
0.2.4 • Public • Published


A library used for caching data in different levels easily in browsers by specifying validation rules such as lifetime, md5, etc.


To install the package with npm.

$ npm i @lvchengbin/localcache

Then you can use the package in nodejs with require:

const LocalCache = require( '@lvchengbin/localcache' );

As well, you can use it as a ES6 module:

import LocalCache from '@lvchengbin/localcache';

We also provide files for using in browsers directly with <script> tag, you can get it here localcache.js, and if you want to use it in browsers not supporting ES5 syntax, please use localcache.bc.js.


Storing and getting data.

const localcache = new LocalCache( 'local-data' );

localcache.set( 'name', 'localcache', {
    page : true,
    persistent : {
        lifetime : 3600000,
        cookie : true,
        md5 : true
} );

With the code above, a LocalCache instance with a name local-data was created, and a string "localcache" with a key "name" was saved in both page and persistent storage.

Then, try getting data saved in page storage:

localcache.get( 'name', [ 'page' ] ).then( value => {
    console.log( value ); // localcache
} );

Or getting data from persistent storage:

localcache.get( 'name', [ 'persistent' ] ).then( value => {
    console.log( value ); // localcache
} );

And you can also get data from multiple storages with specifying multiple storages in an array like [ 'page', 'persistent' ], and the data will be retrieved in the storages in the array in sequence, if the data has been found in one storage the seeking process would stop, for example, in this case, we can find the data out from page storage, so there is no need to seek the persistent storage any more. The code will be like this:

localcache.get( 'name', [ 'page', 'persistent' ] ).then( value => {
    console.log( value ); //
} );

Storage modes

LocalCache provides three levels storage mode, page, session and persistent, you can get the list with LocalCache.STORAGES. Obviously, you can understand the meaning from their names, and you can specify one ore multiple storage for caching your data. Here is some detail information for these three storage mode:

  • page

    The page mode storage just means storing data only for current page, and data will be store in memory.

  • session

    The session mode storage means that the data will be valid in current session, so the data will be stored in sessionStorage.

  • persistent

    The persistent mode storage means that the data will be stored persistently, generally, it will be stored in indexedDB, but for clients which don't support indexedDB, such as IE9, Android browser < 4.3, the data will be stored into localStorage instead.

Data storing in LocalCache

When you call LocalCache.get method, the data you get is not the original data you stored to LocalCache use LocalCache.set method, it is an object contains multiple properties, and you can use them if you need. Here is the full list of properties in the data that you get:

  • data

    The original data you stored in LocalCache.

  • type String

    The type of the data that you gave while setting it.

  • string Boolean

    For denoting if the data is a string.

  • ctime Number

    The creation time of the data.

  • md5 String

    The md5 value of the data if you set md5 to true while setting data.

  • lifetime Number

    The lifetime of the data if it was specified.

  • cookie String

    The md5 value of the cookie generated while creating the data.

  • priority Number

    The priority of the data.

  • extra

    The extra data of the data, you can add extra data while calling LocalCache.set method.

Validating data

In the example above, because while saving data in persistent storage, in the code, a lifetime was set to the data, and aslo md5 and cookie. That means the data will be checked with these three ways while getting it with the key from persistent storage. But for page storage, no check will need while getting data.

So lifetime, md5 and cookie are the three ways for checking data, they can be used for every storage mode while setting data, and when you want to get data from storages, the data would be checked before being returned, if the data cannot pass the check, it will not be returned and it will be deleted by default, and you can set autodelete: false to prevent the deletion. Here is the details of them:

  • lifetime

    Denoting the lifetime of the data, it should be a number for denoting the lifetime in millisecond. If its value is 0 or false, means there's no need to check lifetime while getting data.

    const localcache = new LocalCache( 'local-cache' );
    localcache.set( 'key', 'value', { 
        persistent : {
            lifetime : 1000
    } );
    // assume that 1 second later
    localcache.get( 'key' ).catch( () => {
        // this function will execute because you cannot get "key" from storage
    } );
  • md5

    If you set md5 to true while setting data, it meas that while getting data, the md5 value should be checked. So LocalCache will help you to calculate the md5 value and you have to specify a md5 while getting data.

     const localcache = new LocalCache( 'local-cache' );
     localcache.set( 'key', 'value', { 
         persistent : {
             md5 : true
     } );
     localcache.get( 'key', {
         md5 : '2063c1608d6e0baf80249c42e2be5804'
     } ).then( data => {
         // get the data
     } );

    * Notice that, if the data you set is not a string, it will be convert to string by using JSON.stringify and then to calculate the md5 value to the string.

  • cookie

    Sometimes, we want to cache the responsed data from server, and reuse it at the next time if we need to rend another request to the server with all same queries. But sometimes, changed cookies would make the response change. Setting cookie to true, then LocalCache will help you to check if there were some cookies changed from the data was set on.

    const localcache = new LocalCache( 'local-cache' );
    localcache.set( 'key', 'value', { 
        persistent : {
            cookie : true
    } );
    document.cookie = 'newcookie=1';
    localcache.get( 'key' ).catch( () => {
        // this function will execute because you cannot get "key" from storage
    } );
  • Custom Function

    You can specify a validate function for checking data and it will execute after checking other ways you added. To return a false means the data doesn't pass the check and its unavailable. The validate function will get two arguments:

    • data the data object storing in LocalCache.

