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1.0.0 • Public • PublishedDependencies (211)
- acorn
- acorn-jsx
- ajv
- ansi-regex
- ansi-styles
- argparse
- array-buffer-byte-length
- array-includes
- array.prototype.findlastindex
- array.prototype.flat
- array.prototype.flatmap
- array.prototype.tosorted
- arraybuffer.prototype.slice
- asynciterator.prototype
- available-typed-arrays
- balanced-match
- brace-expansion
- builtins
- call-bind
- callsites
- chalk
- color-convert
- color-name
- concat-map
- cross-spawn
- debug
- deep-is
- define-data-property
- define-properties
- doctrine
- error-ex
- es-abstract
- es-iterator-helpers
- es-set-tostringtag
- es-shim-unscopables
- es-to-primitive
- escape-string-regexp
- eslint
- eslint-config-standard
- eslint-config-standard-jsx
- eslint-import-resolver-node
- eslint-module-utils
- eslint-plugin-es
- eslint-plugin-import
- eslint-plugin-n
- eslint-plugin-promise
- eslint-plugin-react
- eslint-scope
- eslint-utils
- eslint-visitor-keys
- espree
- esquery
- esrecurse
- estraverse
- esutils
- fast-deep-equal
- fast-json-stable-stringify
- fast-levenshtein
- fastq
- file-entry-cache
- find-up
- flat-cache
- flatted
- for-each
- fs.realpath
- function-bind
- functions-have-names
- get-intrinsic
- get-stdin
- get-symbol-description
- glob
- glob-parent
- globals
- globalthis
- gopd
- graceful-fs
- graphemer
- has-bigints
- has-flag
- has-property-descriptors
- has-proto
- has-symbols
- has-tostringtag
- hasown
- ignore
- import-fresh
- imurmurhash
- inflight
- inherits
- internal-slot
- is-array-buffer
- is-arrayish
- is-async-function
- is-bigint
- is-boolean-object
- is-callable
- is-core-module
- is-date-object
- is-extglob
- is-finalizationregistry
- is-generator-function
- is-glob
- is-map
- is-negative-zero
- is-number-object
- is-path-inside
- is-regex
- is-set
- is-shared-array-buffer
- is-string
- is-symbol
- is-typed-array
- is-weakmap
- is-weakref
- is-weakset
- isarray
- isexe
- iterator.prototype
- js-tokens
- js-yaml
- json-buffer
- json-parse-better-errors
- json-schema-traverse
- json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify
- json5
- jsx-ast-utils
- keyv
- levn
- load-json-file
- locate-path
- lodash.merge
- loose-envify
- lru-cache
- minimatch
- minimist
- ms
- natural-compare
- object-assign
- object-inspect
- object-keys
- object.assign
- object.entries
- object.fromentries
- object.groupby
- object.hasown
- object.values
- once
- optionator
- p-limit
- p-locate
- p-try
- parent-module
- parse-json
- path-exists
- path-is-absolute
- path-key
- path-parse
- pify
- pkg-conf
- prelude-ls
- prop-types
- punycode
- queue-microtask
- react-is
- reflect.getprototypeof
- regexp.prototype.flags
- regexpp
- resolve
- resolve-from
- reusify
- rimraf
- run-parallel
- safe-array-concat
- safe-regex-test
- semver
- set-function-length
- set-function-name
- shebang-command
- shebang-regex
- side-channel
- standard-engine
- string.prototype.matchall
- string.prototype.trim
- string.prototype.trimend
- string.prototype.trimstart
- strip-ansi
- strip-bom
- strip-json-comments
- supports-color
- supports-preserve-symlinks-flag
- text-table
- tsconfig-paths
- type-check
- type-fest
- typed-array-buffer
- typed-array-byte-length
- typed-array-byte-offset
- typed-array-length
- unbox-primitive
- uri-js
- version-guard
- which
- which-boxed-primitive
- which-builtin-type
- which-collection
- which-typed-array
- wrappy
- xdg-basedir
- yallist
- yocto-queue
Dev Dependencies (1)
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npm i @joaquinmr99/calculadora
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