TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.13 • Public • Published


version: 0.0.5

Support Chains: Polygon、Sepolia

Quick Start

Use npm or yarn to install @ladder-team/sdk

npm install @ladder-team/sdk
yarn add @ladder-team/sdk

🔧 This is a sdk tool written in nodejs, fully compliant with the typescript specification.

🧪 This project is still in the experimental stage, any questions welcome feedback.



Price oracle program

You can very easily check the real-time price of your sell or buy NFT

const sepolia = new ChainNetwork(SupportChain.Sepolia)
const oracle = new Oracle(sepolia)

const price = await oracle.getPrice('0xdCF53E67375DaD97A273f0Ae49E5EBf2fEf44D91', 1, 'Sell')


SDK main program

You can do any major operation you want to do with ladder through Client

  • swapExactErc721ForTokens
  • swapExactTokensForErc721
  • addLiquidity721
  • addLiquidityETH721
  • swapExactErc1155ForTokens (Coming soon)
  • swapExactTokensForErc1155 (Coming soon)
import { ChainNetwork } from '../src/class/ChainNetwork'
import { SupportChain } from '../src/web3'
import { Client, Oracle } from '../src/class'
import { ethers } from 'ethers'

const testClient = async () => {
  const sepolia = new ChainNetwork(SupportChain.Sepolia)
  const signer = new ethers.Wallet('xxx')
  const oracle = new Oracle(sepolia)
  const client = new Client(signer, sepolia)

  const tokenErc20 = '0x85eDB7A0cbAcf5BD641e0FF5D6270bEf9C72Bd6B'
  const tokenErc721 = '0xdCF53E67375DaD97A273f0Ae49E5EBf2fEf44D91'

  // const amountInMax = await oracle.getPrice(tokenErc721, 1, 'Buy')
  // const transaction = await client.swapExactTokensForErc721(1, amountInMax, [tokenErc20, tokenErc721])

  const amountOutMin = await oracle.getPrice(tokenErc721, 1, 'Sell')
  const transaction = await client.swapExactErc721ForTokens(1, amountOutMin, [tokenErc721, tokenErc20])

  await transaction.wait()



SDK main program

You can do any major operation you want to do with ladder through Client

  • swapExactErc721ForTokens
  • swapExactTokensForErc721
  • addLiquidity721
  • addLiquidityETH721
  • swapExactErc1155ForTokens (Coming soon)
  • swapExactTokensForErc1155 (Coming soon)
import { WebClient, ChainNetwork, Oracle, SupportChain } from '@ladder-team/sdk'
import { ethers } from 'ethers'

// wallet signer
const testClient = async (signer: ethers.Signer | undefined) => {
  const sepolia = new ChainNetwork(SupportChain.Sepolia)
  const oracle = new Oracle(sepolia)
  const client = new WebClient(sepolia, signer)

  const tokenErc20 = '0x85eDB7A0cbAcf5BD641e0FF5D6270bEf9C72Bd6B'
  const tokenErc721 = '0xdCF53E67375DaD97A273f0Ae49E5EBf2fEf44D91'

  // buy 721
  const amountInMax = await oracle.getPrice(tokenErc721, 1, 'Buy')
  const transaction = await client.swapExactTokensForErc721(1, amountInMax, [tokenErc20, tokenErc721])

  // sell 721
  // const amountOutMin = await oracle.getPrice(tokenErc721, 1, 'Sell')
  // const transaction = await client.swapExactErc721ForTokens(1, amountOutMin, [tokenErc721, tokenErc20], ['4180'])

  await transaction.wait()

// wallet signer


If you want to call the internal methods of a contract, you can do so via the contract exposed by class Currency

For example to get a user's token balance

const sepolia = new ChainNetwork(SupportChain.Sepolia)
const tokenContract = new CurrencyErc20(sepolia, <token contract address>)

balance = tokenContract.contract.balanceOf('0x....')

If you want to do an APPROVE NFT operation, you can do this

const sepolia = new ChainNetwork(SupportChain.Sepolia)
const signer = new Wallet(<your private key>)
const erc721Contract = new CurrencyErc20(sepolia, <erc721 contract address>)
const erc721ContractWithSigner = erc721Contract.contract.connect(signer)

const erc721HasAllowance = await erc721Contract.isApprovedForAll(signer.address, RouteErc721Address[SupportChain.Sepolia])

   const approve721Transaction = await erc721ContractWithSigner.setApprovalForAll(RouteErc721Address[SupportChain.Sepolia], true)
        await approve721Transaction.wait()

🔔 sdk integrates typechain as a type hinting tool, and you can call the contract's internal functions just as easily as you can with sdk



Instantiate your EVM chain, in many cases you can get a default network very quickly and you can use it very easily

const sepolia = new ChainNetwork(SupportChain.Sepolia)


Project checker that can be used to check certain check judgments in a project, such as checking whether an address belongs to an Erc20 or NFT

const sepolia = new ChainNetwork(SupportChain.Sepolia)
const sepoliaChecker = new Checker(sepolia)

const erc20IsErc721 = await sepoliaChecker.checkIfERC721(expErc20Address)
const erc20IsErc1155 = await sepoliaChecker.checkIfERC1155(expErc20Address)


Quickly get an instance of native Token or ERC20, fully referenced in the Uniswap-sdk design


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2023 ladder-lab


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