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1.0.2 • Public • Published


A double linked list library. Fast and small no external dependencies


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1. API

The linked list (List<T>) is a chain of individual items Item<T>

An Item type is just a narrowed List type

The typedecl of an List:

type List<T> = null | { // list can have no items, in that case they have the value null
    prev: List<T>;   // prev item in the list
    next: List<T>;   // next item in the list
    value: T; // value wrapped by this list element

an Element is a a List<T> but narrowed, null value excluded

type Item<T> = Exclude<List<T>, null>;

1.1. Utility functions from and value

Although you can create the list js objects manually there are 2 utility functions to help wrap a value in a list item or to extract a value from a list item:

1.1.1. from

Wrapping a value in a List item:

const item = from({ firstName:'John', lastName: 'Smith' });
// item can be a root of a linked list

1.1.2. value

Exctracting a value from a list item:

const item = from({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Smith' });
const actual = value(item);
// -> will return reference to { firstName:'John', lastName: 'Smith' }

1.2. insertAfter

Peformance: O(1)

Add an element item right after the element pointed to by list (list is a superset of item).

What is returned is the newly added item integrated into the list.


function insertAfter<T>(list: List<T>, item: Item<T>): List<T>;


  let root = from(1); // list with 1 element
  insertAfter(root, from(2));
  // "2" will be inserted after "1"
  insertAfter(root, from(3));
  // "3" will be inserted after "1" and before "2"

1.3. insertBefore

Performance: O(1)

Add an element item right before the element pointed to by list (list is a superset of item).

What is returned is the newly added item integrated into the list.


function insertBefore<T>(list: List<T>, item: Item<T>): List<T>;


  const root = from(1); // list with 1 element, root points to element "1"
  const root2 = insertBefore(root, from(2));  // "2" will be before before "1" and become the new root of the list

  // NB: root still points to element "1"
  // NB: root2 points to element "2"
  const elt3 = insertBefore(root, from(3)); // "3" will be  inserted before before "1" and after "2"

1.4. first

Find the first element in a linked list by walking back from the element you passed to first function.

Performance: O(n)


function first<T>(list: List<T>): List<T>;


let root = from(3);
const obj3 =  root; // remember reference to "3"
root = insertBefore(root, from(2));
root = insertBofere(root, from(1));

const start =  first(obj3);
// start will have the same refere"nce to "1" an as root;

// will return null;

1.5. last

Performance: O(n)

Find the last element in a linked list by walking forward from the element you passed to last function.


function last<T>(list: List<T>): List<T>;


let root = from(3);
root = insertBefore(root, from(2));
const obj2 = root; // keep reference to "root"
root = insertBofere(root, from(1));
const end =  last(obj2);
// end will point to "3"
const end2 = last(root);
// end2 will point to "3"
// will return null

1.6. countFrom

Performance: O(n)

Count the number of elements in the linked list starting from the position passed as argument to countFrom


function countFrom<T>(list: List<T>): number;


let root = from(3);
root = insertBefore(root, from(2));
const obj2 = root; // keep reference to "root"
root = insertBofere(root, from(1));

countFrom(root); // will count 3 elements
countFrom(obj2); // will count 2 elements
conntFrom(null); // will count 0 elements

1.7. splice

Slice a List into 2 Lists at the point of Item reference.


function splice<T>(item: Item<T> | List<T>): List<T>;
  1. splits all elements item and above to a new list with item as the root of the new list.
  2. the ref pointed to by item.prev will be last item in the previous list.


const root1 = from(1);
const itm2 = from(2);
const itm3 = from(3);
const itm4 = from(4);

insertAfter(root1, itm2);
insertAfter(itm2, itm3);
insertAfter(itm3, itm4);

// now we have a sequence "1" , "2", "3", "4", where "1" is the root

const root2 = splice(itm3);
// root2 will be the sequence "3" , "4"

// root1 will be the sequence "1", "2"

1.8. toArr

Convert the List to an javascript Array.


export function toArr<T>(list: List<T>, take: number = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ): T[] 

take is optional second argument, it takes all linked element value's above the list element refeenced by list.


const root1 = from(1);
const itm2 = from(2);
const itm3 = from(3);
const itm4 = from(4);

insertAfter(root1, itm2);
insertAfter(itm2, itm3);
insertAfter(itm3, itm4);

// now we have a sequence "1" , "2", "3", "4", where "1" is the root

toArr(root1, 2);
// -> will return array [1,2]

// -> will return array [1,2,3,4]

// -> will return array [3,4]


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