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Loop CLI


npm install -g @loop-crypto/loop-cli

If you get an access denied error, try running npm install with elevated permissions:

  • Mac/Linux: sudo npm install -g @loop-crypto/loop-cli
  • Windows: Right-click Command prompt, click Run as administrator and then run npm install -g @loop-crypto/loop-cli again


Create a configuration file in a convenient directory, the file can be named anything but must have .txt extension. For example,

  • /Users/<USERNAME>/Desktop/config.txt on a Mac, or
  • C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Desktop\config.txt on Windows.

The name and location of this file is important as it will be passed as a parameter to the specific command you are running (sign, signAndSend etc), so make sure to keep a note of it.

The contents of the file should contain the following key=value pairs:

Key Description
SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY The private key of the wallet address that is configured as the signer wallet in the contract
CONTRACT_ADDRESS The address of the contract the transfer request will be sent to
NETWORK_ID The network ID that the contract is deployed to. See Chain ID's in the Configuration section below to determine which network ID to use
APP_API_URL The URL of the Loop API. See Loop API in the Configuration section below for the URL to use on a specific environment
APP_API_KEY The API key to use to make the API call. This will be sent to you during onboarding
API_ENTITY_ID The entity ID assigned to you that is linked to your API key. This will be sent to you during onboarding, or is available on the company portal on the Developer page.

For example:


NOTE: Values should not contain quotation marks


The sign command

In order to send a valid transfer request to Loop, the request must contain a signature field. This sign CLI command will generate this signature for you by using a combination of the configuration parameters set in the config file, and the fields describing the details of the individual transfer.

The message being signed is made up of 6 fields which represent the details of the transfer itself:

  1. invoiceId - Invoice ID for the payment. Invoiced ID's should be unique per payment
  2. from - The wallet address the funds are coming from
  3. to - The wallet address the funds are going to
  4. token - The address of the token used as payment
  5. amount - The invoice amount. Can either be specified in USD cents, or the native token amount of the token specified in the request. For example, if the invoice amount is $29.99, the amount field would be 2999. See more examples below
  6. usd - A true/false flag indicating whether the amount was specified in USD.

As a result, each of the 6 fields above need to be specified as input to the sign command in order to generate a valid signature. The complete list of available parameter is as follows:

  -c, --config-file-path <value>  Full path to the file containing config information (eg. /Users/<USERNAME>/Desktop/config.txt)
  --invoice-id <value>            Invoice ID for the transfer
  --from-address <value>          Wallet address funds are pulled from
  --to-address <value>            Wallet address funds are going to
  --token-address <value>         Address of the token used as payment
  --amount <value>                Amount to bill. If '--usd' flag is present, specify the amount in USD cents (e.g. 2999 for $29.99). If '--usd' flag is not present, specify the native token amount (e.g. 1000000 for 1 USDC).
  --usd                           [Optional] This option should only be included if the amount is denominated in USD cents. No value is passed with this option, just '--usd' when you want 'true'. If it is not included, it defaults to 'false'
  -d, --debug                     [Optional] Print debug info (default: false)
  -h, --help                      display help for command


  1. Sign a message for a transfer where the token is USDC and the amount is denominated in the native token amount (USDC).
    • USDC on Polygon mainnet has 6 decimal places
    • An amount of 100 USDC is represented as 100 * 10**(token decimal places) -> 100 * 10**6. So the amount value should be passed in as 100000000
    • Note: the --usd flag is not passed since it defaults to false and the amount is denominated in the token amount
loop-cli sign \
    -c ./config.txt \
    --invoice-id=inv_1000 \
    --from-address=0xfc667b40851c3b1e50b31a8e9a206fa7934acf64 \
    --to-address=0xBf754A290cBd1E92041FaD676a331DD35939B1fD \
    --token-address=0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174 \
  1. Sign a message for a transfer where the token is WETH and the amount is denominated in the native token amount (WETH).
    • WETH on Polygon mainnet has 18 decimal places
    • An amount of 0.02 is represented as 0.02 * 10**(token decimal places) -> 0.02 * 10**18. So the amount value should be passed in as 20000000000000000
    • Note: the --usd flag is not passed since it defaults to false and the amount is denominated in the token amount
loop-cli sign \
    -c ./config.txt \
    --invoice-id=inv_1001 \
    --from-address=0xfc667b40851c3b1e50b31a8e9a206fa7934acf64 \
    --to-address=0xBf754A290cBd1E92041FaD676a331DD35939B1fD \
    --token-address=0x7ceB23fD6bC0adD59E62ac25578270cFf1b9f619 \
  1. Sign a message for a transfer where the token is USDC and the amount is denominated in USD cents.
    • An amount of $29.99 should be converted to cents (29.99 * 100) so the amount value should be 2999
    • In this case, the --usd flag must be passed to indicate that the amount is in USD cents
loop-cli sign \
    -c ./config.txt \
    --invoice-id=inv_1002 \
    --from-address=0xfc667b40851c3b1e50b31a8e9a206fa7934acf64 \
    --to-address=0xBf754A290cBd1E92041FaD676a331DD35939B1fD \
    --token-address=0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174 \
    --amount=2999 \


