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I searched and searched but could not find it..!! I was busy looking for a react native package that could help with creating a multi-step formik and yup forms but i could not find one. Once i was convinced i could not find one, i sought to create it and make it available to others so that others after me could have their lives easier. So i created this library out of need, should you find it useful, that will put a smile on my face...


npm i @manatsa/simple-react-native-formik-wizard --save



The package uses its own input components, also included in the package. The availed input components are: the comprehensive list of available input components are listed below:

  • AppForm - the form component that wraps all other input components Props are:
    1. initialValues - the initial values of the form, passed internally by the FormikStepper component.
    2. validationSchema - Yup validationSchema passed internally by the FormikStepper Component.
    3. onSubmit - The function to execute when next/save button is clicked, supplied internally by the FormikStepper component.
  • AppFormPicker - single select picker component. Its props are:
    1. name * - the name of the variable that holds selected option, exactly as is in initialValues array.
    2. label * - the prompt describing what the user is exped to do.
    3. items * - the items to display on the picker. should be in the format {label:x, value:y} where label is the data shown to user and value is the data return on selection.
    4. icon - the name of the icon to show next to the picker (optional, uses MaterialIcons from react-native-vector-icons).
    5. callback - a callback to get the value of selected option for use like to show or hide other components (optional)
  • AppFormNumberInput - number input component. Its props are:
    1. name * - the name of the variable that holds selected option, exactly as is in initialValues array.
    2. label * - the prompt describing what the user is exped to do.
  • AppFormField - simple text input component, wraps around react native's TextInput component. All the props for TextInput component can be passed to it. Specific props required are:
    1. name * - the name of the variable that holds typed data, exactly as is in initialValues array.
    2. label * - the prompt describing what the user is exped to do.
  • AppSubmitButtonSmall - a small submit button component used to move to the next step or submit the whole form. Its props are:
    1. title - the title of the button
    2. backgroundColor - string representing a background color eg. '#eee' or 'green' (optional).
    3. textColor - text color string (optional).
    4. textSize - text size as a number (optional);
  • AppFormCheckBoxes - component for multi-select checkboxes. Its props are:
    1. name * - the name of the variable that holds selected options, exactly as is in initialValues array.
    2. label * - the prompt describing what the user is exped to do.
    3. items * - the items to display on the picker. should be in the format {label:x, value:y} where label is the data shown to user and value is the data return on selection.
    4. boxColor - color for the box on each checkbox (optional)
    5. checkedColor - color string for the checkmark when checkbox is selected. (optional)
    6. unCheckedColor - color string for when the checkbox is not selected. (optional)
    7. boxSize - the size of each size of the checkbox box, default is 30 density pixels. (optional)
    8. labelPosition - determines whether to place label before or after each checkbox box. Its should be either start or end.
  • AppFormRadio - component for radiobuttons. Its props are:
    1. name * - the name of the variable that holds selected option, exactly as is in initialValues array.
    2. label * - the prompt describing what the user is exped to do.
    3. items * - the items to display on the picker. should be in the format {label:x, value:y} where label is the data shown to user and value is the data return on selection.
  • AppFormSwitch - the wrapper component for a custom made switch. Its props are:
    1. name * - the name of the variable that holds selected options, exactly as is in initialValues array.
    2. label * - the prompt describing what the user is exped to do.
  • AppSubmitButton - A submit button component that takes 100% width. its props are the same as the AppSubmitButtonSmall.
  • AppFormSingleCheckBox - the custom checkbox component wrapper. Its props are:
    1. name * - the name of the variable that holds the value, exactly as is in initialValues array.
    2. label * - the prompt describing what the user is exped to do.
    3. All other props on AppFormCheckBoxes

Steps to take - below is an example

  1. Create a parent component that will hold the data collected from the form. The component should also have a state variable eg. mergedValues and its setter function, say, setMergedValues.
  2. Create an initalValues array of objects, each array element representing initialValues of a corresponding step.
  3. Create an array of validationSchema objects, each element representing validation schema for a corresponding step.
  4. Create the steps components, the ones that will be executed for each step in the multi-step form.
  5. Create an object with keys 0...n where n is number-of-steps - 1, and values which are ReactNode references for each step.
  6. Create an array of strings of discriptions/labels of each step (these descriptions are like labels to each step). The number of labels should tally with the number of steps.
  7. create an onSubmit method that receives the final values as an object.


  • create parent component and create a state variable and its setter.

     export default function Example(){
      const [mergedValues, setMergedValues] = useState({});
  • Create an initalValues array of objects and validationSchema array:

const initialValues = [
    fullName: "", // text field
    gender: "", // picker component
    category: 0, // Number input component
    isItTrue: false, // switch component
    progLang: [], // multiselect checkboxes
    hobby: "", //radio

const validationSchema = [
    fullName: yup
        "please enter fullname",
        (name: any) => name && name.split(" ").length > 1
    gender: yup.string().required("required"),
    category: yup.number().min(1, "Number to be positive"),
    progLang: yup.array().length(2, "Array must have at least 2 items"),
  • create step components using the provided input component wrappers (buttons, textfeld, radio buttons, etc. ), the step components should have exactly the following signature:
  import {
  FormikStepper, // main stepper component
  AppForm, // the form component that wraps all other input components
  AppFormPicker, // picker component
  AppFormNumberInput, // number input component
  AppFormField,  // simple text input component
  AppSubmitButtonSmall, // a small submit button component
  AppFormCheckBoxes, // component for multi-select checkboxes
  AppFormRadio, // compinent for checkboxes
  } from "@manatsa/simple-react-native-formik-wizard";

  const Step1 = ({ initValues, validationSchema, onNextStep, onBack }) => {
      const genderOptions = [
          { label: "Male", value: "0" },
          { label: "Female", value: "1" },
          { label: "Other", value: "2" },
      return (
          <AppFormField name={"fullName"} label={"Your full name"} />
              label={"select gender"}

