ capital *= 'go'`;
Using typescript, the query would look like:
const predicate = country => === 'Argentina' ||
country.language === 'ES' &&
('m') ||'go'));
const { success, result } = tryGetArrayFilteredByQuery(countries, query);
What gives the 'result' variable:
{ name: 'Uruguay', capital: 'Montevideo', language: 'ES' },
{ name: 'Argentina', capital: 'Buenos Aires', language: 'ES' },
{ name: 'Chile', capital: 'Santiago', language: 'ES' }
- Node.js
- Typescript
npm install @jeje-devs/jeje-ql
Comparison operators:
= Equals
name = 'Harry Potter'
=* Starts with
name =* 'Har'
*= Ends with
name *= 'tter'
*=* Contains
name *=* 'Pot'
> Higher
population > 15000000
< Lower
population < 70000000
>= Higher or equal
atomicNumber >= 2
<= Lower or equal
atomicNumber <= 6
! Negation character
Is not equal
name != 'James Bond'
Does not end with
name !*= 'ond'
Does not start with
name !=* 'Jam'
Logical operators:
| OR
id = 3 | id = 4
firstName = 'John' & lastName = 'Doe'
¦ OR (highest priority)
rooms < 3 ¦ rooms > 6
Property names
The properties in the query must have the name of the properties of the JS/TS object:
const array = [{ aPropertyWithALongName: 5 }, { aPropertyWithALongName: 3 }];
const query = `aPropertyWithALongName >= 4`;
Comparison values
The comparison values can have 3 types of values:
string The value must be written between single quotes:
name = 'Mendeleev'
number The value must be written without quotes:
sheepCount > 25
boolean The value can be either 'true' or 'false', without quotes:
hasACat = true
Get predicate:
You can use the method getPredicatesFromQuery which gives you an object containing predicates. The first level contains OR conditions, the second AND conditions and the third OR (highest priority) conditions.
import { getPredicatesFromQuery } from '@jeje-devs/jeje-ql';
const predicate = getPredicatesFromQuery(`name =* 'J'`);
You can also use the method tryGetPredicatesFromQuery which returns a result value showing if the method worked.
Get filtered array
To get the filtered array, simply use the method getArrayFilteredByQuery. It filters the array with the query. If the query is not valid (syntax error), the array remains unfiltered:
import { getArrayFilteredByQuery } from '@jeje-devs/jeje-ql';
const unfiltered = [{ id: 1, name: 'Foo' }, { id: 2, name: 'Bar' }];
const filtered = getArrayFilteredByQuery(unfiltered, `name = 'Foo'`);
You can also use the method tryGetArrayFilteredByQuery which returns a result value showing if the method worked.