The output of the sign command is the signature that is needed as a parameter for the transfer request.

📝  Generated Signature:  0x00000e022a4a9d04f9c186b98a2787de48f3f53ed80da4f8a03d836e4bf7d1d745d70cddcf2fe25562e51c959720a5bf0662afae57e6c55a0196694e4130e00000

The signAndSend command

This command combines the above signature step with actually submitting the transfer request to Loop. There are additional fields that need to be passed to this command that are required to successfully send a transfer request.


  • The signature must be signed by the wallet address that is saved in the contract
  • The invoice-id, from-address, to-address, token-address, amount and usd combination must be unique from all previous transfer requests
  • The bill-date, if specified, must be a valid UNIX timestamp in seconds. If omitted, it defaults to 0 which indicates that the transfer will be executed immediately*
  • The token-address must match the token the from-address gave the authorization for originally
  • The item-id must be a valid item linked to your entity ID. Initial item ID's will be sent to you during onboarding but will also be available on the company portal
  • The entity-id, if specified, must be a valid child entity ID of the entity ID specified in the config file

If any of the validations fail, the transfer request will not send and return the relevant error message explaining why it failed

NOTE: There is a prompt you have to confirm before the request actually gets sent

The full list of parameters is as follows:

  -c, --config-file-path <value>  Full path to the file containing config information (eg. /Users/<USERNAME>/Desktop/config.txt)
  --invoice-id <value>            Invoice ID for the transfer
  --from-address <value>          Wallet address funds are pulled from
  --to-address <value>            Wallet address funds are going to
  --token-address <value>         Address of the token used as payment
  --amount <value>                Amount to bill. If '--usd' flag is present, specify the amount in USD cents (e.g. 2999 for $29.99). If '--usd' flag is not present, specify the native token amount (e.g. 1000000 for 1 USDC).
  --item-id <value>               Loop Item ID that is associated with the transfer
  --entity-id <value>             [Optional] The child entity ID that the item being billed is linked to. If omitted, the transfer will be linked to the entity ID in the config file
  --bill-date <value>             [Optional] The date the transfer should be executed on, formatted as a UNIX timestamp in seconds. 0 value indicates immediate processing (default: 0)
  --usd                           [Optional] This option should only be included if the amount is denominated in USD cents. No value is passed with this option, just '--usd' when you want 'true'. If it is not included, it defaults to 'false'
  -d, --debug                     [Optional] Print debug info (default: false)
  -h, --help                      display help for command


  1. Send a transfer request for 100 USDC for item 00000556-9315-4b09-ac65-19929e500000
    • The invoice will be executed immediately* because the billDate is omitted
loop-cli signAndSend \
    -c ./config.txt \
    --invoice-id=inv_1003 \
    --from-address=0xfc667b40851c3b1e50b31a8e9a206fa7934acf64 \
    --to-address=0xBf754A290cBd1E92041FaD676a331DD35939B1fD \
    --token-address=0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174 \
    --amount=100000000 \
  1. Send a transfer request for 0.02 WETH for item 00000556-9315-4b09-ac65-19929e500000
    • The transfer request will be executed on Monday, January 30, 2023 3:36:29 PM GMT-06:00 (future date)
loop-cli signAndSend \
    -c ./config.txt \
    --invoice-id=inv_1003 \
    --from-address=0xfc667b40851c3b1e50b31a8e9a206fa7934acf64 \
    --to-address=0xBf754A290cBd1E92041FaD676a331DD35939B1fD \
    --token-address=0x7ceB23fD6bC0adD59E62ac25578270cFf1b9f619 \
    --amount=20000000000000000 \
    --item-id=00000556-9315-4b09-ac65-19929e500000 \
  1. Send a transfer request for $29.99 in USDC for item 00000556-9315-4b09-ac65-19929e500000 for child entity 00000456-637a-11ed-8ba7-06a00de00000
    • The transfer request will be executed on Wednesday, March 8, 2023 3:36:29 PM GMT-06:00 (future date)
loop-cli signAndSend \
    -c ./config.txt \
    --invoice-id=inv_1003 \
    --from-address=0xfc667b40851c3b1e50b31a8e9a206fa7934acf64 \
    --to-address=0xBf754A290cBd1E92041FaD676a331DD35939B1fD \
    --token-address=0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174 \
    --amount=2999 \
    --usd \
    --item-id=00000556-9315-4b09-ac65-19929e500000 \
    --entity-id=00000456-637a-11ed-8ba7-06a00de00000 \


