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Ledger Hardware Wallet Tezos JavaScript bindings.
You may be using this package to communicate with the Tezos Nano App.
For a smooth and quick integration:
- See the developers’ documentation on the Developer Portal and
- Go on Discord to chat with developer support and the developer community.
Tezos API
import Tezos from "@ledgerhq/hw-app-tezos";
const tez = new Tezos(transport)
get Tezos address for a given BIP 32 path.
string a path in BIP 32 format, must begin with 44'/1729' -
{verify: boolean?, curve: Curve?, ins: number?} (optional, default{}
tez.getAddress("44'/1729'/0'/0'").then(o => o.address)
tez.getAddress("44'/1729'/0'/0'", { verify: true })
Returns Promise<GetAddressResult> an object with address, publicKey