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0.2.5 • Public • Published


World countries


Install a given package with npm or yarn.

npm install @locale-tools/countries

yarn add @locale-tools/countries


There are 2 exports of the countries list, full and truncated (see above).

import {
  countriesExpanded, // full list
  countries // truncated list
} from "@locale-tools/countries";

The full JSON array of all world countries and information about them lives in the countries-expanded.

Each country is represented as an object.

  • name
    • common: common name (in English)
    • official: officially recognized name (in English)
    • native: list of names in the country's recognized languages
      • [key: ISO_639_3]: ISO 639-3 language code
        • common: common name (in native language)
        • official: officially recognized name (in native language)
    • alternates: array of alternate name spellings
  • flag: unicode string flag
  • cca2: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
  • cca3: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code
  • ccn3: ISO 3166-1 numeric code
  • ioc: International Olympic Committee code
  • governance
    • isSovereign: whether or not the country is independent (i.e. is self-governing)
    • governingBody: the country that governs the dependency (undefined if isSovereign is true)
    • isUNMember: whether or not the country is a member of the UN (undefined if isSovereign is false)
    • isEU: (european countries only) whether or not the country is a member of the EU
    • isSchengen: (european countries only) whether or not the country is a member of the Schengen Area
    • isEurozone: (european countries only) whether or not the country is a part of the Eurozone, i.e. whether or not they use the Euro currency
  • languages
    • official: an array of officially recognized languages
      • name:
        • common: the name of the language in English
        • native: the name of the language in that language
      • iso639_3: ISO639-3 language code
      • bcp47: BCP47 tag
      • iso14924: ISO15924 script tag
      • iana: array of assigned IANA tags
      • isExtinct: whether or not the language is no longer spoken
      • isSpurious: whether or not the language is spurious, i.e. questioned if it ever existed
    • spoken: list of ISO639-3 language tags of languages spoken in the country, but are not recognized as 'official' languages
  • geography
    • coordinates: numeric coordinates of the center of the country
      • latitude
      • longitude
    • isLandlocked: whether or not the country is landlocked (not bordering the ocean)
    • capitalCity: a list of capital cities
    • landArea: size of the country in km2
    • region: the region the country is in (e.g. 'americas', 'europe')
    • subregion: the subregion of the country (e.g. carribbean)
    • borderCountries: list of countries by their ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes that border the country
  • locale
    • ietf: a list of IETF locale codes (e.g. en-US)
    • measurementSystem: system of measurement in use
    • drivingSide: driving side
    • hourClock: type of clock used
    • timezones: list of tz database timezones
      • name: name of timezone
      • type: the type of timezone (primary or alias)
      • linkedTo: (if alias) the primary timezone this timezone links to
      • utcOffset: hours offset from UTC
      • dstOffset: hours offset from UTC during DST (if country doesn't observe DST, this is the same value as UTC offset)
    • dateFormats: date formats for each IETF locale
      • key is the IETF locale name
      • value is the date format, where:
        • G = era
        • y = year
        • M = month
        • d = day
    • weekStartsOn: which day is the first day of the week on the calendar
    • distanceUnit: the unit of distance used (kilometer or mile)
    • temperatureMeasurement: the unit of temperature (celsius or fahrenheit)
  • currencies: list of accepted currencies
    • name: official currency name (in English)
    • shortName: the name of the currency itself (e.g. 'dollar' as opposed to 'US Dollar')
    • iso4217: ISO 4217 code
    • isoNumeric: ISO 4217 numeric code
    • symbol: unicode symbol (e.g. '$')
    • subunit: subunit to whole value (e.g. 'cent')
    • subunitToUnit: number of subunits to reach a whole unit value (e.g. 100 cents = 1 dollar)
    • prefix: symbol that prefixes a currency amount (e.g. '$1')
    • suffix: symbol that suffixes a currency amonut (e.g. '1€')
    • decimalMark: symbol that denotes a decimal place
    • decimalPlaces: number of decimal places rounded to
    • thousansSeparator: symbol to denote thousands separation
  • tld: list of top-level domains used
  • idd: international dialing direct info
    • prefix: geographical code prefix (e.g. +1 for US)
    • suffixes: list of suffixes assigned (e.g. 201 in US)
    • callingCodes: list of calling codes (combinations of the prefix and each suffix - e.g. +1201)
  • subdivisions: list of ISO 3166-2 subdivisions of each country
    • name: name of the subdivision in the country's recognized languages
      • [key: ISO_639_3]: ISO 639-3 language code
        • official: official subdivison name
        • common: locally used name variant
        • native: official name in non-alphanumeric script language (e.g. arabic, cyrillic)

There is also a truncated list (src/data/countries.json) that abbreviates and filters out certain data to reduce file size.