          <AppFormSwitch name={"isItTrue"} label={"Accept Terms"} />
          <AppFormNumberInput name={"category"} label={"Select category number"} />

              style={{ width: "100%", alignItems: "flex-end", paddingHorizontal: 10 }}
              <AppSubmitButtonSmall title={"Next"} /> // you can warp it inside a view to position it
  • and then step 2:

    const Step2 = ({ initValues, validationSchema, onNextStep, onBack }) => {
      const progLangOptions = [
        { label: "Javascript", value: "0" },
        { label: "Typescript", value: "1" },
        { label: "Java", value: "2" },
        { label: "VB.Net", value: "3" },
        { label: "C#", value: "4" },
        { label: "C++", value: "5" },
      const hobbiesOptions = [
        { label: "Music", value: "0" },
        { label: "Sports", value: "1" },
      return (
            label={"Select favorite Language"}
            label={"Select hobby"}
              width: "100%",
              marginHorizontal: 30,
              flexDirection: "row",
              justifyContent: "space-around",
            <AppButtonSmall title={"Back"} onPress={onBack} />
            <AppSubmitButtonSmall title={"Save"} />
    • create an object with ReactNode values:

      const steps = { 0: Step1, 1: Step2 };
    • create an array of string labels:

      const stepLabels = ["Step 1", "Step 2"];
    • create an onSubmit method that receives the final values as an object:

      const submit = (values: []) => {
  • implement the return method of the parent component:

return (


  • component props:
    1. steps * - an object with keys as numbers from 0..n and values as React native component to be executed for each step.
    2. stepLabels * - an array of string labels for each step. Size of this array must be equal tolength of steps keys array.
    3. InitialValues * - the array of objects of initial values corresponding to each step.
    4. validationSchema * - the array of Yup validation schemas corresponding to each step.
    5. mergedValues * - a state variable used for the internal working of the multi-step engine.
    6. setMergedValues * - a mergedValues setter function/method,
    7. onSubmit * - the function/method to execute when the form is ready for submission.
    8. completedStepColor - optional color for a completed step (string)
    9. defaultStepColor - optional default color for steps (string)
    10. completedStepNumberColor - optional color for completed steps numbers (string).
    11. defaultStepNumberColor - optional default color for step numbers (string)
    12. activeStepColor - optional color for active step (string)
    13. labelFontSize - optional font size for step labels. (number)
    14. stepNumberFontSize - optional font size of step numbers (number)

Full example

// more imports as necessary
import {
  FormikStepper, // main stepper component
  AppForm, // the form component that wraps all other input components
  AppFormPicker, // picker component
  AppFormNumberInput, // number input component
  AppFormField,  // simple text input component
  AppSubmitButtonSmall, // a small submit button component
  AppFormCheckBoxes, // component for multi-select checkboxes
  AppFormRadio, // component for radiobuttons
  } from "@manatsa/simple-react-native-formik-wizard";

export default function Example() {
  const [mergedValues, setMergedValues] = useState({});

  const submit = (values: []) => {

  const initialValues = [
      fullName: "", // text field
      gender: "", // picker component
      category: 0, // Number input component
      isItTrue: false, // switch component
      progLang: [], // multiselect checkboxes
      hobby: "", //radio

  const validationSchema = [
      fullName: yup
          "please enter fullname",
          (name: any) => name && name.split(" ").length > 1
      gender: yup.string().required("required"),
      category: yup.number().min(1, "Number to be positive"),
      progLang: yup.array().length(2, "Array must have at least 2 items"),

  const steps = { 0: Step1, 1: Step2 };

  const stepLabels = ["Step 1", "Step 2"];

  return (

// Now create first step
const Step1 = ({ initValues, validationSchema, onNextStep, onBack }) => {
  const genderOptions = [
    { label: "Male", value: "0" },
    { label: "Female", value: "1" },
    { label: "Other", value: "2" },
  return (
      <AppFormField name={"fullName"} label={"your full name"} />
        label={"select gender"}

      <AppFormSwitch name={"isItTrue"} label={"Accept Terms"} />
      <AppFormNumberInput name={"category"} label={"Select category number"} />

        style={{ width: "100%", alignItems: "flex-end", paddingHorizontal: 10 }}
        <AppSubmitButtonSmall title={"Next"} />

// Now create second step
// NB onBack is needed for each step that is not the first one, for navigation back to previous step
const Step2 = ({ initValues, validationSchema, onNextStep, onBack }) => {
  const progLangOptions = [
    { label: "Javascript", value: "0" },
    { label: "Typescript", value: "1" },
    { label: "Java", value: "2" },
    { label: "VB.Net", value: "3" },
    { label: "C#", value: "4" },
    { label: "C++", value: "5" },
  const hobbiesOptions = [
    { label: "Music", value: "0" },
    { label: "Sports", value: "1" },
  return (
        label={"Select favorite Language"}
        label={"Select hobby"}

          width: "100%",
          marginHorizontal: 30,
          flexDirection: "row",
          justifyContent: "space-around",
        <AppButtonSmall title={"Back"} onPress={onBack} />
        <AppSubmitButtonSmall title={"Save"} />

Good luck. Reach out should you need help and contibuting is most welcome


MIT license


Manatsa Chinyeruse


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