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react-webpack-babel boilerplate

👾 Babel

  • Babel is a toolchain that is used to convert ES6+ JS code into backwards compatible versions of JS so that it do not breaks in current as well as in old web browsers.

  • .babelrc : It is a config file that is used by us to config, which presets to load, which settings to apply on the react application.

🛫 Webpack

  • Our browsers do not understand react, they only understand HTML, CSS & JS, here comes the webpack.

  • Webpack is code bundler, which converts our React code into plain HTML, CSS, JS so that it can be interpreted by our browsers, and we do not need to modify/upgrade our browsers to run/view our react code.

  • webpack.config.js : It is file, which contains rules for parsing every type of file you want to include and configurations for the build version of react

🏃‍♂️ Run

  • To run in development mode
npm run start
  • To create build pack for your application
npm run build

📂 Directories

  • /dist : Folder contains the compiled, minified version of react app

  • App.js : It is the starting point of our application, can start developing from there

NOTE : If you are starting with your development, you can delete the /dist folder from the directory, can rebuild a updated build version of your application, later.


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    • johnvente