This is the Merge API, Inc. SDK client for Typescript. It utilizes Fetch API to make requests to Merge on behalf of customers. We recommend only using this module in NodeJS server environments.
Language level
- ES5 - you must have a Promises/A+ library installed
- ES6
Module system
- CommonJS
- ES6 module system
It can be used in both TypeScript and JavaScript. In TypeScript, the definition should be automatically resolved via package.json
. (Reference)
The documentation for various Merge category API's can be found here:
- Accounting
- ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems)
- CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
- HRIS (Human Resource Information Systems)
- Ticketing
Basic Usage
Common to all categories is the Merge SDK Configuration
object, which defines the authentication properties of
your requests. The apiKey
property is the API Key of your Merge account, which can be administered in the
Merge dashboard. The accessToken
property will be the
header which identifies which of your customers' data you are requesting. See the following
examples for calling various category API's:
node-fetch override on Node version < 17.5
This SDK relies on the Fetch API, which is baked into Node starting at version 17.5. For those customers on older versions of Node, we allow you to explicitly set the fetchApi property like so:
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
let test_conf_crm = new Configuration({
apiKey: "REDACTED",
accessToken: "REDACTED",
fetchApi: fetch
You can find the node-fetch package here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-fetch . We have tested that node-fetch @ 2.x.x can be passed in directly on Node version 16.0.0, however later versions of node-fetch or later versions of Node may require additional type adjustments to make it work.
const confAccounting = new Configuration({
apiKey: "REDACTED-YourAPIKeyWithMerge",
accessToken: "REDACTED-YourCustomer1Key"
const accountsApi = new merge_sdk.Accounting.AccountsApi(confAccounting);
// lists the accounting accounts for customer 1
let response = await accountsApi.accountsList({}).catch((reason) => {
const confAts = new Configuration({
apiKey: "REDACTED-YourAPIKeyWithMerge",
accessToken: "REDACTED-YourCustomer1Key"
const candidatesApi = new merge_sdk.ATS.CandidatesApi(confAts);
// lists ats candidates for customer 1
let response = await candidatesApi.candidatesList({}).catch((reason) => {
const confCrm = new Configuration({
apiKey: "REDACTED-YourAPIKeyWithMerge",
accessToken: "REDACTED-YourCustomer1Key"
const contactsApi = new merge_sdk.CRM.ContactsApi(confCrm);
// lists crm contacts for customer 1
let response = await contactsApi.contactsList({});
const confHris = new Configuration({
apiKey: "REDACTED-YourAPIKeyWithMerge",
accessToken: "REDACTED-YourCustomer1Key"
const employeesApi = new merge_sdk.HRIS.EmployeesApi(confHris);
// list all employess reporting to managerId: x for customer 1
let response = await employeesApi.employeesList({
managerId: "REDACTED"
const confTicketing = new Configuration({
apiKey: "REDACTED-YourAPIKeyWithMerge",
accessToken: "REDACTED-YourCustomer1Key"
const ticketsApi = new merge_sdk.Ticketing.TicketsApi(confTicketing);
// list all ticketing tickets for customer 1
let response = await ticketsApi.ticketsList({});
Merge's API tries to unify enum values across integrations for a given category. However, there will be sporadic cases where integration enum values are too unique to be mapped. In these cases, the value will come back as-is. In order to support this behavior, starting in v3.0.0 of merge-sdk-typescript, all enum values will be wrapped in an interface like:
value: EnumValue,
rawValue: string
Where the rawValue
property will be the string from the Merge API, which may be the enum value as-is
from the integration source.
To build and compile the typescript sources to javascript use:
npm install
npm run build
There is a single rough test for the SDK which calls one API from each category. To run it, you must set configuration variables with the relevant API key and access token for each category. Additionally, the HRIS section of the test checks an optional filtering query parameter.
navigate to the folder of your consuming project and run one of the following commands.
npm install @mergeapi/merge-sdk-typescript@3.0.9 --save
unPublished (not recommended):
npm install PATH_TO_GENERATED_PACKAGE --save