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@keyv/memcache keyv

Memcache storage adapter for Keyv

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import Keyv from 'keyv';
import KeyvMemcache from '@keyv/memcache';

const memcache = new KeyvMemcache('user:pass@localhost:11211');
const keyv = new Keyv({ store: memcache });

await keyv.set("foo","bar", 6000) //Expiring time is optional

const obj = await keyv.get("foo");

await keyv.delete("foo");

await keyv.clear();

Usage with Namespaces

import Keyv from 'keyv';
import KeyvMemcache from '@keyv/memcache';

const memcache = new KeyvMemcache('user:pass@localhost:11211');
const keyv1 = new Keyv({ store: memcache, namespace: "namespace1" });
const keyv2 = new Keyv({ store: memcache, namespace: "namespace2" });

await keyv1.set("foo","bar1", 6000) //Expiring time is optional
await keyv2.set("foo","bar2", 6000) //Expiring time is optional

const obj1 = await keyv1.get("foo"); //will return bar1
const obj2 = await keyv2.get("foo"); //will return bar2

Works with Memcached, Memcachier, Redislabs, and Google Cloud

Using Memcached

  1. Install Memcached and start an instance
//set the server to the correct address and port 
const server = "localhost:11211"

const Keyv = require("keyv");
const KeyvMemcache = require("@keyv/memcache");

const memcache = new KeyvMemcache(server);
const keyv = new Keyv({ store: memcache});

Using Memcachier

  1. Go to https://www.memcachier.com and signup
  2. Create a cache and setup where.
  3. In the screen take the username, password, and url and place it into your code:
//best practice is to not hard code your config in code. 
const user = "";
const pass = "";
const server = "XXX.XXX.XXX.memcachier.com:11211"

const Keyv = require("keyv");
const KeyvMemcache = require("@keyv/memcache");

const memcache = new KeyvMemcache(user +":"+ pass +"@"+ server);
const keyv = new Keyv({ store: memcache});

Using Redislabs Memcache Protocol

  1. Go to https://www.redislabs.com and signup
  2. Create a database and make sure to set the Protocol to memcached
  3. In the screen take the username, password, and endpoint (the server) and place it into your code:
//best practice is to not hard code your config in code. 
const user = "";
const pass = "";
const server = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.cloud.redislabs.com:XXX"

const Keyv = require("keyv");
const KeyvMemcache = require("@keyv/memcache");

const memcache = new KeyvMemcache(user +":"+ pass +"@"+ server);
const keyv = new Keyv({ store: memcache});

Using Google Cloud

  1. Go to https://cloud.google.com/ and sign up.
  2. Go to the memcached configuration page in the google cloud console by navigating to Memorystore > Memcached.
  3. On the memcached page (Eg. https://console.cloud.google.com/memorystore/memcached/instances?project=example), Click Create Instance
  4. Fill in all mandatory fields as needed. You will need to set up a private service connection.
  5. To set up a private service connection, click the Set Up Connection button.
  6. Once required fields are complete, click the Create button to create the instance.
  7. Google provides further documentation for connecting to and managing your Memecached instance here.
import Keyv from 'keyv';
import KeyvMemcache from '@keyv/memcache';

const memcache = new KeyvMemcache("insert the internal google memcached discovery endpoint");
const keyv = new Keyv({ store: memcache});


MIT © Jared Wray

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  • jaredwray