
0.1.45-beta.0 • Public • Published

MBC CQRS serverless framework

MBC CQRS serverless framework CLI package


The MBC CLI is a command-line interface tool that helps you to initialize your mbc-cqrs-serverless applications.


To install mbc command, run:

npm install -g @mbc-cqrs-serverless/cli


mbc new|n [projectName@version]

There are 3 usages for the new command:

  • mbc new
    • Creates a new project in the current folder using a default name with the latest framework version.
  • mbc new [projectName]
    • Creates a new project in the projectName folder using the latest framework version.
  • mbc new [projectName@version]
    • If the specified version exists, the CLI uses that exact version.
    • If the provided version is a prefix, the CLI uses the latest version matching that prefix.
    • If no matching version is found, the CLI logs an error and provides a list of available versions for the user.

To change current directory

cd [projectName]

Run the Development Server

  1. Run npm run build to the build project using development mode.
  2. Open in other terminal session and run npm run offline:docker
  3. Open in other terminal session and run npm run migrate to migrate RDS and dynamoDB table
  4. Finally, run npm run offline:sls to start serverless offline mode.

After the server runs successfully, you can see:

DEBUG[serverless-offline-sns][adapter]: successfully subscribed queue "http://localhost:9324/101010101010/notification-queue" to topic: "arn:aws:sns:ap-northeast-1:101010101010:MySnsTopic"
Offline Lambda Server listening on http://localhost:4000
serverless-offline-aws-eventbridge :: Plugin ready
serverless-offline-aws-eventbridge :: Mock server running at port: 4010
Starting Offline SQS at stage dev (ap-northeast-1)
Starting Offline Dynamodb Streams at stage dev (ap-northeast-1)

Starting Offline at stage dev (ap-northeast-1)

Offline [http for lambda] listening on http://localhost:3002
Function names exposed for local invocation by aws-sdk:
           * main: serverless-example-dev-main
Configuring JWT Authorization: ANY /{proxy+}

   │                                                                        │
   │   ANY | http://localhost:3000/api/public                               │
   │   POST | http://localhost:3000/2015-03-31/functions/main/invocations   │
   │   ANY | http://localhost:3000/swagger-ui/{proxy*}                      │
   │   POST | http://localhost:3000/2015-03-31/functions/main/invocations   │
   │   ANY | http://localhost:3000/{proxy*}                                 │
   │   POST | http://localhost:3000/2015-03-31/functions/main/invocations   │
   │                                                                        │

Server ready: http://localhost:3000 🚀

You can also use several endpoints:


Visit https://mbc-cqrs-serverless.mbc-net.com/ to view the full documentation.


Copyright © 2024, Murakami Business Consulting, Inc. https://www.mbc-net.com/
This project and sub projects are under the MIT License.


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    • koichi.murakami
    • hai.do