    • result the check result of other checking ways.

    const localcache = new LocalCache( 'local-cache' );
    localcache.set( 'key', 'value', { 
        persistent : {
            lifetime : 1000,
            md5 : true
    } );
    localcache.get( 'key', {
        md5 : '2063c1608d6e0baf80249c42e2be5804',
        validate( data, result ) {
            if( !result ) {
                // the data didn't pass the lifetime and md5 check.
                return false;
            if( new Date - data.ctime > 100 ) {
                return false;
    } ).catch( () => {
        // this function will execute because you cannot get "key" from storage
    } );


LocalCache( name )

To create a new LocalCache instance with "name". The name should be a string and will be used as a part of each key in localStorage and sessionStorage or a part of database name in indexedDB.

new LocalCache( 'a-name-that-you-like' );

set( key, data, options )

To set data into LocalCache. In options, you can specify the Storage modes you want to use with Storage options.

Make sure that the data you want to cache can be serilized with JSON.stringify if it's not a String.

In the argument options, you can set some other items except storage modes.

  • type String

    To give a "type" of the data, you can use it to clean storages.

  • extra String Object Array

    The extra data will be stored together with the data after being JSON.stringify.

const localcache = new LocalCache( 'local-cache' );

localcache.set( 'key', 'value', {
    page : true,
    persistent : {
        lifetime : 86400000,
        md5 : true,
    type : 'api-response',
    extra : {}
} );

localcache.set( 'key2', { name : 'lx', age : 20 }, {
    page : {
        lifetime : 60000 
} );
  • key

get( key, modes, options )

To get available data from LocalCache. You can specify multiple storage modes, and data will be sought in the storage modes you specified one by one until got the available data.

And you can add some options, such as:

  • md5 String

    The md5 value for checking data.

  • autodelete Boolean

    Denoting if to delete the data or not if the data isn't available. Only set it to false if you are really sure that you don't want to delete the useless data.

const localcache = new LocalCache( 'local-cache' );
localcache.get( 'key', [ 'page', 'persistent' ] ).then( data => {
    // got data
} ).catch( () => {
    // no available data
} );

And you can also store the data to a higher storage:

const localcache = new LocalCache( 'local-cache' );
localcache.get( 'key', [ 'page', 'persistent' ], {
    // if the data was found in session storage or persistent storage, it will be stored into page storage.
    page : true,
    // if the data was found in persistent storage, it will be stored into session storage.
    session : {
        lifetime : 60
} ).then( data => {
    // got data
} ).catch( () => {
    // no available data
} );

Return value:

  • An already resolved Promise if has found out available data from one of the specified storages.

  • An rejected Promise if couldn't found available data from specified storages.

delete( key, modes )

To delete data with its "key" in specified storage modes.

const localcache = new LocalCache( 'local-cache' );
localcache.delete( 'key', [ 'page', 'session' ] );

Return value: a Promise.

clear( modes )

To remove all data in one or multiple storages. If the argument is empty, all data in all storages mode will be removed.

Return value: a Promise.

const localcache = new LocalCache( 'local-cache' );
localcache.clear( [ 'page', 'session', 'persistent' ] );

clean( options )

To clean unavailable data storing in LocalCache. By calling this function, LocalCache will ask every storage to check all the data.

By default, only data cannot pass the lifetime and cookie check will be deleted, but you can add some other conditions to judge if a data should be deleted.

Return value: a Promise.

  • priority Integer

    Denoting all data which priority is lower than the number will be removed.

    new LocalCache( 'local-cache' ).clean( {
        priority : 10
    } );
  • length Integer Array

    If the value as an integer, all data longer than the length would be removed, and if the value is an array, data which length is between the first item and the second item of length will be removed.

    const localcache = new LocalCache( 'local-cache' );
    localcache.clean( {
        length : 1000
    } );
    localcache.clean( {
        length : [ 0, 500 ]
    } );
  • ctime Array Integer Date

    If the value is an timestamp or a Date instance, all data created before the time will be removed, and if the value is an array, all date whose creation time between the first and second item of the array will be removed.

    const localcache = new LocalCache( 'local-cache' );
    // remove all data created one day ago.
    localcache.clean( {
        ctime : new Date - 86400000
    } );
    // remove all data created before 2018-01-01
    localcache.clean( {
        ctime : new Date( '2018-01-01' )
    } );
    // remove all data created in last 24 hours.
    localcache.clean( {
        length : [ new Date - 86400000, new Date ]
    } );
  • type Array String

    Denoting to delete one or multiple types of data.

    const localcache = new LocalCache( 'local-cache' );
    localcache.clean( {
        type : 'type1'
    } );
    localcache.clean( {
        type : [ 'type1', 'type2' ]
    } );
  • remove Function

    A function which will execute if the data wouldn't be removed by other conditions. To return a true means to remove the data.

    const localcache = LocalCache( 'local-cache' );
    localcache.clean( {
        remove( data, key ) {
            if( key === 'a special key' ) {
                return true;
    } );

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