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1.0.6 • Public • Published

point-cluster npm version

point-cluster is a 2D Cartesian coordinate clustering library derived from supercluster. supercluster uses geospatial points designed for Earth's curved surface, but this introduces distortions when applied to 2D spaces. These distortions occur because geospatial systems scale distances inconsistently, especially near the poles, making clustering radii inaccurate.

point-cluster removes these geospatial constraints, ensuring accurate and consistent clustering in 2D Cartesian applications. Whether for flat maps, floor plans, or other 2D visualizations, it delivers high performance and flexibility for interactive zoomable visualizations.


Install via npm:

npm install @martini024/point-cluster


import { PointCluster } from '@martini024/point-cluster';

const points = [
  { coordinates: [10, 20], properties: {} },
  { coordinates: [15, 25], properties: {} },
  { coordinates: [30, 40], properties: {} },

const cluster = new PointCluster({
  radius: 40,
  minZoom: 1,
  maxZoom: 16,

const clusters = cluster.getClusters([minX, minY, maxX, maxY], zoom);

Configuration Options

Option Type Default Description
radius number 40 Clustering radius in pixels.
minZoom number 1 Minimum zoom level at which clusters are generated.
maxZoom number 16 Maximum zoom level at which clusters are generated.
minPoints number 2 Minimum number of points to form a cluster.
nodeSize number 64 Size of the KD-tree leaf node. Affects performance.
log boolean false Whether timing info should be logged.
scalingFunction (zoom: number) => number 1 / zoom A function that returns the scaling factor for the radius based on the zoom level.
map (props: P) => C undefined A function that returns cluster properties corresponding to a single point.
reduce (accumulated: C, props: C) => void undefined A reduce function that merges properties of two clusters into one.

Custom Scaling Functions

Define a custom scaling function for the clustering radius:

const customScale = (zoom) => Math.pow(2, -zoom);
const cluster = new PointCluster({ scalingFunction: customScale });

Property Map/Reduce Options

In addition to the options above, you can aggregate properties using:

  • map: a function to generate cluster properties from a single point.
  • reduce: a function to merge properties of clusters.

Example of setting up a sum cluster property to accumulate myValue:

const cluster = new PointCluster({
    map: (props) => ({ sum: props.myValue }),
    reduce: (accumulated, props) => { accumulated.sum += props.sum; }

Conditions for correct usage:

  • map must return a new object, not the existing properties of a point, to prevent overwriting.
  • reduce must not mutate the second argument (props).


load(points: Point[]): void

Loads an array of points into the clustering system. Once loaded, the index is immutable.

getClusters(bbox: BBox, zoom: number): (Point | Cluster)[]

For the given bbox array ([minX, minY, maxX, maxY]) and zoom, returns an array of clusters and points.

getChildren(clusterId: number): (Point | Cluster)[]

Retrieves children of a specific cluster at the next zoom level. Throws an error if the cluster ID does not exist.

getLeaves(clusterId: number, limit?: number, offset?: number): Point[]

Returns all the points of a cluster (given its cluster_id), with pagination support: limit is the number of points to return (set to Infinity for all points), and offset is the amount of points to skip (for pagination). Throws an error if the cluster ID does not exist.

getClusterExpansionZoom(clusterId: number): number

Returns the zoom on which the cluster expands into several children (useful for "click to zoom" feature) given the cluster's cluster_id. Throws an error if the cluster ID does not exist.


This project is licensed under the ISC License. See the LICENSE file for full details, including attribution to supercluster.

Example Visualization

Combine with libraries like Three.js or D3.js to create interactive visualizations of clusters. For example, use the cluster output to render dynamic elements on a map or canvas.

Happy clustering! 🚀

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  • martini024