Polkadot Snap
Polkadot Snap is the application allowing users to directly manage Polkadot within the MetaMask interface. Since Snaps is pre-release software, the alpha version of Polkadot Snap is currently live on Metamask Flask only, a canary distribution for developers that provides access to upcoming features.
*Note: MetaMask Flask is an experimental playground for developers and is not to be confused with the normal MetaMask wallet app.
MetaMask Snaps Introduction
Snaps is a system that allows developers to safely build and expand the capabilities of MetaMask. It is a program that is run in an isolated environment with a limited set of capabilities, that can customize and modify MetaMask's wallet experience for end users. For example, a snap can add new APIs to MetaMask thus adding support for different blockchains or modify existing functionalities using internal APIs.
Additional information can be found here.
- Enable
Polkadot Snap
in your dapp.
const result: boolean = await ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_enable',
params: [
wallet_snap: {'npm:@keystonehq/polkadotsnap': {}},
- Config the polkadot snap. Currently
| 'kusama' | 'westend' is supported.
const result: string = await ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
params: ['npm:@keystonehq/polkadotsnap', {
method: 'polkadot_configure',
params: {
configuration: {
network: 'polkadot'
- Get a Polkadot Account.
const result: string = await ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
params: [
method: 'polkadot_getAccount'
- Sign Transaction.
const result: { txId: string, txHex: string } = await ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
params: [
method: 'polkadot_signPayloadJson',
params: {
payload: u8aToHex(actualPayload)
- Sign Raw Message.
const result: { txId: string, txHex: string } = await ethereum.request({
method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
params: [
method: 'polkadot_signPayloadRaw',
params: {
payload: hexString
Build the snap and test it locally with the following command:
yarn build
Live Example
If you would like to integrate Polkadot Snap into your dapp, you can use the following codes here.