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1.0.11 • Public • Published

JSON Expression Operators

The JSON Expression Operators library allows you to evaluate expressions with operators that are represented purely as JSON objects. It is completely extensible, giving you the ability to add or remove operators as required.

Basic Usage

To use the library, first import the evaluate and registry functions from the @jexop/core package, then add the operators that you wish to use to the registry:

import { evaluate, registry } from '@jexop/core';

// register all default operators

Now you can construct an expression as a JSON object. Here's an example:

const expression = {
  op: 'if',
  condition: {
    op: '>',
    left: {
      op: 'context',
      path: 'x',
    right: {
      op: 'context',
      path: 'y',
  then: {
    op: 'context',
    path: 'foo',
  else: 'something else',

In this example, the expression is checking if the value of x is greater than the value of y. If the condition is true, it returns the value of foo that is in the given context, otherwise it returns the string 'something else'.

Finally, you can evaluate the expression by calling the evaluate function and providing the context required:

const context = {
  foo: 'bar',
  x: 19,
  y: 7,

const result = evaluate(expression, context);

The result variable will contain the result of the expression evaluation.

Adding Custom Operators

In addition to the default operators provided by @jexop/core, you can also add custom operators. To add a custom operator, use the set or add functions on the registry.

Here's an example of adding a custom operator called 'is' that checks if two values are equal:

registry.set('is', ({ a, b }, ctx) => a === b);

You can also add multiple custom operators at once using the add function:

  'is': ({ a, b }, ctx) => a === b,
  "isn't": ({ a, b }, ctx) => a !== b,

Now you can use the custom operators in expressions. For example:

const expression = {
  op: 'is',
  a: 45,
  b: 17,
const result = evaluate(expression); // result will be false


The @jexop/core package provides many basic operators by default. These operators cover common use cases and provide a good starting point for most applications.

Additionally, there are more operators available in the following packages:

You can install and use these packages to access a wider range of operators for your expressions.

Literal properties and operator

Any property value that is not an object will be considered a literal value. Arrays will have each item evaluated.

Objects that have no op property will also be considered literal. Further to that there is a literal operator to ensure that the value is passed as-is. This may be useful for returning objects that have an op property that are not intended to be evaluated.


Returns value as-it, without evaluation.

Property Description
value (optional) Literal value to be returned


  "op": "literal",
  "value": {
    "op": "anything",
    "foo": "bar"
  "op": "literal",
  "value": 17
  "op": "literal",
  "value": "could be anything"

Array Operators


Property Description
items Array that will be run over
to Object to evaluate with additional item and index in the context


  "op": "array:map",
  "items": [2, 4, 6],
  "to": {
    "op": "<",
    "left": {
      "op": "context",
      "path": "item"
    "right": 5

Boolean Operators

not, !

Returns the logical not of the value.

Property Description
value Input


// returns true
  "op": "not",
  "value": false
// returns false
  "op": "!",
  "values": [
      "op": "=",
      "a": 100,
      "b": {
        "op": "plus",
        "a": 1,
        "b": 99

and, &&

Returns the result of all values combined with the logical and operation.

Property Description
values Inputs


// returns false
  "op": "and",
  "values": [true, false]
// returns true
  "op": "and",
  "values": [
      "op": "=",
      "a": 100,
      "b": {
        "op": "plus",
        "a": 1,
        "b": 99


Returns the result of all values combined with the logical nand operation.

Property Description
values Inputs


// returns true
  "op": "nand",
  "values": [true, false]
// returns false
  "op": "nand",
  "values": [
      "op": "=",
      "a": 100,
      "b": {
        "op": "plus",
        "a": 1,
        "b": 99

or, ||

Returns the result of all values combined with the logical or operation.

Property Description
values Inputs


// returns true
  "op": "or",
  "values": [true, false]
// returns false
  "op": "or",
  "values": [
      "op": "!=",
      "a": 100,
      "b": {
        "op": "plus",
        "a": 1,
        "b": 99


Returns the result of all values combined with the logical nor operation.

Property Description
values Inputs


// returns false
  "op": "nor",
  "values": [true, false]
// returns true
  "op": "nor",
  "values": [
      "op": "!=",
      "a": 100,
      "b": {
        "op": "plus",
        "a": 1,
        "b": 99

Branch Operators


Property Description
condition Condition to check
then Returned if condition is truthy
else Returned if condition is falsey

NOTE: both then and else are evaluated no matter what the condition is.


Property Description
expr Input value (string) to match against keys in options
options Key-value dictionary/object
fallback Returned if no options match expr


// given context = { "foo": "bar" }, returns { "one": "thing" }
// given context = { "foo": "another" }, returns 7
// given context = { "foo": "other" }, returns "default case"
  "op": "switch",
  "expr": {
    "op": "context",
    "path": "foo"
  "options": {
    "bar": { "one": "thing" },
    "another": 7
  "fallback": "default case"
// given context = { "foo": "bar" }, returns { "one": "thing" }
// given context = { "foo": "another", "value": 9 }, returns 9
// given context = { "foo": "other" }, returns "default case"
  "op": "switch",
  "expr": {
    "op": "context",
    "path": "foo"
  "options": {
    "bar": { "one": "thing" },
    "another": {
      "op": "context",
      "path": "value"
  "fallback": "default case"

Equality Operators

eq, =, ==, ===

Returns true if inputs are exactly equal. Otherwise, returns false.

Property Description
a Input
b Input


// returns false
  "op": "eq",
  "a": "foo",
  "b": "bar"
// returns true
  "op": "=",
  "a": 100,
  "b": {
    "op": "plus",
    "a": 1,
    "b": 99

ne, !=, !==

Returns false if inputs are exactly equal. Otherwise, returns true.

