Angular2 Webpack Starter
This is a basic Angular2 Webpack starter app. It features Ahead-of-Time compilation with tree-shaking for production and a development server without all the extra junk.
It will bundle your entire app into a single HTML file with inline CSS and Javascript. Currently the build size is 1.3MB (296.3kB after gzip).
Compass is required for development and production for stylesheets. This is just my preference. Feel free to modify it to your liking.
Clone the project
$ git clone
Install dependencies
$ cd angular2-starter-template
$ yarn (or npm install)
$ npm start
Then navigate to http://localhost:4200 in the browser.
$ npm run build
To view the bundle in the browser, run:
$ npm run serve
This will open your browser to http://localhost:3000 with the result of the build.
- Development server with lite-server and BrowserSync
- AoT compilation with tree-shaking and inline CSS/JS, minification
- Bootstrap 4 starter template with ng-bootstrap
- TSLint, Codelyzer
- Routing
- Hot module replacement
- Forms with examples
- Data/API services