Server and api to manipulates files over HTTP.
is a stand alone web server which provides
an api to manipulate a file system over HTTP.
npm i -g mh-cbon/http-file-store
http-file-store 1.0.0
Server and api to manipulate a file system over http
http-file-store --config=/path/to/config.json
--config | -c Path to the JSON configuration file
--port | -p Port of the CLEAR http server, if no configuration is provided.
--verbose | -v Enable verbosity pass in the module list to debug.
The configuration is a plain json object describing several options to
apply to your instance of http-file-store.
"url_base": "/base/url/to/serve/files/ending/with/a/slash",
"upload_path": "/path/to/temp/uploaded/files",
"show_absolute_path": true|false,
"allow_overwrite": true|false,
"allow_delete": true|false,
"configurable_alias": true|false,
"aliases": {
"alias_name": "/path/to/the/directory/to/read/write/files"
"ssl": {
"port": "a number, or null for a random port",
"host": "a host value to listen for https requests",
"key": "a path to an SSL key",
"ca": "a path to the SSL CA file",
"cert": "a path to the SSL cert file"
"clear": {
"port": "a number, or null for a random port",
"host": "a host value to listen for http requests"
"cors": {
"origin": "*",
"credentials": "true|false",
"methods": ['GET', 'PUT', 'POST'],
"allowedHeaders": ['Content-Type', 'Authorization'],
"exposedHeaders": ['Content-Range', 'X-Content-Range'],
"maxAge": 600
The configuration is set via a config.json
file defined from the command line invocation with -c|--config
Setting the root paths to serve
To set the root path of the file system managed via the API, you can define those options:
Set base option
base: "/path/to/serve/"
will define a unique file system entry point to serve.
Note: Internally it is transformed into an alias such {alias:{"":"/path/"}}
Note2: base
and alias
directives are exclusive.
Define multiple alias
Alternatively to the base
directive, you can define an alias
object of path
to serve, such
alias: {
"name": "path",
"name1": "path1",
Doing so enable you to serve multiple root directories.
To fetch the list of aliases, you can query /
To fetch the content of an alias, you can query /my_alias/
and so on.
Other noticeable options
allow_delete: true
Enable a new route to delete files and directories.
show_absolute_path: true
Add a property to the directory listing which provides the full path of the item on the remote system.
allow_overwrite: true
Enable file overwrite capabilities.
configurable_alias: true
Enable a new routes to manage configuration aliases from the API.
upload_path: "/path/to/save/tmp/uploaded/files"
Defines the path of the directory to write temporary uploaded files.
url_base: "/base/url/of/api/"
Defines the base url from which the API is served. Must end with a /
Pre defined routes without alias
Read root directory content and return it as a JSON object.
GET /:path
Read a path, if it is a directory, returns its content as a JSON object. If its a file, stream its content. Use download=1
to force file download.
POST /:store_path
Provide a field file
to write a file onto the system.
Use overwrite=1
to overwrite an existing file.
Provide name
to create a directory.
DELETE /:path_to_delete
Unlink a file or a directory from the file system. Use recursive=1
to recursively delete a directory.
Pre defined routes with aliases
Returns the list of aliases
as a directory listing.
GET /:alias/:path
Read a path
within given alias
, if it is a directory, returns its content as a JSON object. If its a file, stream its content. Use download=1
to force file download.
POST /:alias/:store_path
Provide a field file
to write a file onto the system.
Use overwrite=1
to overwrite an existing file.
Provide name
to create a directory.
DELETE /:alias/:path_to_delete
Unlink a file
or a directory
within given alias
. Use recursive=1
to recursively delete a directory.
express handlers
can also be consumed as a module of your project.
It provides multiple handlers to use with an express application.
var fileStore = require('http-file-store');
var upload = multer({ dest: config.upload_path });
var app = express();
// list aliases root directories
// but it returns JSON responses for directories.
app.get(config.url_base + "", fileStore.root(config));
// provide a read access, much like serve-static,
// but it returns JSON responses for directories.
app.get(config.url_base + ":alias/*",;
// provide write access, using multer to manage file uploads. + ":alias/*", upload.single('file'), fileStore.write(config));
// provide delete access, using multer to manage file uploads.
app.delete(config.url_base + ":alias/*", fileStore.unlink(config));
// provides aliases management routes
if (config.configurable_alias) {
// list alias object from the config
app.get(config.url_base + "aliases", fileStore.aliases.get(config));
// add an alias to the configuration + "aliases/add/",
bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: !true}), fileStore.aliases.add(config, configPath));
// remove an alias from the configuration + "aliases/remove/",
bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: !true}), fileStore.aliases.remove(config));
http api
can manipulate files based on url path of the query.
A file
Given a route mounted on /read
, and a file some.txt
on the root of an empty
aliased directory ({alias:{"":"/path/"}}
.expect('Content-Type', /text/)
.expect(200, /content/)
When the target path provided within the url path is recognized as a file
the content is streamed to the client.
