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3.22.1 • Public • Published



A zero-configuration CLI for packaging libraries and CLI applications.

Getting Started


pnpm i -D @liuli-util/cli # Local installation
pnpm i -g @liuli-util/cli # global install


liuli-cli build lib # Package the library
liuli-cli build cli # Package cli references

Adding the -w option starts the rollup monitoring mode, the dist/ will not be compressed and the dependencies will not be added to the bundle.

watchdog mode


liuli-cli generate <name> --template lib # Generate ts-lib project
liuli-cli generate <name> --template cli # generate cli project

util also supports interactive project creation

liuli-cli generate

liuli-cli interactive creation screenshot


Support for deploying front-end resources to a remote location via sftp/gh-pages, with configuration information in the deploy field in package.json

liuli deploy


configuration description defaults
``type` deployment type, ``sftp/gh-pgaes` none
dist Static resource directory None
dest deployed remote directory none


configuration description defaults
sshConfig.host ip address of ssh
sshConfig.port ssh's port number 22
sshConfig.username ssh's username


configuration description default
repo?: string the git address of the project to push to the default is the current project
remote?: string push remote defaults to origin
branch?: string remote branch name defaults to gh-pages
add?: boolean whether to push incrementally cleans up the dest directory by default

Example configuration for deploying a vuepress documentation site

  "deploy": {
    "type": "gh-pages",
    "dist": "docs/.vuepress/dist"

Sync configuration

liuli-cli sync

You need to specify which configuration to sync in package.json

  "sync": ["prettier", "workspaces", "commitlint", "simplehooks"]

Currently supported configuration items

  • prettier
  • commitlint
  • simplehooks
  • workspaces
  • gitignore
  • eslint-ts
  • eslint-vue-ts
  • jest

Future goals: By default, this will include checking the cli's own sync (if it needs to be used outside of monorepo), eslint/style-lint, and interactive cli when not configured

Note: Currently, only dependencies are synchronized and no installation is performed

Interactive initialization of synchronized configuration is also supported

liuli-cli sync init

Design philosophy

  • Conventions outweigh configuration and should be left out if possible. VitePress does the same thing, see: https://vitepress.vuejs.org/#lighter-page-weight This leads to a number of constraints, including the following
    • The entry file must be src/index.ts when packaging the library, and the exit file must be dist/index.esm.js and dist/index.js
    • The entry file must be src/bin.ts and the exit file is dist/bin.js when packaging the CLI.
    • When packaging lib, all dependencies are treated as external dependencies, while when packaging cli, all dependencies are typed into the bundle


Why not bundle external dependencies

The main reason is that we want to leave the bundling to the final application, to avoid bundling the same dependencies over and over again, and to avoid dealing with the problem of using worker_threads directly on the filesystem in nodejs.

Dependencies (22)

Dev Dependencies (13)

Package Sidebar


npm i @liuli-util/cli

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3.82 MB

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Last publish


  • rxliuli