Transparently observe and/or intercept JavaScropt Object and Array mutations (data changes) at any level (depth)
User Stories
As a developer, I want to define a store as an object at one location in code, but want hooks to be called somewhere else, when values in that object change at any level I'm interested in, atomically (e.g.
). -
As a developer, I want the ability to intercept mutations and change the value of the mutation before it happens (meta-programming, indirection).
As a developer, I want to observe mutations
they happen. I want the ability to listen for mutation globally and/or atomically to specific locations in the object tree. -
As a developer, I want the library to act transparently, so that every mutation (set) comes thru, even though the value may be the same.
As a developer, I expect great performance without unnecessary overhead/dependencies. I expect
runtime complexity on average.
✅ Observes mutations (value changes) in JavaScript Objects and Arrays at any level✅ Available as a simple, functional API:const myObservedObj = observed({ foo: { test: 123, bar: [true] } });
✅ Observe changes at any levelfoo.test
etc.✅ Allows to stop observing at any level usingoffSet(myObservedObj.foo)
✅ Allows to register interceptors to change mutation values✅ Allows to register global listeners and interceptors✅ Allows to control depth of observation✅ Just720 byte
nano sized (ESM, gizpped)✅ 0 dependencies✅ Tree-shakable and side-effect free✅ First class TypeScript support✅ 100% Unit Test coverage
Example usage
- yarn:
yarn add @jsheaven/observed
- npm:
npm install @jsheaven/observed
import { observed, onSet, offSet } from '@jsheaven/observed'
const someObject = { foo: 'X', cool: { test: 123 } }
// is now observed, by default deeply
const someObjectObserved = observed(someObject)
const onSomethingInCoolChange = (prop, value, prevValue) => {
console.log(prop, 'changed from', prevValue, 'to', value)
// listen to changes, by default in 'after' phase, when it already happened
onSet(someObjectObserved.cool, onSomethingInCoolChange)
someObjectObserved.cool.test = 456 // prints to console now
// lets set an interceptor, so we can change the values before the change happens
const interceptAndChangeWhenSomethingInCoolChanges = (prop, value, prevValue) => {
console.log(prop, 'changed from', prevValue, 'to', value)
if (prop === 'test' && typeof value === 'number') {
return value * 2 // always double
return value // original change
onSet(someObjectObserved.cool, interceptAndChangeWhenSomethingInCoolChanges, 'before')
someObjectObserved.cool.test = 456 // prints 912 to console now because the doubling of the value happens first
someObjectObserved.lala = 234 // nothing happens, there is no listener on someObject directly
someObjectObserved.foo = 'Y' // nothing happens, also here there is no listener
// you can also test an object to be observed (if Proxy the proxy is set)
isObserved(someObjectObserved) // true
isObserved(someObject) // false
// and also fetch the callback references from an observed object
getObservers(someObjectObserved.cool) // [ ... ]
// to stop listenting/intercepting specifically:
offSet(someObjectObserved.cool, onSomethingInCoolChange)
// to remove all callbacks on that level at once:
const { observed } = require('@jsheaven/observed')
// same API like ESM variant
Advanced - global listeners and depth control
import { observed } from '@jsheaven/observed'
// original object always stays untouched (never mutated from observed objects mutations)
const someObject = { foo: 'X', cool: { test: 123 } }
// now lets say we that we want to observe any change at any level
const someObjectObserved = observed(someObject, {
onSet: (prop, value, prevValue) => {
console.log(prop, 'changed from', prevValue, 'to', value)
onGet: (prop, value, target, receiver) => {
console.log(prop, 'has been read/accessed with value', value, 'in target object', target, 'receiver', receiver)
onBeforeSet: (prop, value, prevValue) => {
console.log(prop, 'changed from', prevValue, 'to', value)
if (typeof value === 'number') {
return value * 2 // always double
return value // original change
// both listeners are registered now and act before and after all atomic listeners
// therefore atomic listeners in 'before' phase, can override global listeners in 'before' phase
// and global listeners in 'after' phase always receive the "final" result and are reading last
someObjectObserved.cool.test = 456 // prints 912 to console now because the doubling of the value happens first
someObjectObserved.lala = 468 // prints 468
someObjectObserved.foo = 'Y' // prints to the console
// has no effect, because we're talking global listeners and they can't be removed
const { observed } = require('@jsheaven/observed')
// same API like ESM variant
Notes on time complexity
TL;DR: On average, the time complexity of this library is O(1)
Because this library supports infinite depth mutation tracking, and because you could add as much hook listeners on every property of an object as you like, you can, theoretical, run into O(n)
where n is the number of properties on the object being observed. This is because the observed function loop over all the properties of the object to observe them. The time complexity of the onSet
function is O(n)
as it adds a callback to the list of callbacks of the observed object, which has a length of n
, but as explained before, in the average case, it's O(1)