You may force file download by sending an extra query parameter with the GET request,
.expect('Content-Disposition', /attachment/)
A directory
When the target path provided within the url path is recognized as a directory
the listing of the directory is returned as a JSON object such:
name: f,
type: stats.isFile() ? 'file' : 'dir',
size: stats.size,
mime: mime.lookup(path.join(filePath, f)) || 'application/octet-stream',
atime: stats.atime,
mtime: stats.mtime,
ctime: stats.ctime,
birthtime: stats.birthtime,
// only when config.show_absolute_path is true
absolute_path: path.resolve(path.join(filePath, f))
Given a route mounted on /write
, and a file other.txt
to write
on the root of an empty
aliased directory ({alias:{"":"/path/"}}
.attach('file', 'other.txt')
On successful write, the route handler will return the new listing of the directory, much like a read access:
name: f,
type: stats.isFile() ? 'file' : 'dir',
size: stats.size,
mime: mime.lookup(path.join(filePath, f)) || 'application/octet-stream',
atime: stats.atime,
mtime: stats.mtime,
ctime: stats.ctime,
birthtime: stats.birthtime,
// only if config.show_absolute_path is true
absolute_path: path.resolve(path.join(filePath, f))
When config.json
file is configured to allow overwrite,
"allow_overwrite": true,
You may overwrite a file by sending an extra query parameter with the POST request,
.attach('file', 'other.txt')
A file
Given a route mounted on /delete
, and a file some.txt
to delete
on the root of an empty
aliased directory ({alias:{"":"/path/"}}
On successful delete, the route handler will return the new listing of the directory, much like a read access:
name: f,
type: stats.isFile() ? 'file' : 'dir',
size: stats.size,
mime: mime.lookup(path.join(filePath, f)) || 'application/octet-stream',
atime: stats.atime,
mtime: stats.mtime,
ctime: stats.ctime,
birthtime: stats.birthtime,
// only if config.show_absolute_path is true
absolute_path: path.resolve(path.join(filePath, f))
A directory
You can delete a directory too, if the directory is not empty,
you shall send an extra query parameter
to recursively delete a directory.
On successful delete, the route handler will return the new listing of the directory, much like a read access:
name: f,
type: stats.isFile() ? 'file' : 'dir',
size: stats.size,
mime: mime.lookup(path.join(filePath, f)) || 'application/octet-stream',
atime: stats.atime,
mtime: stats.mtime,
ctime: stats.ctime,
birthtime: stats.birthtime,
// only if config.show_absolute_path is true
absolute_path: path.resolve(path.join(filePath, f))
Configure aliases
When config.configurable_alias
is true, the binary will add new routes to
get / add / remove aliases.
Given a route mounted on /
, retrieve aliases object as of a directory listing
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
Response will be such
name: aliasName,
type: 'alias',
size: 0
mime: 'application/octet-stream',
atime: 0,
mtime: 0,
ctime: 0,
birthtime: 0,
// only if config.show_absolute_path is true
absolute_path: path.resolve(process.cwd(), config.aliases[alias])
Given a route mounted on /aliases
, retrieve aliases object
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
Response will be such
"name": "/path/",
"name1": "/path1/",
Given a route mounted on /add
, you may add a new alias
to the current
configuration by doing a POST request with an alias
and a path
.field('alias', 'name')
.field('path', 'path of the alias')
You may persist the new configuration by sending an extra query parameter with the POST request,
.field('alias', 'name')
.field('path', 'path of the alias')
Returns the new list of aliases as a directory listing
"name": "/path/",
"name1": "/path1/",
Given a route mounted on /remove
, you may remove an alias
of the current
configuration by doing a POST request with an alias
.field('alias', 'name')
You may persist the new configuration by sending an extra query parameter with the POST request,
.field('alias', 'name')
Returns the new list of aliases as a directory listing
"name": "/path/",
"name1": "/path1/",
add range support for file streaming would be great.- multiple file uploads at once
- change write method of the bin from POST to PUT
- use POST to implement mkdir
- provide built in client to consume the API
- finish the tests about aliases management
- make tests independent
Read more
To install it as a service on systemd,
Edit a file under your home such
$ ll ~/.config/systemd/user/http-file-store.service
-rw-r--r-- 1 some some 340 17 mars 16:17 /home/some/.config/systemd/user/http-file-store.service
Change its content to
Description=Http file store
ExecStart=/home/some/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/bin/http-file-store -c /home/some/http-file-store.json
Then use those commands to start / stop / status / enable the service
systemctl -l --user start http-file-store.service
systemctl -l --user stop http-file-store.service
systemctl -l --user status http-file-store.service
systemctl -l --user enable http-file-store.service
To check the logs, user
journalctl --user-unit=http-file-store