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@memoic/native 📱

The adapter for react-native apps

This adapter is optional.

Your fetching will work just fine with only @memoic/core. Only add the adapter if you requires any of the following functionality inside your react-native application

  • Re-fetching on connection loss
  • Re-fetching on app state change (i.e. switching between apps)
  • Re-fetching on focus on specific component

Installation 🧱

Depending on your preferred package manager

# npm
npm install @memoic/core @memoic/native

# yarn
yarn add @memoic/core @memoic/native

# pnpm
pnpm add @memoic/core @memoic/native

Setup / Usage 🛠️

This guide presumes you already have done the @memoic/core setup. If not, please do it first and return here.

// ./App.tsx
import { Memoic } from '@memoic/core'
import { useOnline, useAppState } from '@memoic/native'
import { queries } from 'memoic'

export default function App() {
  useOnline() // enables refetching if user loses connection on reconnect 🛰️
  useAppState() // enables refetching if user switches between apps (app state) 🪄
  return (
    <Memoic queries={queries}>
     {/* Your app code here */}

Last but not least, you can enable re-fetching on focus (i.e. on certain field or even entire screen)

// screens/Profile.tsx
import { useOnFocus } from '@memoic/native'
import { useFocusEffect } from '@react-navigation/native'
import { get } from 'memoic'

export default function Profile({ id ): { id: string }) {
  const { data, refetch } = get('user', [id])
  useOnFocus(refetch, useFocusEffect) // enables refetching on focus 🔎
  // Note, you don't have to specifically use @react-navigation.
  // Can be any focus listener, or you can even create your own, it just needs to accepts a callback as first argument ℹ️

And that's it. You can use the rest of your application just like you normally would with @memoic/core




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  • samuelhulla