The output of the signAndSend command is the generated signature and the resulting transfer request that got created.

📝  Generated Signature:  0x00000e022a4a9d04f9c186b98a2787de48f3f53ed80da4f8a03d836e4bf7d1d745d70cddcf2fe25562e51c959720a5bf0662afae57e6c55a0196694e4130e00000
prompt: [Y/y] to confirm sending the transfer request to Loop:  Y
Sending signature to Loop...
🙌 Success! The following transfers are created:
    transferId: '000008d1-cbde-47c6-972b-8338bf800000',
    invoiceId: 'ch_1j2IO92eZvKYlo2C0RYzSD7s',
    billDate: 1670971812,
    entityId: '00000456-637a-11ed-8ba7-06a00de00000',
    networkId: 5,
    toAddress: '0x000002BA12aed17BEe075F7AEabC24b98E300000',
    fromAddress: '0x00000ce746f129a9df375af2ddcf909753100000',
    amount: '1000000',
    token: '0x00000ca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa00000',
    usd: false,
    itemId: '00000556-9315-4b09-ac65-19929e500000',
    status: 1,
    decodedSignature: {
      v: 27,
      r: '0x00000d232bcee3b6d12cf7bdf24571b28fc2425bdef15062f23739654fd00000',
      s: '0x00000d844a48c0367fec5ce6a825459443694bd84b6ea051c20548d598200000'


Loop API

Environment Network ID API URL
Production 1 or 137 https://api.loopcrypto.xyz
Demo 5 https://demo.api.loopcrypto.xyz

Ethereum: Network ID's and token addresses:

Chain Network Network ID Token Symbol Token Address
Ethereum mainnet 1 USDC 0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48
Ethereum mainnet 1 WBTC 0x2260FAC5E5542a773Aa44fBCfeDf7C193bc2C599
Ethereum mainnet 1 WETH 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2
Ethereum mainnet 1 USDT 0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7
Ethereum mainnet 1 DAI 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F
Ethereum mainnet 1 BUSD 0x4Fabb145d64652a948d72533023f6E7A623C7C53
Ethereum mainnet 1 FRAX 0x853d955aCEf822Db058eb8505911ED77F175b99e
Ethereum goerli 5 USDC 0x07865c6e87b9f70255377e024ace6630c1eaa37f
Ethereum goerli 5 WBTC 0xC04B0d3107736C32e19F1c62b2aF67BE61d63a05
Ethereum goerli 5 WETH 0xB4FBF271143F4FBf7B91A5ded31805e42b2208d6

Polygon: Network ID's and token addresses:

Chain Network Network ID Token Symbol Token Address
Polygon mainnet 137 USDC 0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174
Polygon mainnet 137 WBTC 0x1BFD67037B42Cf73acF2047067bd4F2C47D9BfD6
Polygon mainnet 137 WETH 0x7ceB23fD6bC0adD59E62ac25578270cFf1b9f619
Polygon mainnet 137 USDT 0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F
Polygon mainnet 137 DAI 0x8f3Cf7ad23Cd3CaDbD9735AFf958023239c6A063
Polygon mainnet 137 BUSD 0xdAb529f40E671A1D4bF91361c21bf9f0C9712ab7
Polygon mainnet 137 FRAX 0x45c32fA6DF82ead1e2EF74d17b76547EDdFaFF89

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