Full country list vs. truncated country list

Object countries-expanded.json countries.json
languages.official A list of full language objects A list of ISO639-3 language codes
currencies A list of full currency objects A list of ISO4217 currency codes
locale.timezones A list of full timezone objects A list of tz database timezone names
subdivisions A list of subdivision objects undefined

Note: subdivisions is removed from countries.json because for most countries, it's a huge list and many times isn't needed.


type Country = {
  name: {
    common: string;
    official: string;
    native: {
      [key in ISO639_3]: {
        official: string;
        common: string;
    alternates?: string[];
  flag: string;
  cca2: ISO3166_1_Alpha2;
  cca3: ISO3166_1_Alpha3;
  ccn3: ISO3166_1_Numeric; // enum is keyed by country name
  ioc: IOC | null;
  governance: {
    isSovereign: boolean;
    isUNMember?: boolean;
    governingCountry?: ISO3166_1_Alpha3 | string; // Antarctica is the 'string' exception
    isEU?: boolean;
    isSchengen?: boolean;
    isEurozone?: boolean;
  languages: {
    official: Language[] | ISO639_3[]; // language objects for full, iso639-3 codes for truncated
    spoken: ISO639_3[];
  geography: {
    coordinates: {
      latitude: number;
      longitude: number;
    isLandlocked: boolean;
    capitalCity: string[];
    landArea: number;
    region: Region;
    subregion: Subregion;
    borderCountries: ISO3166_1_Alpha3[];
  locale: {
    ietf: IETF[];
    measurementSystem: "metric" | "imperial"; // also available as an enum (MeasurementSystem)
    drivingSide: "left" | "right"; // also available as an enum (DrivingSide)
    hourClock: "12hr" | "24hr" | "mixed"; // also available as an enum (HourClock)
    weekStartsOn: "friday" | "saturday" | "sunday" | "monday"; // also available as an enum (WeekStartsOn)
    distanceUnit: "kilometer" | "mile"; // also available as an enum (DistanceUnit)
    temperatureUnit: "celsius" | "fahrenheit"; // also available as an enum (TemperatureUnit)
    timezones: Timezones[] | TZTimezone[]; // timezone objects on full, tz names for truncated
    dateFormats: {
      [key in ISO639_3]: string;
  currencies: Currency[] | ISO4217[]; // currency objects on full, iso4217 strings for truncated
  tld: TLD[];
  idd: {
    prefix: string;
    suffixes: string[];
    callingCodes: string[];
  subdivisions: Subdivision[] | undefined; // only available on full list

// subdivision object
type Subdivision = {
  isoCode: ISO3166_2;
  type?: SubdivisionTypes;
  name: {
    [key in ISO639_3]: {
      official: string;
      common: string | null;
      native: string | null;

// ISO3166-1 alpha2 (cca2) codes
enum ISO3166_1_Alpha2 {}
ISO3166_1_Alpha2.AX; // "AX"

// ISO3166-1 alpha2 codes keyed by country name
enum ISO3166_1_Alpha2ByCountry {}
ISO3166_1_Alpha2ByCountry.denmark; // "DK"

// ISO3166-1 alpha3 (cca3) codes
enum ISO3166_1_Alpha3 {}
ISO3166_1_Alpha3.ALA; // "ALA"

// ISO3166-1 alpha3 codes keyed by country name
enum ISO3166_1_Alpha3ByCountry {}
ISO3166_1_Alpha3ByCountry.denmark; // "DNK"

// ISO3166 numeric (ccn3) codes
// this enum is keyed by country name
enum ISO3166_1_Numeric {}
ISO3166_1_Numeric.british_virgin_islands; // "092"

// ISO3166-2 subdivision codes
enum ISO3166_2 {} // ISO3166-2 subdivision codes
ISO3166_2.BT_42; // "BT-42"

// regions
enum Regions {}
Regions.oceania; // "oceania"

// subregions
enum Subregions {}
Subregions.australia_new_zealand; // "Australia and New Zealand"


getCountryNameKey(name: string): CountryKey

Country enum keys are 'simplified' versions of country names, e.g. 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' becomes 'st_vincent_grenadines'.

Parameter Type Description Default
name string The country name to get the key for Required
import { getCountryKey, ISO3166_1_Alpha2ByCountry } from "@locale-tools/countries";

const countryKey1 = getCountryKey("Aruba"); // aruba

// name does not have to be case sensitive
const countryKey2 = getCountryKey("new zealand"); // new_zealand

// partial country names will work too, if found
// in this case, the country name is technically 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha"
const countryKey3 = getCountryKey("St Helena"); // st_helena_ascension_tristan_da_cunha

// you can use the country key to read from the ISO3166 enums
ISO3166_1_Alpha2ByCountry[countryKey1]; // AW
ISO3166_1_Alpha2ByCountry[countryKey2]; // NZ
ISO3166_1_Alpha2ByCountry[countryKey3]; // SH


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  • 0.2.5
  • 0.2.4
  • 0.2.0

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