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Bun Bakery

Bun-Bakery is a web framework for Bun. It uses a file based router in style like svelte-kit. No need to define routes during runtime.

Quick Start

bun add @kapsonfire/bun-bakery

On your main script import Router from bun-bakery and define your pathes. i.e. main.ts

import {Router} from "@kapsonfire/bun-bakery"

new Router({
    assetsPath: import.meta.dir + '/assets/',
    routesPath: import.meta.dir + '/routes/'

After that run the server and open your browser http://localhost:3000

bun main.ts


Routes are added automatically when creating files inside your routesPath when exporting functions with the corresponding Method Names. Given example above create index.ts inside routes/ and export a GET function calling ctx.sendResponse().

import {Context} from "@kapsonfire/bun-bakery"

export async function GET(ctx: Context) {
    ctx.sendResponse(new Response('hello world!'));


Routes can have parameters inside dirname and/or filename. Just put the parameter name inside brackets and it will be added to ctx.params. In example: given routes/user/[username].ts and open http://localhost:3000/user/kapsonfire

import {Context} from "@kapsonfire/bun-bakery"

export async function GET(ctx: Context) {
    ctx.sendResponse(new Response('hello '+ ctx.params.username +'!'));

will output hello kapsonfire!

Spread Paramaters

Routes can also have wildcard/spread paramaters. In example: given routes/users/[...usernames].ts and open http://localhost:3000/users/kapsonfire/jarred/tricked

import {Context} from "@kapsonfire/bun-bakery"

export async function GET(ctx: Context) {

will output


Websocket Server

Bun-Bakery supports websocket endpoint export for Bun.serve({...}). Just export WEBSOCKET as Object registering the websocket hooks. In example: given routes/websocket/user.ts

export const WEBSOCKET = {
    message: (ws, message)  => {
        console.log('RCV:', message);
        ws.send('ECHO: ' + message);
    upgrade: (ctx: Context) => {

More detailed example:

export const WEBSOCKET = {
    message: (ws, message)  => {
        console.log('RCV:', message);
        ws.send('ECHO: ' + message);
    upgrade: (ctx: Context) => {
            data: {
                name: new URL(req.url).searchParams.get("name") || "Friend",
            headers: {
                'Set-Cookie': 'name=value'

This will accept Websocket Connections on `ws://localhost:3000/websocket/user

NOTE: Websocket Endpoints don't support params in the url.


Inside the context variable you can access the native bun Request object inside ctx.request. ctx.sendResponse expects a native bun Response object.


bun-bakery supports some life-cycles to add middleware

  • onRequest will be called before the router handles the request
  • onRoute will be called before the route function will be called
  • onResponse will be called after the route function finished
    onRequest: (ctx: Context) => { ctx.params.injected = "1"; console.log('onRequest', ctx) },
    onRoute: (ctx: Context) => console.log('onRoute', ctx),
    onResponse: (ctx: Context) => {
        ctx.response.headers.set('content-type', 'application/jsonx');
        console.log('onResponse', ctx)

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npm i @kapsonfire/bun-bakery

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  • kapsonfire