
1.1.5 • Public • Published


ls stands for LocalStorage. It allows you to simply get and set objects, arrays etc. directly into the window.localStorage, without worrying about parsing / stringifying data.

How to use

"Simple" use (basic JSON encoding)

import lsManager from '@kebab-case/ls-manager'

const ls = lsManager()

const key = 'tralala'
const value = {a: 'tsoin-tsoin'}

ls.setItem(key, value)

let otherValue = ls.getItem(key)

// will display: Object { a: "tsoin-tsoin" } Object { a: "tsoin-tsoin" }
console.log(value, otherValue)

ls.update(key, {'testUpdate': 'tralala'})
otherValue = ls.getItem(key)

// will display: Object { a: "tsoin-tsoin", testUpdate: "tralala" }

N.B.: ls-manager also supports require syntax (which doesn't help since you don't have access to window with node).

Use your very own encoder / decoder

const ls = lsManager({
    parsingFunction: (string) => {
        // return parsed string
    stringifyingFunction: (any) => {
        // return stringified any

Well... that is all folks!

Powered by @kebab-case/npm-simple-publisher

This package has been brought to you by npm-simple-publisher

This little nodejs command-line script allows you to easily compile and publish node and es6 compliant code packages to npm. Init your project with minimal babel configuration for es6, compile to cjs and publish to npm with only two commands.

Try it now:

sudo apt install yarn
sudo npm install -g @kebab-case/npm-simple-publisher
mkdir my_project
cd my_project
# getting help about command
kc-nsp -h # list of command modules
kc-nsp init -h # and so on
# getting started
kc-nsp init -f # create project 
# ... do things in my_project/src, using proposed build or your own (not npm-friendly)
kc-nsp publish -t M|m|r # publish new Major / minor version or revision

Basically, that's all!

Find on npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@kebab-case/npm-simple-publisher

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  • kebab-case