Property Description
left Input
right Input


// returns false
  "op": "ne",
  "a": "foo",
  "b": "bar"
// returns true
  "op": "!=",
  "a": 100,
  "b": {
    "op": "plus",
    "a": 1,
    "b": 99

Numeric Operators

add, plus, +

Adds two numbers.

Property Description
a Augend
b Addend

Computes a + b.

If a or b are not numeric they are defaulted to 0.


// returns 12
  "op": "add",
  "a": 10,
  "b": 2
// returns 110
  "op": "+",
  "a": 10,
  "b": {
    "op": "plus",
    "a": 1,
    "b": 99


Ensures that a value is between a given min and max (inclusive).

Property Description
min Lower bound
max Upper bound
value Input number to be clamped

If value is less that min, then min is returned. If value is greater than max then max is returned. Otherwise, value is returned.


// returns 25
  "op": "clamp",
  "min": 10,
  "max": 50,
  "value": 25
// returns 50
  "op": "clamp",
  "min": 10,
  "max": 50,
  "value": {
    "op": "plus",
    "a": 1,
    "b": 99


Compares two numbers

Property Description
left Input
right Input
Operator Comparison
lt, < left is less than right
le, <= left is less than or equal to right
gt, > left is greater than right
ge, >= left is greater than or equal to right


// returns true
  "op": "<",
  "left": 10,
  "right": 50
// returns false
  "op": "ge",
  "left": 10,
  "right": 50

divide, /

Divides one number by another.

Property Description
left Dividend
right Divisor

Computes left ÷ right


// returns 5
  "op": "divide",
  "left": 10,
  "right": 2
// returns 5
  "op": "/",
  "left": {
    "op": "divide",
    "left": 100,
    "right": 2
  "right": 10


Returns true if the value is a number. Otherwise, returns false.

Property Description
value Value to check

multiply, *

Multiplies two numbers.

Property Description
left Multiplier
right Multiplicand

Computes left × right


// returns 20
  "op": "multiply",
  "left": 10,
  "right": 2
// returns 2000
  "op": "*",
  "left": {
    "op": "multiply",
    "left": 100,
    "right": 2
  "right": 10


Converts the input value to a number in the range 0-1.

Property Description
min Lower bound
max Upper bound
value Input number

If value is less that min, then min is returned. If value is greater than max then max is returned. Otherwise, value is returned.


// returns 0.2
  "op": "normalize",
  "min": 0,
  "max": 5,
  "value": 1
// returns 0.5
  "op": "normalize",
  "min": 40,
  "max": 50,
  "value": 45
// returns 1
  "op": "normalize",
  "min": -100,
  "max": 100,
  "value": {
    "op": "plus",
    "a": 1,
    "b": 99
// returns 1
  "op": "normalize",
  "min": 0,
  "max": 10,
  "value": 99


Convert to number if possible.

Property Description
value Input
default (optional) Value to use if conversion is not possible

If value is an array, the length of the array is returned.

The default property will also be converted to number if necessary.


// returns 123
  "op": "number",
  "value": "123"
// returns 3
  "op": "number",
  "value": [9, 8, 7]
// returns null
  "op": "number",
  "value": "foo"
// returns 0
  "op": "number",
  "value": "foo",
  "default": 0
// returns 7
  "op": "number",
  "value": "foo",
  "default": "7"

subtract, minus, -

Subtracts one number from another.

Property Description
a Minuend
b Subtrahend

Computes a - b.

If a or b are not numeric they are defaulted to 0.


// returns 8
  "op": "subtract",
  "a": 10,
  "b": 2
// returns -88
  "op": "minus",
  "a": 10,
  "b": {
    "op": "-",
    "a": 1,
    "b": 99

Object Operators


Returns the context or part of it.

Property Description
path (optional) Property path to check
default (optional) Value to be returned if the property doesn't exist or the value is null or undefined


// given context = { "foo": "bar" }, returns { "foo": "bar" }
  "op": "context"
// given context = { "foo": "bar" }, returns "bar"
  "op": "context",
  "path": "foo"
// given context = { "foo": "bar" }, returns "this is the fallback"
  "op": "context",
  "path": "other",
  "default": "this is the fallback"


Gets the value of the given property at the given path from the input object.

Property Description
path Property path to check
object Input object
default (optional) Value to be returned if the property doesn't exist or the value is null or undefined


// returns { "bar": 17 }
  "op": "get",
  "path": "foo",
  "object": {
    "foo": {
      "bar": 17
// returns 17
  "op": "get",
  "path": "foo.bar",
  "object": {
    "foo": {
      "bar": 17
// returns 17
  "op": "get",
  "path": ["foo", "bar"],
  "object": {
    "foo": {
      "bar": 17
// returns "not-found'
  "op": "get",
  "path": ["prop"],
  "object": {
    "foo": {
      "bar": 17
  "default": "not-found"


True if the input object has a property at the given path.

Property Description
object Input object
path Property path to check


// returns true
  "op": "object:has",
  "path": "foo.bar",
  "object": {
    "foo": {
      "bar": 17
// returns true
  "op": "object:has",
  "path": ["foo", "bar"],
  "object": {
    "foo": {
      "bar": 17
// returns false
  "op": "object:has",
  "path": "other",
  "object": {
    "foo": {
      "bar": 17


Returns the object's keys as an array.

Property Description
object Input object
path (optional) Evaluate child property at this path


// returns ["foo", "bar"]
  "op": "object:keys",
  "object": {
    "foo": 12,
    "bar": 17
// returns ["bar"]
  "op": "object:keys",
  "path": "foo",
  "object": {
    "foo": {
      "bar": 17

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  • gregbacchus