
2.6.1 • Public • Published

Mashroom Storage

Plugin for Mashroom Server, a Microfrontend Integration Platform.

This plugin adds a storage service abstraction that delegates to a provider plugin.


If node_modules/@mashroom is configured as plugin path just add @mashroom/mashroom-storage as dependency.

Then use the storage service like this:

import type {MashroomStorageService} from '@mashroom/mashroom-storage/type-definitions';

export default async (req: Request, res: ExpressResponse) => {
    const storageService: MashroomStorageService = req.pluginContext.services.storage.service;

    const customerCollection = await storageService.getCollection('my-collection');

    const customer = await customerCollection.findOne({customerNr: 1234567});
    const customers = await customerCollection.find({ $and: [{ name: { $regex: 'jo.*' } }, { visits: { $gt: 10 } }], 20, 10, { visits: 'desc' });

    // ...

You can override the default config in your Mashroom config file like this:

  "plugins": {
       "Mashroom Storage Services": {
           "provider": "Mashroom Storage Filestore Provider",
           "memoryCache": {
               "enabled": false,
               "ttlSec": 120,
               "invalidateOnUpdate": true,
               "collections": {
                   "mashroom-portal-pages": {
                      "enabled": true,
                      "ttlSec": 300
  • provider: The storage-provider plugin that implements the actual storage (Default: Mashroom Storage Filestore Provider)
  • memoryCache: Use the memory cache to improve the performance. Requires @mashroom/mashroom-memory-cache to be installed.
    • enabled: Enable cache (of all) collections. The preferred way is to set this to false and enable caching per collection (Default: false)
    • ttlSec: The default TTL in seconds. Can be overwritten per collection (Default: 120)
    • invalidateOnUpdate: Clear the cache for the whole collection if an entry gets updated (Default: true). This might be an expensive operation on some memory cache implementations (e.g. based on Redis). So use this only if updates don't happen frequently.
    • collections: A map of collections specific settings. You can overwrite here enabled, ttlSec and invalidateOnUpdate.



The exposed service is accessible through pluginContext.services.storage.service


export interface MashroomStorageService {
     * Get (or create) the MashroomStorageCollection with given name.
    getCollection<T extends StorageRecord>(name: string): Promise<MashroomStorageCollection<T>>;

export interface MashroomStorageCollection<T extends MashroomStorageRecord> {
     * Find all items that match given filter. The filter supports a subset of Mongo's filter operations (like $gt, $regex, ...).
    find(filter?: MashroomStorageObjectFilter<T>, limit?: number, skip?: number, sort?: MashroomStorageSort<T>): Promise<MashroomStorageSearchResult<T>>;

     * Return the first item that matches the given filter or null otherwise.
    findOne(filter: MashroomStorageObjectFilter<T>): Promise<MashroomStorageObject<T> | null | undefined>;

     * Insert one item
    insertOne(item: T): Promise<MashroomStorageObject<T>>;

     * Update the first item that matches the given filter.
    updateOne(filter: MashroomStorageObjectFilter<T>, propertiesToUpdate: Partial<MashroomStorageObject<T>>): Promise<MashroomStorageUpdateResult>;

     * Update multiple entries
    updateMany(filter: MashroomStorageObjectFilter<T>, propertiesToUpdate: Partial<MashroomStorageObject<T>>): Promise<MashroomStorageUpdateResult>;

     * Replace the first item that matches the given filter.
    replaceOne(filter: MashroomStorageObjectFilter<T>, newItem: T): Promise<MashroomStorageUpdateResult>;

     * Delete the first item that matches the given filter.
    deleteOne(filter: MashroomStorageObjectFilter<T>): Promise<MashroomStorageDeleteResult>;

     * Delete all items that match the given filter.
    deleteMany(filter: MashroomStorageObjectFilter<T>): Promise<MashroomStorageDeleteResult>;

Plugin type


This plugin type adds a a new storage implementation that can be used by this plugin.

To register a new storage-provider plugin add this to package.json:

    "mashroom": {
        "plugins": [
                "name": "My Storage Provider",
                "type": "storage-provider",
                "bootstrap": "./dist/mashroom-bootstrap.js",
                "defaultConfig": {
                    "myProperty": "test"

The bootstrap returns the provider:

import MyStorage from './MyStorage';

import type {MashroomStoragePluginBootstrapFunction} from '@mashroom/mashroom-storage/type-definitions';

const bootstrap: MashroomStoragePluginBootstrapFunction = async (pluginName, pluginConfig, pluginContextHolder) => {

    return new MyStorage(/* .... */);

export default bootstrap;

The plugin has to implement the following interfaces:

export interface MashroomStorage {
     * Get (or create) the MashroomStorageCollection with given name.
    getCollection<T extends StorageRecord>(
        name: string,
    ): Promise<MashroomStorageCollection<T>>;


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