RegExp wrapper for comment-like lines
- custom tags, from strings ('/*', '*/', '//', ...)
- leading and trailing space tolerant
- opening, closing and section tags (ini files section, for example)
- extract text from the tag
const crb = require('comment-regexp-builder');
const lineCommentTag = crb.createStartTag('//');
console.log(lineCommentTag.test(' // some comment '));
console.log(lineCommentTag.innerText(' // some comment '));
//=>" some comment "
more line comment example
const crb = require('comment-regexp-builder');
const src = `
// my 2nd code
// adds two numbers together
//- simple and unconvenient
const plus = (a, b) => {
return a + b
module.exports = {
// TODO: remove
const lineCommentTag = crb.createStartTag('//');
const lineComments = src.split('\n').filter(lineCommentTag.test);
//=> [
// ' // my 2nd code',
// ' // adds two numbers together',
// ' //- simple and unconvenient',
// ' // TODO: remove'
// ]
//=> [
// ' my 2nd code',
// ' adds two numbers together',
// '- simple and unconvenient',
// ' TODO: remove'
// ]
ini file example
const crb = require('comment-regexp-builder');
const configText = `
; ini file
; in seconds
; url to check
[extras ]
const sectionTag = crb.createSectionTag('[', ']');
const sectionNames = configText
//=> [ 'common', 'extras ', 'user' ]
One can create three types of tags:
- createStartTag(tagString)
- createEndTag(tagString)
- createSectionTag(leftPartString, rightPartString)
Each of tags has these methods:
- regexp(): returns its internal RegExp object
- test(line: string): a shorthand for its internal RegExp object test method
- innerText(line: string): If tag is found at the line, returns the text that belongs to it
There is also useful constant tag object: matchAllTag
, which meets the following:
- matchAllTag.test(s) === true //for all strings s
- matchAllTag.innerText(s) === s //for all strings s
To recognize lines with tags, these criteria must be met:
- Start-Tag must be the first non-white character at the line
- End-Tag must be the last non-white character at the line
- Section Tag pair can be surrounded only by white chars
const crb = require('comment-regexp-builder');
const startBlock = crb.createStartTag('/*');
const endBlock = crb.createEndTag('*/');
console.log(startBlock.test(' x /* some comment */ '));
console.log(startBlock.innerText(' x /* some comment */ '));
console.log(endBlock.test(' x /* some comment */ '));
console.log(endBlock.innerText(' x /* some comment */ '));
//=>" x /* some comment "
console.log(startBlock.test(' /* some comment */ x '));
console.log(startBlock.innerText(' /* some comment */ x '));
//=>" some comment */ x "
console.log(endBlock.test(' /* some comment */ x '));
console.log(endBlock.innerText(' /* some comment */ x '));
Because of that, this library cannot detects blocks inside the text:
const a = 10; //cannot detect this comment
const b = /*cannot detect this comment*/ true;