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0.0.2 • Public • Published

<message-card> Element

A custom HTMLElement that provides a layout and display functionality for a notification-like message.

Package size: ~11kb minified, ~17kb verbose.

Quick Reference

<message-card open type="info" value="Simple messages can be defined in an attribute" heading="Info"></message-card>
<message-card open type="note" value="Set custom colors by overriding css using part selectors or setting the --primary-color, --background-color, and --font-color properties"></message-card>
<message-card open type="aside" value="Replace icons by setting their parts">
    <img src="custom-message-icon.png" part="message-icon">
    <img src="my-custom-remove-icon.png" part="remove" />
<script type="module" src="/path/to/message-card[.min].js"></script>




  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • Safari (Has not been tested; should be supported, based on custom element support)

Getting Started

  1. Install/Reference the library


HTML Import (not required for vanilla js/ts; alternative to import statement)

<script type="module" src="/path/to/message-card[.min].js"></script>


npm install @magnit-ce/message-card


Vanilla js/ts

import "/path/to/message-card[.min].js"; // if you didn't reference from a <script>, reference with an import like this

import { MessageCardElement } from "/path/to/message-card[.min].js";


import "@magnit-ce/message-card"; // if you didn't reference from a <script>, reference with an import like this

import { MessageCardElement } from "@magnit-ce/message-card";


The <message-card> element packages a standardized message layout with common notification functionality to provide a simple and customizable method of adding messages to the DOM.

For convenience, the element includes functionality for managing "static" elements, which are added to the page once and displayed many times, as well as "dynamic" element, which are added and removed from the DOM, more like a "notification".

Static Elements

The <message-card> element can be used in a way similar to the <dialog> element, where it is defined in static HTML and then displayed using either its open attribute, or the show() and close() functions. This type of usage is useful for messages like errors and warnings, where the message will often be the same for many cases, and does not need to be dynamically generated based on context.


The <message-card> element includes a "close" button that can be used to "dismiss" the message. When this button is selected, the <message-card> element will dispatch a cancel event, to indicate that it was a button click that is causing the effects.

For static <message-card> elements, the only effect is that the open attribute will be removed, causing its display to be set to none by default.

If the element was created with the prepare() or notify() functions - and is therefore being managed internallly - then the cancellation will also cause the element to be removed from the DOM.

duration and Progress

The <message-card> element implements a timeout function that can be used to indicate that a message has been displayed for a set duration. The time, in milliseconds, for the duration of the timeout can be set by assigning a value to the <message-card> element duration attribute.

If a <message-card> element has a duration value set, that <message-card> element will start a timeout when the show() function is called. The progress of that timeout will be represented in the <message-card> element as the value of the duration part, along the bottom of the element. The amount of time left in the timeout will be represented as a percentage value from 100%, decremented down to 0%.

One the timeout completes, the progresscomplete event will be dispatched. If the element is being managed, due to having been a product of the prepare() or notify() functions, it will also dispatch close and remove events, during its deconstruction.


If a <message-card> element has a duration element and is progressing through a timout, it can be paused by calling the pause() function. Suspensions can last indefinitely.

If a <message-card> element is being hovered over, by a pointer, or it becomes focused, that element's timeout will be paused until the mouseexit event or it loses focus, respectively.

Dynamic Elements

The <message-card> element can be added to the DOM dynamically using any standard method for injecting DOM elements into the document, including document.body.append(document.createElement('message-card')), for example.

For conveneince, the element provides static functions that only require a message value and a parent element in order to display a message in the DOM.


The prepare() function creates a <message-card> element, establishes a duration, and indicates to the progresscomplete event handler that it should be removed. The function call returns a reference to the <message-card> element so that the implementer can call show() when it is appropriate.


The notify() function generates a <message-card> element using the prepare() function, and the immediately calls show() on it. This has the effect of immediately adding the element to the DOM and displaying it, acting like a "notification" message.


Parameter Type Description
[message target] [message
parent HTMLElement The parent element that this <message-card> will be appended to.
options MessageCardProperties Set content and details on the <message-card>.


For the most dynamic examples, see the demo


const dock = document.getElementById('dock');
// prepare the message-card now...
const card = MessageCardElement.prepare('This card was added with the static "prepare" function, and will remove itself when the progress bar completes.', dock, { type: 'info' });

// ... display it when you want


const dock = document.getElementById('dock');
// this will immediately show the message-card. It still returns a reference, though.
const card = MessageCardElement.notify('This card was added with the static "notify" function, and will also remove itself when the progress bar completes.', dock, { type: 'info' });


When using the prepare() or notify() functions, options can be assigned to the <message-card> element by passing in a MessageCardProperties object instance as the options parameter. The following values can be set:

Property Name Type Description
value string The message to display in the <message-card> element.
type MessageCardType The type to use as a theme for the <message-card> element.
heading string The heading text for the <message-card> element.
duration number The duration, in milliseconds, before the <message-card> element will dispatch the progresscomplete event.
preventClose boolean If this is true, the close() function will be prevented and all functionality for closing the <message-card> element will be cancelled.
onClose (event?: Event) => void|Promise<void> A function to run every time a close event is dispatched.
onRemove (event?: Event) => void|Promise<void> A function to run every time a remove event is dispatched.
onProgressComplete (event?: Event) => void|Promise<void> A function to run every time a progresscomplete event is dispatched.

