yarn add @littlespoon/theme
npm install @littlespoon/theme --save
Import theme:
import theme from '@littlespoon/theme'
theme.colors.brand60() // 'rgba(44,213,196,1)'
Import colors:
import colors from '@littlespoon/theme/lib/colors'
colors.brand60() // 'rgba(44,213,196,1)'
Import color with alpha transparency:
import { brand60 } from '@littlespoon/theme/lib/colors/primary'
brand60(0.5) // 'rgba(44,213,196,0.5)'
Import fonts:
import { primary, secondary } from '@littlespoon/theme/lib/fonts'
primary.family // 'Lato, sans-serif'
primary.weight.bold // 700
Import primary font-family and font-weight:
import { family, weight } from '@littlespoon/theme/lib/fonts/primary'
family // 'Lato, sans-serif'
weight.bold // 700
Import breakpoints:
import breakpoints, { desktop } from '@littlespoon/theme/lib/breakpoints'
breakpoints.mobile // 0
desktop // 1000
Generate media queries:
import { desktop, down, mobile, up } from '@littlespoon/theme/lib/breakpoints'
up(mobile, 'font-size: 42rem') // '@media (min-width: 0px) { font-size: 42rem; }'
down(desktop, 'display: none') // '@media (max-width: 1000px) { display: none; }'