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@kogs/utils · tests status typescript license badge npm version

@kogs/utils is a Node.js package that provides a collection of utility functions.


npm install @kogs/utils


// Import functions individually.
import { someFunction } from '@kogs/utils';

// Or import the entire module.
import utils from '@kogs/utils';


  • copy - Copy a file or directory recursively.
  • copySync - Synchronous version of copy.
  • collectFiles - Collect all files in a directory recursively.
  • arrayToStream - Convert an array of values to a readable stream.
  • streamToArray - Convert a readable stream to an array of values.
  • streamToBuffer - Convert a readable stream to a Buffer.
  • filterStream - Create a transform stream that filters stream data.
  • mergeStreams - Merge multiple readable streams into a single stream.


copy(src: string, dest: string): Promise<void>

This method accepts a source path and a destination path and returns a promise that resolves when the copy operation has completed.

  • If given a directory, the directory and all of its contents will be copied recursively to the new location.
  • If given a directory, but a file exists at the destination, the file will be unlinked and replaced with the directory.
  • If given a file, but a directory exists at the destination, the directory will be recursively deleted and replaced with the file.
await copy('/path/to/src', '/path/to/dest');

The default behavior of overwriting can be controlled by passing an options object as the third argument with the overwrite property set to true, false, always, never or newer.

  • true or always - Overwrite the destination if it already exists.
  • false or never - Do not overwrite the destination if it already exists.
  • newer - Only overwrite the destination tgat already exists if the source is newer.
await copy('/path/to/src', '/path/to/dest', { overwrite: 'newer' });


copySync(src: string, dest: string): void

This method accepts a source path and a destination path and returns when the copy operation has completed.

If given a directory, the directory and all of its contents will be copied recursively.

  • If given a directory, the directory and all of its contents will be copied recursively to the new location.
  • If given a directory, but a file exists at the destination, the file will be unlinked and replaced with the directory.
  • If given a file, but a directory exists at the destination, the directory will be recursively deleted and replaced with the file.
copySync('/path/to/src', '/path/to/dest');

The default behavior of overwriting can be controlled by passing an options object as the third argument with the overwrite property set to true, false, always, never or newer.

  • true or always - Overwrite the destination if it already exists.
  • false or never - Do not overwrite the destination if it already exists.
  • newer - Only overwrite the destination tgat already exists if the source is newer.
copySync('/path/to/src', '/path/to/dest', { overwrite: 'newer' });


collectFiles(dir: string, filter?: FileFilter): Promise<string[]>

// Relevant types:
type FileFilter = (entryPath: string) => boolean;

This method accepts a directory path and returns a promise that resolves with an array of file paths recursively contained within the directory.

const files = await collectFiles('/path/to/dir');
// files[0] = '/path/to/dir/file1.txt'
// files[1] = '/path/to/dir/file2.log'

If filter is defined, it will be used to filter the files returned by the method. The filter function will be passed the combined path of the directory and file name, and should return true if the file should be included in the result.

const files = await collectFiles('/path/to/dir', e => e.endsWith('.txt'));
// files[0] = '/path/to/dir/file1.txt'


errorClass(name: string): new() => Error

This method accepts a name and returns a new error class that can be used to create new errors.

const MyCustomError = errorClass('MyCustomError');
throw new MyCustomError('Something went wrong!');

// error.name === 'MyCustomError'
// error.message === 'Something went wrong!'

The purpose of this factory is to reduce the amount of boilerplate required to create custom errors.

// Common boilerplate:
class MyCustomError extends Error {
	constructor(message) {
		this.name = 'MyCustomError';

// Equivalent to:
const MyCustomError = errorClass('MyCustomError');


arrayToStream(input: Array<ReadableChunk>, objectMode: boolean = true): stream.Readable

// Relevant types:
type ReadableChunk = string | Buffer | Uint8Array | null;

This method accepts an array of values and returns a readable stream that emits each value in the array.

If objectMode is not defined, it will default to true if the first element in the input array is a non-null object, otherwise it will default to false. See the Node.js documentation for more information on object mode.

// Example usage.
import { arrayToStream } from '@kogs/utils';

const stream = arrayToStream(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
// stream.read() ==== 'foo'


streamToArray(input: stream.Readable): Promise<Array<ReadableChunk>>

// Relevant types:
type ReadableChunk = string | Buffer | Uint8Array | null;

This method accepts a readable stream and returns a promise that resolves with an array of values emitted by the stream.

// Example usage.
import { streamToArray } from '@kogs/utils';

const stream = ...; // Readable stream containing 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'.
const result = await streamToArray(stream);
// result === ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']


streamToBuffer(input: stream.Readable): Promise<Buffer>

This method accepts a readable stream and returns a promise that resolves with a Buffer containing the data emitted by the stream.

// Example usage.
import { streamToBuffer } from '@kogs/utils';

const stream = ...; // Readable stream containing 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'.
const result = await streamToBuffer(stream);
// `result` is a Buffer[9] containing 'foobarbaz'.


filterStream(fn: StreamFilter, objectMode: boolean = true): stream.Transform

// Relevant types:
type StreamFilter = (chunk: ReadableChunk) => Promise<boolean>;

This method accepts a filter function and returns a transform stream that filters the data emitted by a stream.

// Example usage.
import { filterStream } from '@kogs/utils';

const stream = ...; // Readable stream containing 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'.
const filtered = stream.pipe(filterStream(chunk => chunk !== 'bar'));

// `filtered` will emit 'foo' and 'baz'.


mergeStreams(...streams: Array<stream.Readable>): Promise<stream.PassThrough>

This method accepts a variable number of readable streams and returns a promise that resolves with a PassThrough stream that merges the data emitted by the input streams.

See the Node.js documentation for more information on PassThrough streams.

// Example usage.
import { mergeStreams } from '@kogs/utils';

const stream1 = ...; // Readable stream containing 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'.
const stream2 = ...; // Readable stream containing 'qux', 'quux', 'corge'.

const merged = await mergeStreams(stream1, stream2);
// `merged` will emit 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'quux', 'corge'.

What is @kogs?

@kogs is a collection of packages that I've written to consolidate the code I often reuse across my projects with the following goals in mind:

  • Consistent API.
  • Minimal dependencies.
  • Full TypeScript definitions.
  • Avoid feature creep.
  • ES6+ syntax.

All of the packages in the @kogs collection can be found on npm under the @kogs scope.

Contributing / Feedback / Issues

Feedback, bug reports and contributions are welcome. Please use the GitHub issue tracker and follow the guidelines found in the CONTRIBUTING file.


The code in this repository is licensed under the ISC license. See the LICENSE file for more information.


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