Types and Customization

The type attribute can be used to apply themes to the <message-card> element. Setting type to any of the type values listed below will apply that types color. For convenience, different colors have been selected for light and dark modes and will be automatically applied based on media queries. Both light and dark colors are listed here.

Type Value Light Color Dark Color Expected Usage
info #0184db #3baee9 Informational messages
success #20a453 #4fc872 Indicate user success
warning #f0cb52 #f0cb52 Warnings before user actions
error #db283b #e95a5c Alert that an error has occurred
aside #1f3cd0 #3760ff Secondary messaging
note #db8630 #e9ac60 Reminders and descriptions
report #4d5168 #707177 Results and logging


Attribute Name Description
open When toggled on, or present, invokes the show() function. When toggled off, invokes the close() function.
value Set the message to display in the <message-card> element.
type Set a theme for the <message-card> element.
heading Set the heading of the <message-card> element.
duration Set the amount of time, in milliseconds, for the <message-card> element's timer to ellapse before the progresscomplete event is dispatched.
prevent-close Override the default behavior and prevent the close functionality from occurring.


In script, the <message-card> element exposes the following properties on the MessageCard object:

Property Name Description
value Set the message to display in the <message-card> element.
duration Set the amount of time, in milliseconds, for the <message-card> element's timer to ellapse before the progresscomplete event is dispatched.


The <message-card> element uses the part attribute to expose its shadow DOM content to the light DOM both for styling and selecting in javascript.

Name Description
message-icon The icon displayed in the <message-card> element, alongside the message.
header A title area, above the message in the <message-card> element.
heading The heading text displayed in the header part.
message The element where the <message-card> element's message is rendered.
close-button A button that cancels the <message-card> element.
close-icon An icon on the close-button part that indicates "close".
duration The <progress> element that indicates the <message-card> element's timeout progress.

findPart() and getPart()

In addition to being able to select an element from the <message-card> element's shadowRoot reference, this element provides a function for selecting one of its parts by using the findPart() function.

In this example, the same part is selected with the default shadowRoot reference, and by using the findPart() function:

const taskCard = document.querySelector('message-card');
taskCard.findPart('close-button').addEventListener('click', (event) =>
    // queries the shadowRoot for an element with a part attribute of "close-button"
taskCard.shadowRoot.querySelector('[part="close-button"]').addEventListener('click', (event) =>
    // queries the shadowRoot for an element with a part attribute of "close-button"

(note: these two calls do exactly the same thing)

If one of this element's parts are going to be referenced frequently, the <message-card> element's getPart() function can be used instead.

With getPart(), the element will be cached in RAM for immediate access witout having to perform a DOM query on the shadowRoot.

const taskCard = document.querySelector('message-card');
taskCard.getPart('close-button').addEventListener('click', (event) =>
    // gets cached element and, if null: queries the shadowRoot for an element with a part attribute of "close-button"
taskCard.shadowRoot.querySelector('[part="close-button"]').addEventListener('click', (event) =>
    // queries the shadowRoot for an element with a part attribute of "close-button"

(note: these two calls do two different things)

For event-based or initialization code, findPart() should be fine for performance. But if the <message-card> element is going to be updated multiple times in a row, the getPart() function will provide a smoother experience.


The <message-card> element exposes the following slots:

Name Description Default Element
message-icon SVGElement An icon to help identify the content of the message.
heading HTMLSpanElement A title for the message.
[Default] Slot that holds the message. (note: this slot has no name; all children of the <message-card> element that do not have a slot attribute will be placed in this default slot.) [empty]
close-icon SVGElement An icon to indicate "close".

Additional Functions

Function Description
startTimeout() If the duration attribute is set to a value higher than zero, this function will begin progress on the <message-card> element's timeout.
pauseTimeout() If a timeout is currently running, this function will pause the timeout.
resumeTimeout() If a timeout is currently running and paused, this funtion will resume the timeout.
endTimeout() If a timeout is currently running, this function will end and deconstruct the timeout.


The <message-card> element dispatches events to indicate when an automatic DOM manipulation has occurred, as well as when a user has indicated that they want to dismiss the <message-card> element.

The following events are dispatched by the <message-card> element:

Event Name Description
open Dispatched when the <message-card> element's open attribute is toggled on.
close Dispatched when the <message-card> element's open attribute is toggled off.
cancel Dispatched when the <message-card> element's "close" button is selected.
progresscomplete Dispatched when the <message-card> element's duration timeout has elapsed.
remove Dispatched when the <message-card> element is removed from the DOM.


Each of the elements in the <message-card> element's shadowRoot can be selected for styling, directly, by using the ::part() selector.

In this example, the message part is being selected for styling:

    /* styling */

For a list of all part names, see the parts section.

CSS Properties

The <message-card> element also makes use of css properties (variables) to facilitate color customization. The following css properties can be used to style the icon elements:

CSS Property Name Description
--primary-color The color that will be used for the border, the default icon's fill, the heading text, and the "close" button's icon.
--background-color The color of the card's background.
--background-color The color of the message font.


This library is in the public domain. You do not need permission, nor do you need to provide attribution, in order to use, modify, reproduce, publish, or sell it or any works using it or derived from it.

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npm i @magnit-ce/message-card

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